QElectroTech  0.70
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Diagram Class Reference

#include <diagram.h>

Public Types

enum  BorderOptions { EmptyBorder, TitleBlock, Columns }
enum  NumerotationType { Conductors }
 Represents available option of Numerotation type. More...

Public Slots

void adjustSceneRect ()
 Diagram::adjustSceneRect Recalcul and adjust the size of the scene. More...
void titleChanged (const QString &)
void titleBlockTemplateChanged (const QString &)
void titleBlockTemplateRemoved (const QString &, const QString &=QString())
void setTitleBlockTemplate (const QString &)
void updateLabels ()
 Diagram::updateLabels Update elements and conductors that reference folio field in their labels. More...
void loadElmtFolioSeq ()
 Diagram::loadElmtFolioSeq This class loads all folio sequential variables related to the current autonum. More...
void loadCndFolioSeq ()
 Diagram::loadCndFolioSeq This class loads all conductor folio sequential variables related to the current autonum. More...
void selectAll ()
void deselectAll ()
void invertSelection ()


void showDiagram (Diagram *)
void usedTitleBlockTemplateChanged (const QString &)
void diagramTitleChanged (Diagram *, const QString &)
void findElementRequired (const ElementsLocation &)
void editElementRequired (const ElementsLocation &)
 Signal emitted when users wish to locate an element from the diagram within elements collection. More...
void diagramActivated ()
 Signal emitted when users wish to edit an element from the diagram. More...

Public Member Functions

 Diagram (QETProject *project)
 Diagram::Diagram Constructor. More...
 ~Diagram () override
 Diagram::~Diagram Destructor. More...
void setEventInterface (DiagramEventInterface *event_interface)
 Diagram::setEventInterface Set event_interface has current interface. Diagram become the ownership of event_interface If there is a previous interface, they will be delete before and call init() to the new interface. More...
void clearEventInterface ()
 Diagram::clearEventInterface Clear the current event interface. More...
QString conductorsAutonumName () const
 Diagram::conductorsAutonumName. More...
void setConductorsAutonumName (const QString &name)
 Diagram::setConductorsAutonumName. More...
QETProjectproject () const
void setProject (QETProject *)
 Diagram::setProject Set parent project of this diagram, project also become the parent QObject of this diagram. More...
int folioIndex () const
qreal declaredQElectroTechVersion (bool=true) const
void showMe ()
bool isReadOnly () const
 Diagram::isReadOnly. More...
void setConductor (bool)
void setConductorStart (QPointF)
void setConductorStop (QPointF)
QList< QSet< Conductor * > > potentials ()
 Diagram::potential. More...
QDomDocument toXml (bool=true)
bool initFromXml (QDomElement &, QPointF=QPointF(), bool=true, DiagramContent *=nullptr)
bool fromXml (QDomDocument &, QPointF=QPointF(), bool=true, DiagramContent *=nullptr)
bool fromXml (QDomElement &, QPointF=QPointF(), bool=true, DiagramContent *=nullptr)
void folioSequentialsToXml (QHash< QString, QStringList > *, QDomElement *, const QString &, const QString &, QDomDocument *)
 Diagram::folioSequentialsToXml. More...
void folioSequentialsFromXml (const QDomElement &, QHash< QString, QStringList > *, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &)
 Diagram::folioSequentialsFromXml Load folio sequential from QDomElement. More...
void refreshContents ()
 Diagram::refreshContents refresh all content of diagram. More...
virtual void addItem (QGraphicsItem *item)
 Diagram::addItem Réimplemented from QGraphicsScene::addItem(QGraphicsItem *item) Do some specific operation if item need it (for exemple an element) More...
virtual void removeItem (QGraphicsItem *item)
 Diagram::removeItem Réimplemented from QGraphicsScene::removeItem(QGraphicsItem *item) Do some specific operation if item need it (for exemple an element) More...
ExportProperties applyProperties (const ExportProperties &)
void setDisplayGrid (bool)
bool displayGrid ()
void setUseBorder (bool)
bool useBorder ()
void setBorderOptions (BorderOptions)
BorderOptions borderOptions ()
DiagramPosition convertPosition (const QPointF &)
bool drawTerminals () const
void setDrawTerminals (bool)
bool drawColoredConductors () const
void setDrawColoredConductors (bool)
QString title () const
bool toPaintDevice (QPaintDevice &, int=-1, int=-1, Qt::AspectRatioMode=Qt::KeepAspectRatio)
QSize imageSize () const
bool isEmpty () const
QList< Element * > elements () const
QList< Conductor * > conductors () const
 Diagram::conductors Return the list containing all conductors. More...
QSet< Conductor * > selectedConductors () const
DiagramContent content () const
bool canRotateSelection () const
 Diagram::canRotateSelection. More...
ElementsMoverelementsMover ()
ElementTextsMoverelementTextsMover ()
bool usesElement (const ElementsLocation &)
bool usesTitleBlockTemplate (const QString &)
QUndoStack & undoStack ()
QGIManagerqgiManager ()
void freezeElements (bool freeze)
 Diagram::freezeElements Freeze every existent element label. More...
void unfreezeElements ()
 Diagram::unfreezeElements Unfreeze every existent element label. More...
void setFreezeNewElements (bool)
 Diagram::freezeNewElements Set new element label to be frozen. More...
bool freezeNewElements ()
 Diagram::freezeNewElements. More...
void freezeConductors (bool freeze)
 Diagram::freezeConductors Freeze every existent conductor label. More...
void setFreezeNewConductors (bool)
 Diagram::setfreezeNewConductors Set new conductor label to be frozen. More...
bool freezeNewConductors ()
 Diagram::freezeNewConductors. More...
void insertFolioSeqHash (QHash< QString, QStringList > *hash, const QString &title, const QString &seq, NumerotationContext *nc)
 Diagram::insertFolioSeqHash This class inserts a stringlist containing all sequential variables related to an autonum in a QHash. More...
void loadFolioSeqHash (QHash< QString, QStringList > *hash, const QString &title, const QString &seq, NumerotationContext *nc)
 Diagram::loadFolioSeqHash This class loads all folio sequential variables related to the current autonum. More...
void changeZValue (QET::DepthOption option)
 Diagram::changeZValue Change the Z value of the current selected item, according to . More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool clipboardMayContainDiagram ()
static QPointF snapToGrid (const QPointF &p)
 Diagram::snapToGrid Return a nearest snap point of p. More...

