QElectroTech  0.70
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright 2006-2019 The QElectroTech Team
3  This file is part of QElectroTech.
5  QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
10  QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  along with QElectroTech. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 */
18 #include "element.h"
19 #include "diagram.h"
20 #include "conductor.h"
21 #include "diagramcommands.h"
22 #include <utility>
23 #include "elementprovider.h"
24 #include "diagramposition.h"
25 #include "terminal.h"
29 #include "diagramcontext.h"
31 #include "dynamicelementtextitem.h"
32 #include "elementtextitemgroup.h"
33 #include "elementpicturefactory.h"
34 #include "iostream"
37 {
38  friend class Element;
40  static void loadSequential(const QDomElement &dom_element, const QString& seq, QStringList* list)
41  {
42  int i = 0;
43  while (!dom_element.attribute(seq + QString::number(i+1)).isEmpty())
44  {
45  list->append(dom_element.attribute(seq + QString::number(i+1)));
46  i++;
47  }
48  }
50  static void loadSequential(const QDomElement &dom_element, Element *element)
51  {
54  loadSequential(dom_element,"sequ_",&sn.unit);
55  loadSequential(dom_element,"sequf_",&sn.unit_folio);
56  loadSequential(dom_element,"seqt_",&sn.ten);
57  loadSequential(dom_element,"seqtf_",&sn.ten_folio);
58  loadSequential(dom_element,"seqh_",&sn.hundred);
59  loadSequential(dom_element,"seqhf_",&sn.hundred_folio);
61  element->rSequenceStruct() = sn;
62  }
63 };
71 Element::Element(const ElementsLocation &location, QGraphicsItem *parent, int *state, kind link_type) :
72  QetGraphicsItem(parent),
73  m_link_type (link_type),
75 {
76  if(! (location.isElement() && location.exist()))
77  {
78  if (state)
79  {
80  *state = 1;
81  return;
82  }
83  }
84  int elmt_state;
85  buildFromXml(location.xml(), &elmt_state);
86  if (state) {
87  *state = elmt_state;
88  }
89  if (elmt_state) {
90  return;
91  }
92  if (state) {
93  *state = 0;
94  }
97  m_uuid = QUuid::createUuid();
98  setZValue(10);
99  setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable);
100  setAcceptHoverEvents(true);
102  connect(this, &Element::rotationChanged, [this]() {
103  for(QGraphicsItem *qgi : childItems())
104  {
105  if (Terminal *t = qgraphicsitem_cast<Terminal *>(qgi))
106  t->updateConductor();
107  }
108  });
109 }
115 {
116  qDeleteAll (m_dynamic_text_list);
117  qDeleteAll (m_terminals);
118 }
124 QList<Terminal *> Element::terminals() const {
125  return m_terminals;
126 }
134 QList<Conductor *> Element::conductors() const
135 {
136  QList<Conductor *> conductors;
138  for (Terminal *t : m_terminals) {
139  conductors << t -> conductors();
140  }
142  return(conductors);
143 }
146 {
147  if (diagram() && !diagram()->isReadOnly())
148  {
150  PropertiesEditorDialog dialog(epw, QApplication::activeWindow());
151  connect(epw, &ElementPropertiesWidget::findEditClicked, &dialog, &QDialog::reject);
152  //Must be windowModal, else when user do a drag and drop
153  //with the "text" tab of ElementPropertiesWidget, the ui freeze, until user press escape key
154  dialog.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal);
155  dialog.exec();
156  }
157 }
162 void Element::setHighlighted(bool hl) {
163  m_must_highlight = hl;
164  update();
165 }
173 {
174  foreach (Terminal *t, terminals())
175  t->drawHelpLine(b);
176 }
184 void Element::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *options, QWidget *)
185 {
186  if (m_must_highlight) {
187  drawHighlight(painter, options);
188  }
190  if (options && options -> levelOfDetail < 1.0) {
191  painter->drawPicture(0, 0, m_low_zoom_picture);
192  } else {
193  painter->drawPicture(0, 0, m_picture);
194  }
196  //Draw the selection rectangle
197  if ( isSelected() || m_mouse_over ) {
198  drawSelection(painter, options);
199  }
200 }
205 QRectF Element::boundingRect() const {
206  return(QRectF(QPointF(-hotspot_coord.x(), -hotspot_coord.y()), dimensions));
207 }
217 void Element::setSize(int wid, int hei)
218 {
219  prepareGeometryChange();
221  while (wid % 10) ++ wid;
222  while (hei % 10) ++ hei;
223  dimensions = QSize(wid, hei);
224 }
229 QSize Element::size() const {
230  return(dimensions);
231 }
238 QPoint Element::setHotspot(QPoint hs) {
239  // la taille doit avoir ete definie
240  prepareGeometryChange();
241  if (dimensions.isNull()) hotspot_coord = QPoint(0, 0);
242  else {
243  // les coordonnees indiquees ne doivent pas depasser les dimensions de l'element
244  int hsx = qMin(hs.x(), dimensions.width());
245  int hsy = qMin(hs.y(), dimensions.height());
246  hotspot_coord = QPoint(hsx, hsy);
247  }
248  return(hotspot_coord);
249 }
254 QPoint Element::hotspot() const {
255  return(hotspot_coord);
256 }
262 QPixmap Element::pixmap() {
264 }
266 /*** Methodes protegees ***/
273 void Element::drawAxes(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *options) {
274  Q_UNUSED(options);
275  painter -> setPen(Qt::blue);
276  painter -> drawLine(0, 0, 10, 0);
277  painter -> drawLine(7,-3, 10, 0);
278  painter -> drawLine(7, 3, 10, 0);
279  painter -> setPen(Qt::red);
280  painter -> drawLine(0, 0, 0, 10);
281  painter -> drawLine(0, 10,-3, 7);
282  painter -> drawLine(0, 10, 3, 7);
283 }
285 /*** Methodes privees ***/
292 void Element::drawSelection(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *options) {
293  Q_UNUSED(options);
294  painter -> save();
295  // Annulation des renderhints
296  painter -> setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
297  painter -> setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, false);
298  painter -> setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, false);
299  // Dessin du cadre de selection en gris
300  QPen t;
301  t.setColor(Qt::gray);
302  t.setStyle(Qt::DashDotLine);
303  t.setCosmetic(true);
304  painter -> setPen(t);
305  // Le dessin se fait a partir du rectangle delimitant
306  painter -> drawRoundRect(boundingRect().adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1), 10, 10);
307  painter -> restore();
308 }
315 void Element::drawHighlight(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *options) {
316  Q_UNUSED(options);
317  painter -> save();
319  qreal gradient_radius = qMin(boundingRect().width(), boundingRect().height()) / 2.0;
320  QRadialGradient gradient(
321  boundingRect().center(),
322  gradient_radius,
323  boundingRect().center()
324  );
325  gradient.setColorAt(0.0, QColor::fromRgb(69, 137, 255, 255));
326  gradient.setColorAt(1.0, QColor::fromRgb(69, 137, 255, 0));
327  QBrush brush(gradient);
329  painter -> setPen(Qt::NoPen);
330  painter -> setBrush(brush);
331  // Le dessin se fait a partir du rectangle delimitant
332  painter -> drawRoundRect(boundingRect().adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1), 10, 10);
333  painter -> restore();
334 }
350 bool Element::buildFromXml(const QDomElement &xml_def_elmt, int *state)
351 {
354  if (xml_def_elmt.tagName() != "definition" || xml_def_elmt.attribute("type") != "element")
355  {
356  if (state) *state = 4;
357  m_state = QET::GIOK;
358  return(false);
359  }
361  //Check if the curent version can read the xml description
362  if (xml_def_elmt.hasAttribute("version"))
363  {
364  bool conv_ok;
365  qreal element_version = xml_def_elmt.attribute("version").toDouble(&conv_ok);
366  if (conv_ok && QET::version.toDouble() < element_version)
367  {
368  std::cerr << qPrintable(
369  QObject::tr("Avertissement : l'élément "
370  " a été enregistré avec une version"
371  " ultérieure de QElectroTech.")
