162 bool attributeIsAReal(
const QDomElement &,
const QString& , qreal * =
165 QList<QDomElement>
const QDomElement &,
const QString &,
const QString &);
174 qreal
round(qreal, qreal);
177 bool writeXmlFile(QDomDocument &xml_doc,
const QString &filepath, QString * error_message=
178 bool writeToFile (QDomDocument &xml_doc, QFile *file, QString *error_message =
185 class
Qet : public QObject
abort the whole operation, ignoring the curent item
This enum lists the various available endings for line primitives when drawing an electrical element...
bool attributeIsAnInteger(const QDomElement &, const QString &, int *=nullptr)
Item is currently building from a xml description (element)
the length is just a fraction of the length that is still available when other types of lengths have ...
QET::DiagramArea diagramAreaFromString(const QString &)
snap the point used to define the new bounding rectangle to the grid
Send item one layer below their current one; zValues are decremented.
QStringList splitWithSpaces(const QString &)
From an embedded collection (a project for exemple)
Raise item one layer above their current one; zValues are incremented.
the length is absolute and should be applied as is
enum used to specify the type of a length
QString joinWithSpaces(const QStringList &)
bool compareCanonicalFilePaths(const QString &, const QString &)
const QString displayedVersion
QElectroTech displayed version.
bool orthogonalProjection(const QPointF &, const QLineF &, QPointF *=nullptr)
Enum used to specify the origin of a collection of thing (title block, element etc...)
QString diagramAreaToString(const QET::DiagramArea &)
Bring item to the foreground so they have the highest zValue.
Known kinds of conductor segments.
QString qetCollectionToString(const QetCollection &c)
the target has to be renamed
Erase the target content.
const QString version
QElectroTech version (as string, used to mark projects and elements XML documents) ...
QetCollection qetCollectionFromString(const QString &str)
qreal correctAngle(const qreal &)
List areas related to some common operations.
qreal round(qreal, qreal)
QString ElementsAndConductorsSentence(int, int, int=0, int=0, int=0, int=0)
adjust the scaling movement so that the induced scaling ratios are rounded
Export the content of the diagram only.
the length is just a fraction of the total available length
bool writeToFile(QDomDocument &xml_doc, QFile *file, QString *error_message=nullptr)
QList< QDomElement > findInDomElement(const QDomElement &, const QString &)
bool writeXmlFile(QDomDocument &xml_doc, const QString &filepath, QString *error_message=nullptr)
List the various kind of changes for the zValue.
Supported types of interactive scaling, typically for a single element primitive. ...
do not interfer with the default scaling process
QString stringToFileName(const QString &)
bool attributeIsAReal(const QDomElement &, const QString &, qreal *=nullptr)
QString escapeSpaces(const QString &)
bool lineContainsPoint(const QLineF &, const QPointF &)
QString unescapeSpaces(const QString &)
Send item to the background so they have the lowest zValue.
Item is loading her properties from a xml description.
the current item was handled by the Strategy object: do not treat it and continue ...
Export the diagram along with its border and title block.
QActionGroup * depthActionGroup(QObject *parent=nullptr)
Oriented movements.
QList< QChar > forbiddenCharacters()
Orientation (used for electrical elements and their terminals)
The operation must be tried again.
bool eachStrIsEqual(const QStringList &qsl)