Public Attributes

ConductorProperties defaultConductorProperties
 Default properties for new conductors. More...
BorderTitleBlock border_and_titleblock
 Diagram dimensions and title block. More...
QHash< QString, QStringList > m_elmt_unitfolio_max
 Hash containing max values for folio sequential autonums in this diagram. More...
QHash< QString, QStringList > m_elmt_tenfolio_max
QHash< QString, QStringList > m_elmt_hundredfolio_max
QHash< QString, QStringList > m_cnd_unitfolio_max
 Hash containing max values for folio sequential autonums in this diagram. More...
QHash< QString, QStringList > m_cnd_tenfolio_max
QHash< QString, QStringList > m_cnd_hundredfolio_max

Static Public Attributes

static int xGrid = 10
 abscissa grid step size More...
static int yGrid = 10
 ordinate grid step size More...
static int xKeyGrid = 10
 Key grid x step size. More...
static int yKeyGrid = 10
 Key grid y step size. More...
static int xKeyGridFine = 1
 Key grid fine x step size. More...
static int yKeyGridFine = 1
 Key grid fine y step size. More...
static const qreal margin = 5.0
 margin around the diagram More...
static QColor background_color = Qt::white
 background color of diagram More...

Protected Member Functions

void drawBackground (QPainter *, const QRectF &) override
void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
 Diagram::mouseDoubleClickEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any. More...
void mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
 Diagram::mousePressEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any. More...
void mouseMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
 Diagram::mouseMoveEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any. More...
void mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
 Diagram::mouseReleaseEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any. More...
void wheelEvent (QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *event) override
 Diagram::wheelEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any. More...
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) override
 Diagram::keyPressEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any. Else move selected elements. More...
void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *) override
 Diagram::keyReleaseEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any. Else move selected element. More...

Private Member Functions

 Diagram (const Diagram &diagram)

Private Attributes

QGraphicsLineItem * conductor_setter_
ElementsMover m_elements_mover
ElementTextsMover m_element_texts_mover
QDomDocument xml_document_
qreal diagram_qet_version_
bool draw_grid_
bool use_border_
bool draw_terminals_
bool draw_colored_conductors_
QString m_conductors_autonum_name
bool m_freeze_new_elements
bool m_freeze_new_conductors_

Detailed Description

This class represents an electric diagram. It manages its various child elements, conductors and texts and handles their graphic rendering.