372  ) << std::endl;
373  }
374  }
376  //This attribute must be present and valid
377  int w, h, hot_x, hot_y;
378  if (
379  !QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_def_elmt, QString("width"), &w) ||\
380  !QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_def_elmt, QString("height"), &h) ||\
381  !QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_def_elmt, QString("hotspot_x"), &hot_x) ||\
382  !QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_def_elmt, QString("hotspot_y"), &hot_y)
383  ) {
384  if (state) *state = 5;
385  m_state = QET::GIOK;
386  return(false);
387  }
389  setSize(w, h);
390  setHotspot(QPoint(hot_x, hot_y));
392  //the definition must have childs
393  if (xml_def_elmt.firstChild().isNull())
394  {
395  if (state) *state = 6;
396  m_state = QET::GIOK;
397  return(false);
398  }
399  //Extract the names
400  m_names.fromXml(xml_def_elmt);
401  setToolTip(name());
403  //load kind informations
404  m_kind_informations.fromXml(xml_def_elmt.firstChildElement("kindInformations"), "kindInformation");
405  //load element information
406  m_element_informations.fromXml(xml_def_elmt.firstChildElement("elementInformations"), "elementInformation");
408  //scroll of the Children of the Definition: Parts of the Drawing
409  int parsed_elements_count = 0;
410  for (QDomNode node = xml_def_elmt.firstChild() ; !node.isNull() ; node = node.nextSibling())
411  {
412  QDomElement elmts = node.toElement();
413  if (elmts.isNull())
414  continue;
416  if (elmts.tagName() == "description")
417  {
418  //Minor workaround to find if there is a "input" tagg as label.
419  //If not, we set the tagg "label" to the first "input.
420  QList <QDomElement> input_field;
421  bool have_label = false;
422  for (QDomElement input_node = node.firstChildElement("input") ; !input_node.isNull() ; input_node = input_node.nextSiblingElement("input"))
423  {
424  if (!input_node.isNull())
425  {
426  input_field << input_node;
427  if (input_node.attribute("tagg", "none") == "label")
428  have_label = true;
429  }
430  }
431  if(!have_label && !input_field.isEmpty())
432  input_field.first().setAttribute("tagg", "label");
434  //Parse the definition
435  for (QDomNode n = node.firstChild() ; !n.isNull() ; n = n.nextSibling())
436  {
437  QDomElement qde = n.toElement();
438  if (qde.isNull())
439  continue;
441  if (parseElement(qde)) {
442  ++ parsed_elements_count;
443  }
444  else
445  {
446  if (state)
447  *state = 7;
448  m_state = QET::GIOK;
449  return(false);
450  }
451  }
452  }
453  }
456  epf->getPictures(m_location, const_cast<QPicture&>(m_picture), const_cast<QPicture&>(m_low_zoom_picture));
458  if(!m_picture.isNull())
459  ++ parsed_elements_count;
461  //They must be at least one parsed graphics part
462  if (!parsed_elements_count)
463  {
464  if (state)
465  *state = 8;
466  m_state = QET::GIOK;
467  return(false);
468  }
469  else
470  {
471  if (state)
472  *state = 0;
473  m_state = QET::GIOK;
474  return(true);
475  }
476 }
484 bool Element::parseElement(const QDomElement &dom)
485 {
486  if (dom.tagName() == "terminal") return(parseTerminal(dom));
487  else if (dom.tagName() == "input") return(parseInput(dom));
488  else if (dom.tagName() == "dynamic_text") return(parseDynamicText(dom));
489  else return(true);
490 }
500 bool Element::parseInput(const QDomElement &dom_element)
501 {
502  qreal pos_x, pos_y;
503  int size;
504  if (
505  !QET::attributeIsAReal(dom_element, "x", &pos_x) ||\
506  !QET::attributeIsAReal(dom_element, "y", &pos_y) ||\
507  !QET::attributeIsAnInteger(dom_element, "size", &size)
508  ) return(false);
509  else
510  {
512  deti->setText(dom_element.attribute("text", "_"));
513  QFont font = deti->font();
514  font.setPointSize(dom_element.attribute("size", QString::number(9)).toInt());
515  deti->setFont(font);
516  deti->setRotation(dom_element.attribute("rotation", QString::number(0)).toDouble());
518  if(dom_element.attribute("tagg", "none") != "none")
519  {
521  deti->setInfoName(dom_element.attribute("tagg"));
522  }
524  //the origin transformation point of PartDynamicTextField is the top left corner, no matter the font size
525  //The origin transformation point of ElementTextItem is the middle of left edge, and so by definition, change with the size of the font
526  //We need to use a QTransform to find the pos of this text from the saved pos of text item
527  QTransform transform;
528  //First make the rotation
529  transform.rotate(dom_element.attribute("rotation", "0").toDouble());
530  QPointF pos = transform.map(QPointF(0, -deti->boundingRect().height()/2));
531  transform.reset();
532  //Second translate to the pos
533  QPointF p(dom_element.attribute("x", QString::number(0)).toDouble(),
534  dom_element.attribute("y", QString::number(0)).toDouble());
535  transform.translate(p.x(), p.y());
536  deti->setPos(transform.map(pos));
538  return true;
539  }
541  return false;
542 }
550 DynamicElementTextItem *Element::parseDynamicText(const QDomElement &dom_element)
551 {
553  //Because the xml description of a .elmt file is the same as how a dynamic text field is save to xml in a .qet file
554  //wa call fromXml, we just change the tagg name (.elmt = dynamic_text, .qet = dynamic_elmt_text)
555  //and the uuid (because the uuid, is the uuid of the descritpion and not the uuid of instantiated dynamic text field)
557  QDomElement dom(dom_element.cloneNode(true).toElement());
558  dom.setTagName(DynamicElementTextItem::xmlTaggName());
559  deti->fromXml(dom);
560  deti->m_uuid = QUuid::createUuid();
561  this->addDynamicTextItem(deti);
562  return deti;
563 }
565 Terminal *Element::parseTerminal(const QDomElement &dom_element)
566 {
567  qreal terminalx, terminaly;
568  Qet::Orientation terminalo;
569  if (!QET::attributeIsAReal(dom_element, QString("x"), &terminalx)) {
570  return(nullptr);
571  }
572  if (!QET::attributeIsAReal(dom_element, QString("y"), &terminaly)) {
573  return(nullptr);
574  }
575  if (!dom_element.hasAttribute("orientation")) {
576  return(nullptr);
577  }
578  if (dom_element.attribute("orientation") == "n") {
579  terminalo = Qet::North;
580  }
581  else if (dom_element.attribute("orientation") == "s") {
582  terminalo = Qet::South;
583  }
584  else if (dom_element.attribute("orientation") == "e") {
585  terminalo = Qet::East;
586  }
587  else if (dom_element.attribute("orientation") == "w") {
588  terminalo = Qet::West;
589  }
590  else {
591  return(nullptr);
592  }
594  Terminal *new_terminal = new Terminal(terminalx, terminaly, terminalo, this);
595  m_terminals << new_terminal;
597  //Sort from top to bottom and left to rigth
598  std::sort(m_terminals.begin(), m_terminals.end(), [](Terminal *a, Terminal *b)
599  {
600  if(a->dockConductor().y() == b->dockConductor().y())
601  return (a->dockConductor().x() < b->dockConductor().x());
602  else
603  return (a->dockConductor().y() < b->dockConductor().y());
604  });
606  return(new_terminal);
607 }
614 bool Element::valideXml(QDomElement &e) {
615  // verifie le nom du tag
616  if (e.tagName() != "element") return(false);
618  // verifie la presence des attributs minimaux
619  if (!e.hasAttribute("type")) return(false);
620  if (!e.hasAttribute("x")) return(false);
621  if (!e.hasAttribute("y")) return(false);
623  bool conv_ok;
624  // parse l'abscisse
625  e.attribute("x").toDouble(&conv_ok);
626  if (!conv_ok) return(false);
628  // parse l'ordonnee
629  e.attribute("y").toDouble(&conv_ok);
630  if (!conv_ok) return(false);
631  return(true);
632 }
647 bool Element::fromXml(QDomElement &e, QHash<int, Terminal *> &table_id_adr, bool handle_inputs_rotation)
648 {
650  /*
651  les bornes vont maintenant etre recensees pour associer leurs id a leur adresse reelle
652  ce recensement servira lors de la mise en place des fils
653  */
654  QList<QDomElement> liste_terminals;
655  foreach(QDomElement qde, QET::findInDomElement(e, "terminals", "terminal")) {
656  if (Terminal::valideXml(qde)) liste_terminals << qde;
657  }
659  QHash<int, Terminal *> priv_id_adr;
660  int terminals_non_trouvees = 0;
661  foreach(QGraphicsItem *qgi, childItems()) {
662  if (Terminal *p = qgraphicsitem_cast<Terminal *>(qgi)) {
663  bool terminal_trouvee = false;
664  foreach(QDomElement qde, liste_terminals) {
665  if (p -> fromXml(qde)) {
666  priv_id_adr.insert(qde.attribute("id").toInt(), p);
667  terminal_trouvee = true;
668  // We used to break here, because we did not expect
669  // several terminals to share the same position.
670  // Of course, it finally happened.
671  }
672  }
673  if (!terminal_trouvee) ++ terminals_non_trouvees;
674  }
675  }
677  if (terminals_non_trouvees > 0)
678  {
679  m_state = QET::GIOK;
680  return(false);
681  }
682  else
683  {
684  // verifie que les associations id / adr n'entrent pas en conflit avec table_id_adr
685  foreach(int id_trouve, priv_id_adr.keys())
686  {
687  if (table_id_adr.contains(id_trouve))
688  {
689  // cet element possede un id qui est deja reference (= conflit)
690  m_state = QET::GIOK;
691  return(false);
692  }
693  }
694  // copie des associations id / adr
695  foreach(int id_trouve, priv_id_adr.keys()) {
696  table_id_adr.insert(id_trouve, priv_id_adr.value(id_trouve));
697  }
698  }
700  //load uuid of connected elements
701  QList <QDomElement> uuid_list = QET::findInDomElement(e, "links_uuids", "link_uuid");
702  foreach (QDomElement qdo, uuid_list) tmp_uuids_link << qdo.attribute("uuid");
704  //uuid of this element
705  m_uuid= QUuid(e.attribute("uuid", QUuid::createUuid().toString()));
707  //load prefix
708  m_prefix = e.attribute("prefix");
710  QString fl = e.attribute("freezeLabel", "false");
711  m_freeze_label = fl == "false"? false : true;
713  //Load Sequential Values
714  if (e.hasAttribute("sequ_1") || e.hasAttribute("sequf_1") || e.hasAttribute("seqt_1") || e.hasAttribute("seqtf_1") || e.hasAttribute("seqh_1") || e.hasAttribute("sequf_1"))
716  else
717  m_autoNum_seq.fromXml(e.firstChildElement("sequentialNumbers"));
719  //Position and selection.
720  //We directly call setPos from QGraphicsObject, because QetGraphicsItem will snap to grid
721  QGraphicsObject::setPos(e.attribute("x").toDouble(), e.attribute("y").toDouble());
722  setZValue(e.attribute("z", QString::number(this->zValue())).toDouble());
723  setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable);
725  // orientation
726  bool conv_ok;
727  int read_ori = e.attribute("orientation").toInt(&conv_ok);
728  if (!conv_ok || read_ori < 0 || read_ori > 3) read_ori = 0;
729  if (handle_inputs_rotation) {
730  setRotation(rotation() + (90*read_ori));
731  } else {
732  setRotation(90*read_ori);
733  }
735  //Befor load the dynamic text field,
736  //we remove the dynamic text field created from the description of this element, to avoid doublons.
738  delete deti;
739  m_dynamic_text_list.clear();
741  //************************//
742  //***Dynamic texts item***//
743  //************************//
744  for (const QDomElement& qde : QET::findInDomElement(e, "dynamic_texts", DynamicElementTextItem::xmlTaggName()))
745  {
747  addDynamicTextItem(deti);
748  deti->fromXml(qde);
749  }
752  //************************//
753  //***Element texts item***//
754  //************************//
755  QList<QDomElement> inputs = QET::findInDomElement(e, "inputs", "input");
757  //First case, we check for the text item converted to dynamic text item
758  const QList <DynamicElementTextItem *> conv_deti_list = m_converted_text_from_xml_description.keys();
759  QList <DynamicElementTextItem *> successfully_converted;
760  const QList <QDomElement> dom_inputs = inputs;
762  for (DynamicElementTextItem *deti : conv_deti_list)
763  {
764  for(const QDomElement& dom_input : dom_inputs)
765  {
766  //we use the same method used in ElementTextItem::fromXml to compar and know if the input dom element is for one of the text stored.