Definition at line 49 of file diagram.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ BorderOptions

Represents available options when rendering a particular diagram: EmptyBorder: display border only TitleBlock: display title block Columns: display columns


Definition at line 68 of file diagram.h.

◆ NumerotationType

Represents available option of Numerotation type.


Definition at line 70 of file diagram.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Diagram() [1/2]

Diagram::Diagram ( QETProject project)

◆ ~Diagram()

Diagram::~Diagram ( )

Diagram::~Diagram Destructor.

Definition at line 100 of file diagram.cpp.

References conductor_setter_, m_event_interface, qgi_manager_, and undoStack().

◆ Diagram() [2/2]

Diagram::Diagram ( const Diagram diagram)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addItem()

void Diagram::addItem ( QGraphicsItem *  item)

Diagram::addItem Réimplemented from QGraphicsScene::addItem(QGraphicsItem *item) Do some specific operation if item need it (for exemple an element)


Definition at line 1108 of file diagram.cpp.

References Terminal::addConductor(), Conductor::calculateTextItemPosition(), isReadOnly(), Conductor::terminal1, Conductor::terminal2, and Conductor::Type.

Referenced by fromXml(), DiagramEventAddImage::mouseMoveEvent(), DiagramEventAddShape::mousePressEvent(), PasteDiagramCommand::redo(), DeleteQGraphicsItemCommand::undo(), and DiagramEventAddShape::updateHelpCross().

◆ adjustSceneRect

void Diagram::adjustSceneRect ( )

◆ applyProperties()

ExportProperties Diagram::applyProperties ( const ExportProperties new_properties)

◆ borderOptions()

Diagram::BorderOptions Diagram::borderOptions ( )
The rendering optios for the diagram border
See also

Definition at line 329 of file diagram.h.

References border_and_titleblock, Columns, BorderTitleBlock::columnsAreDisplayed(), EmptyBorder, TitleBlock, and BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockIsDisplayed().

◆ canRotateSelection()

bool Diagram::canRotateSelection ( ) const


True if a least one of selected items can be rotated

Definition at line 1791 of file diagram.cpp.

References IndependentTextItem::Type, ConductorTextItem::Type, DiagramImageItem::Type, DynamicElementTextItem::Type, and Element::Type.

Referenced by QETDiagramEditor::slot_updateComplexActions().

◆ changeZValue()

void Diagram::changeZValue ( QET::DepthOption  option)

◆ clearEventInterface()

void Diagram::clearEventInterface ( )

Diagram::clearEventInterface Clear the current event interface.

Definition at line 475 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_event_interface.

◆ clipboardMayContainDiagram()

bool Diagram::clipboardMayContainDiagram ( )
true si le presse-papier semble contenir un schema

Definition at line 1706 of file diagram.cpp.

Referenced by DiagramView::contextMenuEvent(), and QETDiagramEditor::slot_updatePasteAction().

◆ conductors()

QList< Conductor * > Diagram::conductors ( ) const

Diagram::conductors Return the list containing all conductors.

Definition at line 1490 of file diagram.cpp.

Referenced by freezeConductors(), potentials(), refreshContents(), toXml(), and updateLabels().

◆ conductorsAutonumName()

QString Diagram::conductorsAutonumName ( ) const

◆ content()

DiagramContent Diagram::content ( ) const
Le contenu du schema. Les conducteurs sont tous places dans conductorsToMove.

Definition at line 1773 of file diagram.cpp.

References DiagramContent::m_conductors_to_move, DiagramContent::m_elements, and DiagramContent::m_text_fields.

Referenced by potentials(), and updateLabels().

◆ convertPosition()

DiagramPosition Diagram::convertPosition ( const QPointF &  pos)
posPosition cartesienne (ex : 10.3, 45.2) a transformer en position dans la grille (ex : B2)
la position dans la grille correspondant a pos

Definition at line 1637 of file diagram.cpp.

References border_and_titleblock, BorderTitleBlock::convertPosition(), and DiagramPosition::setPosition().

Referenced by autonum::AssignVariables::AssignVariables(), and comparPos().

◆ declaredQElectroTechVersion()

qreal Diagram::declaredQElectroTechVersion ( bool  fallback_to_project = true) const
fallback_to_projectWhen a diagram does not have a declared version, this method will use the one declared by its parent project only if fallback_to_project is true.
the declared QElectroTech version of this diagram

Definition at line 1749 of file diagram.cpp.

References diagram_qet_version_, and m_project.

Referenced by fromXml().