767  //The comparaison is made from the text position : if the position of the text is the same as the position stored in 'input' dom element
768  //that mean this is the good text
769  if (qFuzzyCompare(qreal(dom_input.attribute("x").toDouble()), m_converted_text_from_xml_description.value(deti).x()) &&
770  qFuzzyCompare(qreal(dom_input.attribute("y").toDouble()), m_converted_text_from_xml_description.value(deti).y()))
771  {
772  //Once again this 'if', is only for retrocompatibility with old old old project
773  //when element text with tagg "label" is not null, but the element information "label" is.
774  if((deti->textFrom() == DynamicElementTextItem::ElementInfo) && (deti->infoName() == "label"))
775  m_element_informations.addValue("label", dom_input.attribute("text"));
777  deti->setText(dom_input.attribute("text"));
779  qreal rotation = deti->rotation();
780  QPointF xml_pos = m_converted_text_from_xml_description.value(deti);
782  if (dom_input.attribute("userrotation").toDouble())
783  rotation = dom_input.attribute("userrotation").toDouble();
785  if (dom_input.hasAttribute("userx"))
786  xml_pos.setX(dom_input.attribute("userx").toDouble());
787  if(dom_input.hasAttribute("usery"))
788  xml_pos.setY(dom_input.attribute("usery", "0").toDouble());
790  //the origin transformation point of PartDynamicTextField is the top left corner, no matter the font size
791  //The origin transformation point of PartTextField is the middle of left edge, and so by definition, change with the size of the font
792  //We need to use a QTransform to find the pos of this text from the saved pos of text item
794  deti->setPos(xml_pos);
795  deti->setRotation(rotation);
797  QTransform transform;
798  //First make the rotation
799  transform.rotate(rotation);
800  QPointF pos = transform.map(QPointF(0, -deti->boundingRect().height()/2));
801  transform.reset();
802  //Second translate to the pos
803  transform.translate(xml_pos.x(), xml_pos.y());
804  deti->setPos(transform.map(pos));
806  //dom_input and deti matched we remove the dom_input from @inputs list,
807  //to avoid unnecessary checking made below
808  //we also move deti from the m_converted_text_from_xml_description to m_dynamic_text_list
809  inputs.removeAll(dom_input);
810  m_dynamic_text_list.append(deti);
812  successfully_converted << deti;
813  }
814  }
815  }
817  //###Firts case : if this is the first time the user open the project since text item are converted to dynamic text,
818  //in the previous opening of the project, every texts field present in the element description was created.
819  //At save time, the values of each of them was save in the 'input' dom element.
820  //The loop upper is made for the first case, to import the values in 'input' to the new converted dynamic texts field.
821  //###Second case : this is not the first time the user open the project since text item are converted to dynamic text.
822  //That mean, in a previous opening of the project, the text item was already converted and save as a dynamic text field.
823  //So there isn't 'input' dom element in the project, and every dynamic text item present in m_converted_text_from_xml_description
824  //need to be deleted (because already exist in m_dynamic_text_list, from a previous save)
826  delete deti;
829  for (QDomElement qde : QET::findInDomElement(e, "texts_groups", ElementTextItemGroup::xmlTaggName()))
830  {
831  ElementTextItemGroup *group = addTextGroup("loaded_from_xml_group");
832  group->fromXml(qde);
833  }
835  //load informations
836  DiagramContext dc;
837  dc.fromXml(e.firstChildElement("elementInformations"), "elementInformation");
844  if (dc["label"].toString().contains("%") && dc["formula"].toString().isNull())
845  {
846  dc.addValue("formula", dc["label"]);
847  }
848  //retrocompatibility with older version
849  if(dc.value("label").toString().isEmpty() &&
850  !m_element_informations.value("label").toString().isEmpty())
851  dc.addValue("label", m_element_informations.value("label"));
853  //We must to block the update of the alignment when load the information
854  //otherwise the pos of the text will not be the same as it was at save time.
856  deti->m_block_alignment = true;
859  deti->m_block_alignment = false;
868  //#1 There must be old text converted to dynamic text
869  if(!successfully_converted.isEmpty())
870  {
871  //#2 the element information must have label not empty and visible
872  //and a least comment or location not empty and visible
873  QString label = m_element_informations.value("label").toString();
874  QString comment = m_element_informations.value("comment").toString();
875  QString location = m_element_informations.value("location").toString();
876  bool la = m_element_informations.keyMustShow("label");
877  bool c = m_element_informations.keyMustShow("comment");
878  bool lo = m_element_informations.keyMustShow("location");
880  if((m_link_type != Master) ||
881  ((m_link_type == Master) &&
882  (diagram()->project()->defaultXRefProperties(m_kind_informations["type"].toString()).snapTo() == XRefProperties::Label))
883  )
884  {
885  if(!label.isEmpty() && la &&
886  ((!comment.isEmpty() && c) || (!location.isEmpty() && lo)))
887  {
888  //#2 in the converted list one text must have text from = element info and info name = label
889  for(DynamicElementTextItem *deti : successfully_converted)
890  {
891  if(deti->textFrom() == DynamicElementTextItem::ElementInfo && deti->infoName() == "label")
892  {
893  qreal rotation = deti->rotation();
895  //Create the comment item
896  DynamicElementTextItem *comment_text = nullptr;
898  {
899  m_state = QET::GIOK;
900  return(true);
901  }
902  if(!comment.isEmpty() && c)
903  {
904  comment_text = new DynamicElementTextItem(this);
906  comment_text->setInfoName("comment");
907  QFont font = comment_text->font();
908  font.setPointSize(6);
909  comment_text->setFont(font);
910  comment_text->setFrame(true);
911  if(comment_text->toPlainText().count() > 17)
912  comment_text->setTextWidth(80);
913  comment_text->setPos(deti->x(), deti->y()+10); //+10 is arbitrary, comment_text must be below deti