◆ deselectAll

void Diagram::deselectAll ( )

Deslectionne tous les objets selectionnes

Definition at line 1222 of file diagram.cpp.

References isEmpty().

◆ diagramActivated

void Diagram::diagramActivated ( )

Signal emitted when users wish to edit an element from the diagram.

Referenced by Diagram().

◆ diagramTitleChanged

void Diagram::diagramTitleChanged ( Diagram ,
const QString &   

◆ displayGrid()

bool Diagram::displayGrid ( )
true if the grid is drawn, false otherwise.

Definition at line 290 of file diagram.h.

References draw_grid_.

Referenced by applyProperties().

◆ drawBackground()

void Diagram::drawBackground ( QPainter *  p,
const QRectF &  r 

Dessine l'arriere-plan du schema, cad la grille.

pLe QPainter a utiliser pour dessiner
rLe rectangle de la zone a dessiner

Definition at line 131 of file diagram.cpp.

References background_color, border_and_titleblock, BorderTitleBlock::draw(), draw_grid_, BorderTitleBlock::insideBorderRect(), use_border_, xGrid, and yGrid.

◆ drawColoredConductors()

bool Diagram::drawColoredConductors ( ) const
true if conductors colors are rendered, false otherwise.

Definition at line 352 of file diagram.h.

References draw_colored_conductors_.

Referenced by applyProperties().

◆ drawTerminals()

bool Diagram::drawTerminals ( ) const
true if terminals are rendered, false otherwise

Definition at line 347 of file diagram.h.

References draw_terminals_.

Referenced by applyProperties().

◆ editElementRequired

void Diagram::editElementRequired ( const ElementsLocation )

Signal emitted when users wish to locate an element from the diagram within elements collection.

Referenced by ElementPropertiesWidget::editElement().

◆ elements()

QList< Element * > Diagram::elements ( ) const

◆ elementsMover()

ElementsMover & Diagram::elementsMover ( )

◆ elementTextsMover()

ElementTextsMover & Diagram::elementTextsMover ( )

◆ findElementRequired

void Diagram::findElementRequired ( const ElementsLocation )

◆ folioIndex()

int Diagram::folioIndex ( ) const
the folio number of this diagram within its parent project, or -1 if it is has no parent project

Definition at line 1738 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_project.

Referenced by autonum::AssignVariables::AssignVariables(), comparPos(), DiagramFolioList::drawBackground(), AutoNumberingManagementW::on_m_apply_folios_rb_clicked(), and ProjectView::updateTabTitle().

◆ folioSequentialsFromXml()

void Diagram::folioSequentialsFromXml ( const QDomElement &  root,
QHash< QString, QStringList > *  hash,
const QString &  folioSeq,
const QString &  seq,
const QString &  type,
const QString &  autonumFolioSeqType 

Diagram::folioSequentialsFromXml Load folio sequential from QDomElement.

rootcontaining all folio sequentials
hashto be loaded with content
typeof sequential

Definition at line 1067 of file diagram.cpp.

References QET::findInDomElement(), and title().

Referenced by fromXml().

◆ folioSequentialsToXml()

void Diagram::folioSequentialsToXml ( QHash< QString, QStringList > *  hash,
QDomElement *  domElement,
const QString &  seq_type,
const QString &  type,
QDomDocument *  doc 


  • *+ * Add folio sequential to QDomElement
  • *
    domElementto add attributes
  • *
    hashto retrieve content with content
  • *

Definition at line 779 of file diagram.cpp.

Referenced by toXml().

◆ freezeConductors()

void Diagram::freezeConductors ( bool  freeze)

Diagram::freezeConductors Freeze every existent conductor label.

Definition at line 1571 of file diagram.cpp.

References conductors(), and Conductor::setFreezeLabel().

◆ freezeElements()

void Diagram::freezeElements ( bool  freeze)

Diagram::freezeElements Freeze every existent element label.

Definition at line 1535 of file diagram.cpp.

References elements(), and Element::freezeLabel().

◆ freezeNewConductors()

bool Diagram::freezeNewConductors ( )


current freeze new conductor status .

Definition at line 1589 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_freeze_new_conductors_.

Referenced by DiagramEventAddElement::addElement(), and MultiPasteDialog::on_m_button_box_accepted().

◆ freezeNewElements()

bool Diagram::freezeNewElements ( )


current freeze new element status .

Definition at line 1563 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_freeze_new_elements.

◆ fromXml() [1/2]

bool Diagram::fromXml ( QDomDocument &  document,
QPointF  position = QPointF(),
bool  consider_informations = true,
DiagramContent content_ptr = nullptr 

Importe le schema decrit dans un document XML. Si une position est precisee, les elements importes sont positionnes de maniere a ce que le coin superieur gauche du plus petit rectangle pouvant les entourant tous (le bounding rect) soit a cette position.

documentLe document XML a analyser
positionLa position du schema importe
consider_informationsSi vrai, les informations complementaires (auteur, titre, ...) seront prises en compte
content_ptrsi ce pointeur vers un DiagramContent est different de 0, il sera rempli avec le contenu ajoute au schema par le fromXml
true si l'import a reussi, false sinon

Definition at line 804 of file diagram.cpp.

Referenced by fromXml(), initFromXml(), DiagramView::paste(), and MultiPasteDialog::updatePreview().

◆ fromXml() [2/2]

bool Diagram::fromXml ( QDomElement &  document,
QPointF  position = QPointF(),
bool  consider_informations = true,
DiagramContent content_ptr = nullptr 

Importe le schema decrit dans un element XML. Si une position est precisee, les elements importes sont positionnes de maniere a ce que le coin superieur gauche du plus petit rectangle pouvant les entourant tous (le bounding rect) soit a cette position.

documentLe document XML a analyser
positionLa position du schema importe
consider_informationsSi vrai, les informations complementaires (auteur, titre, ...) seront prises en compte
content_ptrsi ce pointeur vers un DiagramContent est different de 0, il sera rempli avec le contenu ajoute au schema par le fromXml
true si l'import a reussi, false sinon

Definition at line 844 of file diagram.cpp.

References addItem(), adjustSceneRect(), border_and_titleblock, BorderTitleBlock::borderFromXml(), QET::Icons::Conductor, declaredQElectroTechVersion(), defaultConductorProperties, diagram_qet_version_, QET::findInDomElement(), folioSequentialsFromXml(), ConductorProperties::fromXml(), Element::fromXml(), fromXml(), ElementCollectionHandler::importFromProject(), ElementFactory::Instance(), Conductor::isValid(), m_cnd_hundredfolio_max, m_cnd_tenfolio_max, m_cnd_unitfolio_max, m_conductors_autonum_name, m_elmt_hundredfolio_max, m_elmt_tenfolio_max, m_elmt_unitfolio_max, m_freeze_new_conductors_, m_freeze_new_elements, m_project, ElementsLocation::path(), QETApp::project(), QETProject::ProjectParsingRunning, removeItem(), snapToGrid(), BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockFromXml(), Conductor::valideXml(), and Element::valideXml().

◆ imageSize()

QSize Diagram::imageSize ( ) const

Permet de connaitre les dimensions qu'aura l'image generee par la methode toImage()

La taille de l'image generee par toImage()

Definition at line 551 of file diagram.cpp.

References border_and_titleblock, BorderTitleBlock::borderAndTitleBlockRect(), margin, and use_border_.

◆ initFromXml()

bool Diagram::initFromXml ( QDomElement &  document,
QPointF  position = QPointF(),
bool  consider_informations = true,
DiagramContent content_ptr = nullptr 

Importe le schema decrit dans un element XML. Cette methode delegue son travail a Diagram::fromXml Si l'import reussit, cette methode initialise egalement le document XML interne permettant de bien gerer l'enregistrement de ce schema dans le projet auquel il appartient.

See also
documentLe document XML a analyser
positionLa position du schema importe
consider_informationsSi vrai, les informations complementaires (auteur, titre, ...) seront prises en compte
content_ptrsi ce pointeur vers un DiagramContent est different de 0, il sera rempli avec le contenu ajoute au schema par le fromXml
true si l'import a reussi, false sinon

Definition at line 824 of file diagram.cpp.

References fromXml().

◆ insertFolioSeqHash()

void Diagram::insertFolioSeqHash ( QHash< QString, QStringList > *  hash,
const QString &  title,
const QString &  type,
NumerotationContext nc 

Diagram::insertFolioSeqHash This class inserts a stringlist containing all sequential variables related to an autonum in a QHash.

Hashto be accessed
sequentialto be treated
typeto be treated
NumerotationContext to be manipulated

Definition at line 1263 of file diagram.cpp.

References NumerotationContext::itemAt(), NumerotationContext::replaceValue(), NumerotationContext::size(), and title().

Referenced by loadCndFolioSeq(), and loadElmtFolioSeq().