914  addDynamicTextItem(comment_text);
915  }
916  //create the location item
917  DynamicElementTextItem *location_text = nullptr;
919  {
920  m_state = QET::GIOK;
921  return(true);
922  }
923  if(!location.isEmpty() && lo)
924  {
925  location_text = new DynamicElementTextItem(this);
927  location_text->setInfoName("location");
928  QFont font = location_text->font();
929  font.setPointSize(6);
930  location_text->setFont(font);
931  if(location_text->toPlainText().count() > 17)
932  location_text->setTextWidth(80);
933  location_text->setPos(deti->x(), deti->y()+20); //+20 is arbitrary, location_text must be below deti and comment
934  addDynamicTextItem(location_text);
935  }
937  QPointF pos = deti->pos();
939  {
940  m_state = QET::GIOK;
941  return(true);
942  }
943  //Create the group
944  ElementTextItemGroup *group = addTextGroup(tr("Label + commentaire"));
945  addTextToGroup(deti, group);
946  if(comment_text)
947  addTextToGroup(comment_text, group);
948  if(location_text)
949  addTextToGroup(location_text, group);
950  group->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter);
951  group->setVerticalAdjustment(-4);
952  group->setRotation(rotation);
953  //Change the position of the group, so that the text "label" stay in the same
954  //position in scene coordinate
955  group->setPos(pos - deti->pos());
957  break;
958  }
959  }
960  }
961  }
962  else
963  {
964  //This element is supposed to be a master and Xref property snap to bottom
965  if((!comment.isEmpty() && c) || (!location.isEmpty() && lo))
966  {
967  //Create the comment item
968  DynamicElementTextItem *comment_text = nullptr;
969  if(!comment.isEmpty() && c)
970  {
971  comment_text = new DynamicElementTextItem(this);
973  comment_text->setInfoName("comment");
974  QFont font = comment_text->font();
975  font.setPointSize(6);
976  comment_text->setFont(font);
977  comment_text->setFrame(true);
978  comment_text->setTextWidth(80);
979  addDynamicTextItem(comment_text);
980  }
981  //create the location item
982  DynamicElementTextItem *location_text = nullptr;
983  if(!location.isEmpty() && lo)
984  {
985  location_text = new DynamicElementTextItem(this);
987  location_text->setInfoName("location");
988  QFont font = location_text->font();
989  font.setPointSize(6);
990  location_text->setFont(font);
991  location_text->setTextWidth(80);
992  if(comment_text)
993  location_text->setPos(comment_text->x(), comment_text->y()+10); //+10 is arbitrary, location_text must be below the comment
994  addDynamicTextItem(location_text);
995  }
997  //Create the group
998  ElementTextItemGroup *group = addTextGroup(tr("Label + commentaire"));
999  if(comment_text)
1000  addTextToGroup(comment_text, group);
1001  if(location_text)
1002  addTextToGroup(location_text, group);
1003  group->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter);
1004  group->setVerticalAdjustment(-4);
1005  group->setHoldToBottomPage(true);
1006  }
1007  }
1008  }
1009  m_state = QET::GIOK;
1010  return(true);
1011 }
1021 QDomElement Element::toXml(QDomDocument &document, QHash<Terminal *, int> &table_adr_id) const
1022 {
1023  QDomElement element = document.createElement("element");
1025  // type
1026  element.setAttribute("type", m_location.path());
1028  // uuid
1029  element.setAttribute("uuid", uuid().toString());
1031  // prefix
1032  element.setAttribute("prefix", m_prefix);
1034  //frozen label
1035  element.setAttribute("freezeLabel", m_freeze_label? "true" : "false");
1037  // sequential num
1038  QDomElement seq = m_autoNum_seq.toXml(document);
1039  if (seq.hasChildNodes())
1040  element.appendChild(seq);
1042  // position, selection et orientation
1043  element.setAttribute("x", QString::number(pos().x()));
1044  element.setAttribute("y", QString::number(pos().y()));
1045  element.setAttribute("z", QString::number(this->zValue()));
1046  element.setAttribute("orientation", QString::number(orientation()));
1048  /* recupere le premier id a utiliser pour les bornes de cet element */
1049  int id_terminal = 0;
1050  if (!table_adr_id.isEmpty()) {
1051  // trouve le plus grand id
1052  int max_id_t = -1;
1053  foreach (int id_t, table_adr_id.values()) {
1054  if (id_t > max_id_t) max_id_t = id_t;
1055  }
1056  id_terminal = max_id_t + 1;
1057  }
1059  // enregistrement des bornes de l'appareil
1060  QDomElement xml_terminals = document.createElement("terminals");
1061  // pour chaque enfant de l'element
1062  foreach(Terminal *t, terminals()) {
1063  // alors on enregistre la borne
1064  QDomElement terminal = t -> toXml(document);
1065  terminal.setAttribute("id", id_terminal);
1066  table_adr_id.insert(t, id_terminal ++);
1067  xml_terminals.appendChild(terminal);
1068  }
1069  element.appendChild(xml_terminals);
1071  // enregistrement des champ de texte de l'appareil
1072  QDomElement inputs = document.createElement("inputs");
1073  element.appendChild(inputs);
1075  //if this element is linked to other elements,
1076  //save the uuid of each other elements
1077  if (! isFree()) {
1078  QDomElement links_uuids = document.createElement("links_uuids");
1079  foreach (Element *elmt, connected_elements) {
1080  QDomElement link_uuid = document.createElement("link_uuid");
1081  link_uuid.setAttribute("uuid", elmt->uuid().toString());
1082  links_uuids.appendChild(link_uuid);
1083  }
1084  element.appendChild(links_uuids);
1085  }
1087  //save information of this element
1088  if (! m_element_informations.keys().isEmpty()) {
1089  QDomElement infos = document.createElement("elementInformations");
1090  m_element_informations.toXml(infos, "elementInformation");
1091  element.appendChild(infos);
1092  }
1094  //Dynamic texts
1095  QDomElement dyn_text = document.createElement("dynamic_texts");
1097  dyn_text.appendChild(deti->toXml(document));
1099  QDomElement texts_group = document.createElement("texts_groups");
1101  //Dynamic texts owned by groups
1102  for(ElementTextItemGroup *group : m_texts_group)
1103  {
1104  group->blockAlignmentUpdate(true);
1105  //temporarily remove the texts from group to get the pos relative to element and not group.