◆ invertSelection

void Diagram::invertSelection ( )

Inverse l'etat de selection de tous les objets du schema

Definition at line 1231 of file diagram.cpp.

References isEmpty().

◆ isEmpty()

bool Diagram::isEmpty ( ) const
true si le schema est considere comme vide, false sinon. Un schema vide ne contient ni element, ni conducteur, ni champ de texte

Definition at line 574 of file diagram.cpp.

Referenced by DiagramView::contextMenuActions(), DiagramView::contextMenuEvent(), deselectAll(), invertSelection(), DiagramEventAddImage::openDialog(), selectAll(), and toXml().

◆ isReadOnly()

bool Diagram::isReadOnly ( ) const

◆ keyPressEvent()

void Diagram::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  event)

◆ keyReleaseEvent()

void Diagram::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent *  e)

Diagram::keyReleaseEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any. Else move selected element.


Definition at line 418 of file diagram.cpp.

References ElementsMover::endMovement(), isReadOnly(), DiagramEventInterface::keyReleaseEvent(), m_elements_mover, and m_event_interface.

◆ loadCndFolioSeq

void Diagram::loadCndFolioSeq ( )

◆ loadElmtFolioSeq

void Diagram::loadElmtFolioSeq ( )

◆ loadFolioSeqHash()

void Diagram::loadFolioSeqHash ( QHash< QString, QStringList > *  hash,
const QString &  title,
const QString &  type,
NumerotationContext nc 

Diagram::loadFolioSeqHash This class loads all folio sequential variables related to the current autonum.

Hashto be accessed
sequentialto be treated
typeto be treated
NumerotationContext to be manipulated

Definition at line 1284 of file diagram.cpp.

References NumerotationContext::itemAt(), NumerotationContext::replaceValue(), NumerotationContext::size(), and title().

Referenced by loadCndFolioSeq(), and loadElmtFolioSeq().

◆ mouseDoubleClickEvent()

void Diagram::mouseDoubleClickEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Diagram::mouseDoubleClickEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any.


Definition at line 189 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_event_interface, and DiagramEventInterface::mouseDoubleClickEvent().

◆ mouseMoveEvent()

void Diagram::mouseMoveEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Diagram::mouseMoveEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any.


Definition at line 227 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_event_interface, and DiagramEventInterface::mouseMoveEvent().

◆ mousePressEvent()

void Diagram::mousePressEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Diagram::mousePressEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any.


Definition at line 208 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_event_interface, and DiagramEventInterface::mousePressEvent().

◆ mouseReleaseEvent()

void Diagram::mouseReleaseEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Diagram::mouseReleaseEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any.


Definition at line 246 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_event_interface, and DiagramEventInterface::mouseReleaseEvent().

◆ potentials()

QList< QSet< Conductor * > > Diagram::potentials ( )


all potential in the diagram each potential are in the QList and each conductors of one potential are in the QSet

Definition at line 583 of file diagram.cpp.

References DiagramContent::conductors(), conductors(), and content().

◆ project()

QETProject * Diagram::project ( ) const
le projet auquel ce schema appartient ou 0 s'il s'agit d'un schema independant.

Definition at line 1716 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_project.

Referenced by MasterElement::aboutDeleteXref(), DiagramEventAddElement::addElement(), autonum::AssignVariables::assignProjectVar(), ElementTextItemGroup::autoPos(), DiagramEventAddElement::buildElement(), Diagram(), DiagramFolioList::DiagramFolioList(), DiagramPropertiesDialog::DiagramPropertiesDialog(), DiagramFolioList::drawBackground(), DiagramPropertiesDialog::editAutoFolioNum(), DiagramPropertiesDialog::editAutonum(), CrossRefItem::elementPositionText(), DiagramView::handleTitleBlockDrop(), CrossRefItem::init(), MasterElement::linkToElement(), loadCndFolioSeq(), loadElmtFolioSeq(), ConductorAutoNumerotation::newProperties(), ConductorAutoNumerotation::numerateNewConductor(), MultiPasteDialog::on_m_button_box_accepted(), refreshContents(), DynamicElementTextItem::removeConnectionForReportFormula(), DynamicElementTextItem::reportChanged(), DynamicElementTextItem::reportFormulaChanged(), DynamicElementTextItem::setConnectionForReportFormula(), MasterPropertiesWidget::setElement(), ElementTextItemGroup::setHoldToBottomPage(), setProject(), CrossRefItem::setUpConnection(), Conductor::setUpConnectionForFormula(), Element::setUpFormula(), DynamicElementTextItem::setupFormulaConnection(), undoStack(), CrossRefItem::updateProperties(), ElementTextItemGroup::updateXref(), DynamicElementTextItem::updateXref(), MasterElement::xrefPropertiesChanged(), and DiagramFolioList::~DiagramFolioList().