1106  //Set the alignment to top, because top is not used by groupand so,
1107  //each time a text is removed from the group, the alignement is not updated
1108  Qt::Alignment al = group->alignment();
1109  group->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
1111  //Remove the texts from group
1112  QList<DynamicElementTextItem *> deti_list = group->texts();
1113  for(DynamicElementTextItem *deti : deti_list)
1114  group->removeFromGroup(deti);
1116  //Save the texts to xml
1117  for (DynamicElementTextItem *deti : deti_list)
1118  dyn_text.appendChild(deti->toXml(document));
1120  //Re add texts to group
1121  for(DynamicElementTextItem *deti : deti_list)
1122  group->addToGroup(deti);
1124  //Restor the alignement
1125  group->setAlignment(al);
1127  //Save the group to xml
1128  texts_group.appendChild(group->toXml(document));
1129  group->blockAlignmentUpdate(false);
1130  }
1132  //Append the dynamic texts to element
1133  element.appendChild(dyn_text);
1134  //Append the texts group to element
1135  element.appendChild(texts_group);
1137  return(element);
1138 }
1147 {
1148  if (deti && !m_dynamic_text_list.contains(deti))
1149  {
1150  m_dynamic_text_list.append(deti);
1151  deti->setParentItem(this);
1152  emit textAdded(deti);
1153  }
1154  else
1155  {
1157  m_dynamic_text_list.append(text);
1158  emit textAdded(text);
1159  }
1160 }
1169 {
1170  if (m_dynamic_text_list.contains(deti))
1171  {
1172  m_dynamic_text_list.removeOne(deti);
1173  deti->setParentItem(nullptr);
1174  emit textRemoved(deti);
1175  return;
1176  }
1178  for(ElementTextItemGroup *group : m_texts_group)
1179  {
1180  if(group->texts().contains(deti))
1181  {
1182  removeTextFromGroup(deti, group);
1183  m_dynamic_text_list.removeOne(deti);
1184  deti->setParentItem(nullptr);
1185  emit textRemoved(deti);
1186  return;
1187  }
1188  }
1189 }
1197 QList<DynamicElementTextItem *> Element::dynamicTextItems() const {
1198  return m_dynamic_text_list;
1199 }
1210 {
1211  if(m_texts_group.isEmpty())
1212  {
1213  ElementTextItemGroup *group = new ElementTextItemGroup(name, this);
1214  m_texts_group << group;
1215  emit textsGroupAdded(group);
1216  return group;
1217  }
1219  //Set a new name if name already exist
1220  QString rename = name;
1221  int i=1;
1222  while (textGroup(rename))
1223  {
1224  rename = name+QString::number(i);
1225  i++;
1226  }
1228  //Create the group
1229  ElementTextItemGroup *group = new ElementTextItemGroup(rename, this);
1230  m_texts_group << group;
1231  emit textsGroupAdded(group);
1232  return group;
1233 }
1241 {
1242  if(group->parentElement())
1243  return;
1245  m_texts_group << group;
1246  group->setParentItem(this);
1247  emit textsGroupAdded(group);
1248 }
1258 {
1259  if(!m_texts_group.contains(group))
1260  return;
1262  const QList <QGraphicsItem *> items_list = group->childItems();
1264  for(QGraphicsItem *qgi : items_list)
1265  {
1266  if(qgi->type() == DynamicElementTextItem::Type)
1267  {
1268  DynamicElementTextItem *deti = static_cast<DynamicElementTextItem *>(qgi);
1269  removeTextFromGroup(deti, group);
1270  }
1271  }
1274  emit textsGroupAboutToBeRemoved(group);
1275  m_texts_group.removeOne(group);
1276  group->setParentItem(nullptr);
1277 }
1286 {
1287  for (ElementTextItemGroup *group : m_texts_group)
1288  if(group->name() == name)
1289  return group;
1291  return nullptr;
1292 }
1298 QList<ElementTextItemGroup *> Element::textGroups() const
1299 {
1300  return m_texts_group;
1301 }
1311 {
1312  if(!m_dynamic_text_list.contains(text))
1313  return false;
1314  if(!m_texts_group.contains(group))
1315  return false;
1317  m_dynamic_text_list.removeOne(text);
1318  emit textRemoved(text);
1320  group->addToGroup(text);
1321  emit textAddedToGroup(text, group);
1323  return true;
1324 }
1332 {
1333  if(!m_texts_group.contains(group))
1334  return false;
1336  if(group->texts().contains(text))
1337  {
1338  group->removeFromGroup(text);
1339  emit textRemovedFromGroup(text, group);
1340  addDynamicTextItem(text);
1341  return true;
1342  }
1344  return false;
1345 }
1355 QList <QPair <Terminal *, Terminal *> > Element::AlignedFreeTerminals() const
1356 {
1357  QList <QPair <Terminal *, Terminal *> > list;
1359  foreach (Terminal *terminal, terminals())
1360  {
1361  if (terminal->conductors().isEmpty())
1362  {
1363  Terminal *other_terminal = terminal -> alignedWithTerminal();
1364  if (other_terminal)
1365  list << qMakePair(terminal, other_terminal);
1366  }
1367  }
1369  return list;
1370 }
1382 {
1383  // if nothing to link return now
1384  if (tmp_uuids_link.isEmpty()) return;
1386  ElementProvider ep(prj);
1387  foreach (Element *elmt, ep.fromUuids(tmp_uuids_link)) {
1388  elmt->linkToElement(this);
1389  }
1390  tmp_uuids_link.clear();
1391 }
1400 {
1401  if (m_element_informations == dc) return;
1404  emit elementInfoChange(old_info, m_element_informations);
1405 }
1414 bool comparPos(const Element *elmt1, const Element *elmt2) {
1415  //Compare folio first
1416  if (elmt1->diagram()->folioIndex() != elmt2->diagram()->folioIndex())
1417  return elmt1->diagram()->folioIndex() < elmt2->diagram()->folioIndex();
1418  //Compare the row(in letter pos) in second
1419  QString a = elmt1->diagram()->convertPosition(elmt1->scenePos()).letter();
1420  QString b = elmt2->diagram()->convertPosition(elmt2->scenePos()).letter();
1421  if (a != b)
1422  return a<b;
1423  //In last compare the line, if line is egal, return sorted by row in real pos
1424  if (elmt1->pos().x() == elmt2->pos().x())
1425  return elmt1->y() <= elmt2->pos().y();
1426  return elmt1->pos().x() <= elmt2->pos().x();
1427 }
1433 void Element::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
1434 {
1436  foreach (Terminal *t, terminals())
1437  {
1438  t -> drawHelpLine(true);
1439  }
1440 }
1446 void Element::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
1447 {
1449  foreach (Terminal *t, terminals())
1450  {
1451  t -> drawHelpLine(false);
1452  }
1453 }
1461 void Element::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *e) {
1462  Q_UNUSED(e);
1464  foreach (Element *elmt, linkedElements())
1465  elmt -> setHighlighted(true);
1467  m_mouse_over = true;
1468  setToolTip( name() );
1469  update();
1470 }
1478 void Element::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *e) {
1479  Q_UNUSED(e);
1481  foreach (Element *elmt, linkedElements())
1482  elmt -> setHighlighted(false);
1484  m_mouse_over = false;
1485  update();
1486 }
1494 void Element::setUpFormula(bool code_letter)
1495 {
1496  Q_UNUSED(code_letter)
1499  return;
1501  if (diagram())
1502  {
1503  QString formula = diagram()->project()->elementAutoNumCurrentFormula();
1505  m_element_informations.addValue("formula", formula);
1507  QString element_currentAutoNum = diagram()->project()->elementCurrentAutoNum();
1508  NumerotationContext nc = diagram()->project()->elementAutoNum(element_currentAutoNum);
1509  NumerotationContextCommands ncc (nc);
1511  m_autoNum_seq.clear();
1512  autonum::setSequential(formula, m_autoNum_seq, nc, diagram(), element_currentAutoNum);
1513  diagram()->project()->addElementAutoNum(element_currentAutoNum, ncc.next());
1515  if(!m_freeze_label && !formula.isEmpty())
1516  {
1518  QString label = autonum::AssignVariables::formulaToLabel(formula, m_autoNum_seq, diagram(), this);
1519  m_element_informations.addValue("label", label);
1521  }
1522  }
1523 }
1529 QString Element::getPrefix() const{
1530  return m_prefix;
1531 }
1537 void Element::setPrefix(QString prefix) {
1538  m_prefix = std::move(prefix);
1539 }
1545 void Element::freezeLabel(bool freeze)
1546 {
1547  m_freeze_label = freeze;
1548 }
1555  if (this->diagram()->freezeNewElements() || this->diagram()->project()->isFreezeNewElements()) {
1556  freezeLabel(true);
1557  }
1558  else return;
1559 }
1565 QString Element::name() const {
1566  return m_names.name(m_location.baseName());
1567 }
1570  return m_location;
1571 }
QUuid m_uuid
Definition: element.h:173
void removeTextGroup(ElementTextItemGroup *group)
Element::removeTextGroup Remove the text group from this element, and set the parent of group to 0...
Definition: element.cpp:1257
bool attributeIsAnInteger(const QDomElement &, const QString &, int *=nullptr)
Definition: qet.cpp:200
Item is currently building from a xml description (element)
Definition: qet.h:38
QString baseName() const
QList< QPair< Terminal *, Terminal * > > AlignedFreeTerminals() const
Definition: element.cpp:1355
virtual void linkToElement(Element *)
Definition: element.h:133
QList< Conductor * > conductors() const
Definition: terminal.cpp:677
QSize size() const
Definition: element.cpp:229
virtual kind linkType() const
Definition: element.h:138
ElementsLocation location() const
Definition: element.cpp:1569
void freezeNewAddedElement()
Element::freezeNewAddedElement Freeze this label if needed.
Definition: element.cpp:1554
QList< Element * > linkedElements()
Definition: element.h:229
QList< Element * > connected_elements
Definition: element.h:171
static QString formulaToLabel(QString formula, sequentialNumbers &seqStruct, Diagram *diagram, const Element *elmt=nullptr)
AssignVariables::formulaToLabel Return the with variable assigned (ready to be displayed) ...
Element(const ElementsLocation &location, QGraphicsItem *=nullptr, int *state=nullptr, Element::kind link_type=Element::Simple)
Definition: element.cpp:71
bool isFree() const
Definition: element.h:201
The DynamicElementTextItem class This class provide a simple text field of element who can be added o...
bool m_must_highlight
Definition: element.h:189
static void loadSequential(const QDomElement &dom_element, const QString &seq, QStringList *list)
Definition: element.cpp:40
void hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *) override
Definition: element.cpp:1461
void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
QetGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent handle mouse movement.
The kind enum Used to know the kind of this element (master, slave, report ect...) ...
Definition: element.h:50
autonum::sequentialNumbers m_autoNum_seq
Definition: element.h:178
void textsGroupAdded(ElementTextItemGroup *group)
bool parseInput(const QDomElement &dom_element)
Element::parseInput Parse the input (old text field) the parsed input are converted to dynamic text f...
Definition: element.cpp:500
Definition: qet.h:207
QRectF boundingRect() const override
Definition: element.cpp:205
NamesList m_names
Definition: element.h:183
~Element() override
Definition: element.cpp:114
void fromXml(const QDomElement &, const QHash< QString, QString > &=QHash< QString, QString >())
Definition: nameslist.cpp:120
static ElementPictureFactory * instance()
QUuid uuid() const
Definition: element.h:221
QPoint setHotspot(QPoint)
Definition: element.cpp:238
NumerotationContext next()
int folioIndex() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:1738
QString name(const QString &=QString()) const
Definition: nameslist.cpp:205
QIcon Terminal
Definition: qeticons.cpp:164
void setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignement)
ElementTextItemGroup::setAlignement Set the alignement of this group.
Diagram * diagram() const
QetGraphicsItem::diagram return the diagram of this item.
void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
QetGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent handle mouse release click.
autonum::sequentialNumbers & rSequenceStruct()
Definition: element.h:96
bool m_mouse_over
Definition: element.h:192
void drawHighlight(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *)
Definition: element.cpp:315
virtual void setHighlighted(bool)
Definition: element.cpp:162
QSize dimensions
Definition: element.h:190
void setUpFormula(bool code_letter=true)
Element::setUpFormula Set up the formula used to create the label of this element.
Definition: element.cpp:1494
void fromXml(QDomElement &dom_element)
ElementTextItemGroup::fromXml Import data of this group from xml.
const QPicture m_low_zoom_picture
Definition: element.h:186
void removeFromGroup(QGraphicsItem *item)
void addToGroup(QGraphicsItem *item)
Terminal * parseTerminal(const QDomElement &dom_element)
Definition: element.cpp:565
QString name() const override
Definition: element.cpp:1565
QVariant value(const QString &key) const
QDomElement toXml(QDomDocument &document, const QString &tag_name=QString("sequentialNumbers")) const
sequentialNumbers::toXml export this sequential numbers into a QDomElement.
const QPicture m_picture
Definition: element.h:185
QList< Element * > fromUuids(QList< QUuid >) const
bool buildFromXml(const QDomElement &, int *=nullptr)
Element::buildFromXml Build this element from an xml description.
Definition: element.cpp:350
QList< Conductor * > conductors() const
Definition: element.cpp:134
void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override
Definition: element.cpp:184
void setSequential(const QString &label, sequentialNumbers &seqStruct, NumerotationContext &context, Diagram *diagram, const QString &hashKey)
setSequential Fill seqStruct
static bool valideXml(QDomElement &)
Definition: terminal.cpp:702
bool addValue(const QString &, const QVariant &, bool show=true)
ElementTextItemGroup * textGroup(const QString &name) const
Definition: element.cpp:1285
DiagramContext m_element_informations
Definition: element.h:177
void getPictures(const ElementsLocation &location, QPicture &picture, QPicture &low_picture)
ElementPictureFactory::getPictures Set the picture of the element at location. Note, picture can be null.
void setSize(int, int)
Element::setSize Define the size of the element. The size must be a multiple of 10. If not, the dimensions indicated will be arrrondies to higher tens.
Definition: element.cpp:217
static void loadSequential(const QDomElement &dom_element, Element *element)
Definition: element.cpp:50
The PropertiesEditorDialog class Create a dialog to edit some properties of a thing. Only create a instance of this class and call exec, all is done for you in this class. The first argument (a template) must be a subclass of QWidget and provide the 3 methods bellow : QString::title() void::apply() void::reset() You can subclass the interface PropertiesEditorWidget who provide all this methods. This dialog take ownership of the editor, so the editor will be deleted by this dialog.
void setFrame(const bool frame)
virtual QDomElement toXml(QDomDocument &, QHash< Terminal *, int > &) const
Definition: element.cpp:1021
QList< Terminal * > terminals() const
Definition: element.cpp:124
const QString version
QElectroTech version (as string, used to mark projects and elements XML documents) ...