◆ qgiManager()

QGIManager & Diagram::qgiManager ( )
the diagram graphics item manager

Definition at line 342 of file diagram.h.

References qgi_manager_.

Referenced by DeleteQGraphicsItemCommand::DeleteQGraphicsItemCommand(), and DeleteQGraphicsItemCommand::~DeleteQGraphicsItemCommand().

◆ refreshContents()

void Diagram::refreshContents ( )

Diagram::refreshContents refresh all content of diagram.

  • refresh conductor text.
  • linking the elements waiting to be linked
  • Refresh the connection of the dynamic element text item (use for text with source of text label)

Definition at line 1089 of file diagram.cpp.

References conductors(), elements(), and project().

◆ removeItem()

void Diagram::removeItem ( QGraphicsItem *  item)

◆ selectAll

void Diagram::selectAll ( )

Selectionne tous les objets du schema

Definition at line 1210 of file diagram.cpp.

References isEmpty().

◆ selectedConductors()

QSet< Conductor * > Diagram::selectedConductors ( ) const
la liste des conducteurs selectionnes sur le schema

Definition at line 1695 of file diagram.cpp.

Referenced by QETDiagramEditor::slot_updateComplexActions().

◆ setBorderOptions()

void Diagram::setBorderOptions ( Diagram::BorderOptions  bo)

Set the rendering options for the diagram border (including rows/colums headers and the title block)

boEnabled options ORed together
See also

Definition at line 319 of file diagram.h.

References border_and_titleblock, Columns, BorderTitleBlock::displayBorder(), BorderTitleBlock::displayColumns(), BorderTitleBlock::displayTitleBlock(), EmptyBorder, and TitleBlock.

◆ setConductor()

void Diagram::setConductor ( bool  adding)

Display or hide the conductor setter, i.e. a dashed conductor stub which appears when creating a conductor between two terminals.

pftrue pour ajouter le poseur de conducteur, false pour l'enlever

Definition at line 253 of file diagram.h.

◆ setConductorsAutonumName()

void Diagram::setConductorsAutonumName ( const QString &  name)

◆ setConductorStart()

void Diagram::setConductorStart ( QPointF  start)

Set the start point of the conductor setter.

startthe point (in scene coordinates) which the newly created conductor should start from.

Definition at line 266 of file diagram.h.

References conductor_setter_.

◆ setConductorStop()

void Diagram::setConductorStop ( QPointF  end)

Set the end point of the conductor setter.

endthe point (in scene coordinates) upon to which the newly created conductor should be drawn.

Definition at line 275 of file diagram.h.

References conductor_setter_.

◆ setDisplayGrid()

void Diagram::setDisplayGrid ( bool  dg)

Set whether the diagram grid should be drawn.

dgtrue to render the grid, false otherwise.

Definition at line 283 of file diagram.h.

References draw_grid_.

Referenced by DiagramView::adjustGridToZoom(), applyProperties(), and QETDiagramEditor::setUpActions().

◆ setDrawColoredConductors()

void Diagram::setDrawColoredConductors ( bool  dcc)

Definit s'il faut respecter ou non les couleurs des conducteurs. Si non, les conducteurs sont tous dessines en noir.

dcctrue pour respecter les couleurs, false sinon

Definition at line 1688 of file diagram.cpp.

References draw_colored_conductors_.

Referenced by applyProperties().

◆ setDrawTerminals()

void Diagram::setDrawTerminals ( bool  dt)

Definit s'il faut afficher ou non les bornes

dttrue pour afficher les bornes, false sinon

Definition at line 1675 of file diagram.cpp.

Referenced by applyProperties().

◆ setEventInterface()

void Diagram::setEventInterface ( DiagramEventInterface event_interface)

Diagram::setEventInterface Set event_interface has current interface. Diagram become the ownership of event_interface If there is a previous interface, they will be delete before and call init() to the new interface.


Definition at line 455 of file diagram.cpp.

References DiagramEventInterface::finish(), and m_event_interface.

Referenced by QETDiagramEditor::addItemGroupTriggered(), and DiagramView::handleElementDrop().