Definition: qet.h:30
QET::GraphicsItemState m_state
void textsGroupAboutToBeRemoved(ElementTextItemGroup *group)
QList< QString > keys(KeyOrder=None) const
bool contains(const QString &) const
void textAddedToGroup(DynamicElementTextItem *text, ElementTextItemGroup *group)
QET::GraphicsItemState state() const
void setVerticalAdjustment(int v)
ElementTextItemGroup::setVerticalAdjustment Set the value of the vertical adjustment to ...
void addDynamicTextItem(DynamicElementTextItem *deti=nullptr)
Element::addDynamiqueTextItem Add as a dynamic text item of this element, is reparented to this If ...
Definition: element.cpp:1146
void removeDynamicTextItem(DynamicElementTextItem *deti)
Element::removeDynamicTextItem Remove , no matter if is a child of this element or a child of a group...
Definition: element.cpp:1168
void fromXml(const QDomElement &, const QString &="property")
void setRotation(qreal angle)
QList< ElementTextItemGroup * > m_texts_group
Definition: element.h:195
bool parseElement(const QDomElement &dom)
Element::parseElement Parse the element of the xml description of this element.
Definition: element.cpp:484
QString elementAutoNumCurrentFormula() const
Definition: qetproject.cpp:524
void setInfoName(const QString &info_name)
DynamicElementTextItem::setInfoName Set the information name of the parent element.
QList< QUuid > tmp_uuids_link
Definition: element.h:172
virtual void initLink(QETProject *)
Element::initLink Initialise the link between this element and other elements. This method can be cal...
Definition: element.cpp:1381
virtual bool fromXml(QDomElement &, QHash< int, Terminal *> &, bool=false)
Element::fromXml Import the parameters of this element from a xml document. When call this function e...
Definition: element.cpp:647
DynamicElementTextItem * parseDynamicText(const QDomElement &dom_element)
Element::parseDynamicText Create the dynamic text field describ in .
Definition: element.cpp:550
QPixmap pixmap()
Definition: element.cpp:262
QPointF dockConductor() const
Definition: terminal.h:154
bool removeTextFromGroup(DynamicElementTextItem *text, ElementTextItemGroup *group)
Element::removeTextFromGroup Remove the text from the group , en reparent to this element...
Definition: element.cpp:1331
void editProperty() override
Definition: element.cpp:145
QList< DynamicElementTextItem * > texts() const
QPoint hotspot() const
Definition: element.cpp:254
QList< QDomElement > findInDomElement(const QDomElement &, const QString &)
Definition: qet.cpp:300
QString elementPrefixForLocation(const ElementsLocation &location)
QIcon tr
Definition: qeticons.cpp:204
virtual void setElementInformations(DiagramContext dc)
Element::setElementInformations Set new information for this element. If new information is different...
Definition: element.cpp:1399
QList< Terminal * > m_terminals
Definition: element.h:184
QPixmap pixmap(const ElementsLocation &location)
ElementTextItemGroup * addTextGroup(const QString &name)
Definition: element.cpp:1209
void textRemovedFromGroup(DynamicElementTextItem *text, ElementTextItemGroup *group)
kind m_link_type
Definition: element.h:174
QDomElement xml() const
void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
Definition: element.cpp:1433
void hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *) override
Definition: element.cpp:1478
General state.
Definition: qet.h:37
The ElementTextItemGroup class This class represent a group of element text Texts in the group can be...
DiagramPosition convertPosition(const QPointF &)
Definition: diagram.cpp:1637
Definition: qet.h:205
bool attributeIsAReal(const QDomElement &, const QString &, qreal *=nullptr)
Definition: qet.cpp:219
bool exist() const
bool m_freeze_label
Definition: element.h:179
QString m_prefix
Definition: element.h:193
Element * parentElement() const
void toXml(QDomElement &, const QString &="property") const
void elementInfoChange(DiagramContext old_info, DiagramContext new_info)
bool comparPos(const Element *elmt1, const Element *elmt2)
comparPos Compare position of the two elements. Compare 3 points: 1 folio - 2 row - 3 line returns a ...
Definition: element.cpp:1414
QString elementCurrentAutoNum() const
Definition: qetproject.cpp:532
DiagramContext m_kind_informations
Definition: element.h:177
void setTextFrom(DynamicElementTextItem::TextFrom text_from)
DynamicElementTextItem::setTextFrom Set the final text is created from.
void drawSelection(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *)
Definition: element.cpp:292
void setPos(const QPointF &pos)
QPoint hotspot_coord
Definition: element.h:191
int orientation() const
Definition: element.h:213
void setPrefix(QString)
Element::setPrefix set Element Prefix.
Definition: element.cpp:1537
static bool valideXml(QDomElement &)
Definition: element.cpp:614
void setFont(const QFont &font)
void drawAxes(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *)
Definition: element.cpp:273
ElementsLocation m_location
Definition: element.h:182
QList< DynamicElementTextItem * > m_dynamic_text_list
Definition: element.h:194
static QString xmlTaggName()
bool keyMustShow(const QString &) const
void setHoldToBottomPage(bool hold)
void textAdded(DynamicElementTextItem *deti)
void fromXml(const QDomElement &dom_elmt) override
DynamicElementTextItem::fromXml Import this text from xml.
void textRemoved(DynamicElementTextItem *deti)
void fromXml(const QDomElement &element)
sequentialNumbers::fromXml Import sequential values from a QDomElement
Item is loading her properties from a xml description.
Definition: qet.h:39
QString getPrefix() const
Element::getPrefix get Element Prefix.
Definition: element.cpp:1529
void addElementAutoNum(const QString &key, const NumerotationContext &context)
QETProject::addElementAutoNum Add a new element numerotation context. If key already exist...
Definition: qetproject.cpp:599
bool isElement() const
void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
Definition: element.cpp:1446
void freezeLabel(bool freeze)
Element::freezeLabel Freeze this element label.
Definition: element.cpp:1545
QHash< QString, NumerotationContext > elementAutoNum() const
Definition: qetproject.cpp:502
QETProject * project() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:1716
The ElementPictureFactory class This class is singleton factory, use to create and get the picture us...
QHash< DynamicElementTextItem *, QPointF > m_converted_text_from_xml_description
Definition: element.h:168
bool addTextToGroup(DynamicElementTextItem *text, ElementTextItemGroup *group)
Element::addTextToGroup Add the text to the group ; If isn&#39;t owned by this element return false...
Definition: element.cpp:1310
QList< DynamicElementTextItem * > dynamicTextItems() const
Definition: element.cpp:1197
void displayHelpLine(bool b=true)
Element::displayHelpLine Display the help line of each terminal if b is true.
Definition: element.cpp:172
void setText(const QString &text)
DynamicElementTextItem::setText Set the text of this text.
QString path() const
void drawHelpLine(bool draw=true)
Definition: terminal.cpp:333
QList< ElementTextItemGroup * > textGroups() const
Definition: element.cpp:1298
Orientation (used for electrical elements and their terminals)
Definition: qet.h:204