◆ setFreezeNewConductors()

void Diagram::setFreezeNewConductors ( bool  b)

Diagram::setfreezeNewConductors Set new conductor label to be frozen.

Definition at line 1581 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_freeze_new_conductors_.

◆ setFreezeNewElements()

void Diagram::setFreezeNewElements ( bool  b)

Diagram::freezeNewElements Set new element label to be frozen.

Definition at line 1555 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_freeze_new_elements.

◆ setProject()

void Diagram::setProject ( QETProject project)

Diagram::setProject Set parent project of this diagram, project also become the parent QObject of this diagram.

projectnew project

Definition at line 1725 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_project, and project().

Referenced by Diagram().

◆ setTitleBlockTemplate

void Diagram::setTitleBlockTemplate ( const QString &  template_name)

Set the template to use to render the title block of this diagram.

template_nameName of the title block template.

Definition at line 1195 of file diagram.cpp.

References border_and_titleblock, QETProject::embeddedTitleBlockTemplatesCollection(), TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollection::getTemplate(), m_project, BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockTemplateName(), BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockTemplateRemoved(), and usedTitleBlockTemplateChanged().

Referenced by Diagram().

◆ setUseBorder()

void Diagram::setUseBorder ( bool  ub)

Set whether the diagram border (including rows/colums headers and the title block) should be rendered along with the diagram. When set to false, the size of the smallest rectangle containing all items is considered as the diagram size.

ubtrue to take the border into account, false otherwise

Definition at line 301 of file diagram.h.

References use_border_.

Referenced by applyProperties().

◆ showDiagram

void Diagram::showDiagram ( Diagram )

Referenced by showMe().

◆ showMe()

void Diagram::showMe ( )

◆ snapToGrid()

QPointF Diagram::snapToGrid ( const QPointF &  p)

◆ title()

QString Diagram::title ( ) const

◆ titleBlockTemplateChanged

void Diagram::titleBlockTemplateChanged ( const QString &  template_name)

This slot may be used to inform the diagram object that the given title block template has changed. The diagram will thus flush its title block-dedicated rendering cache.

template_nameName of the title block template that has changed

Definition at line 1168 of file diagram.cpp.

References border_and_titleblock, BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockTemplateChanged(), and BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockTemplateName().

◆ titleBlockTemplateRemoved

void Diagram::titleBlockTemplateRemoved ( const QString &  template_name,
const QString &  new_template = QString() 

This slot has to be be used to inform this class that the given title block template is about to be removed and is no longer accessible. This class will either use the provided optional TitleBlockTemplate or the default title block provided by QETApp::defaultTitleBlockTemplate()

template_nameName of the title block template that has changed
new_template(Optional) Name of the title block template to use instead

Definition at line 1183 of file diagram.cpp.

References border_and_titleblock, QETProject::embeddedTitleBlockTemplatesCollection(), TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollection::getTemplate(), m_project, BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockTemplateName(), and BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockTemplateRemoved().

◆ titleChanged

void Diagram::titleChanged ( const QString &  title)

Definition at line 1158 of file diagram.cpp.

References diagramTitleChanged(), and title().

Referenced by Diagram().

◆ toPaintDevice()

bool Diagram::toPaintDevice ( QPaintDevice &  pix,
int  width = -1,
int  height = -1,
Qt::AspectRatioMode  aspectRatioMode = Qt::KeepAspectRatio 

Exporte le schema vers une image

Une QImage representant le schema

Definition at line 504 of file diagram.cpp.

References border_and_titleblock, BorderTitleBlock::borderAndTitleBlockRect(), margin, and use_border_.

◆ toXml()

QDomDocument Diagram::toXml ( bool  whole_content = true)

Exporte tout ou partie du schema

whole_contentBooleen (a vrai par defaut) indiquant si le XML genere doit representer l'integralite du schema ou seulement le contenu selectionne
Un Document XML (QDomDocument)

Definition at line 604 of file diagram.cpp.

References border_and_titleblock, BorderTitleBlock::borderToXml(), conductors(), defaultConductorProperties, elements(), folioSequentialsToXml(), isEmpty(), m_cnd_hundredfolio_max, m_cnd_tenfolio_max, m_cnd_unitfolio_max, m_conductors_autonum_name, m_elmt_hundredfolio_max, m_elmt_tenfolio_max, m_elmt_unitfolio_max, m_freeze_new_conductors_, m_freeze_new_elements, m_project, QETApp::projectId(), BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockToXml(), ConductorProperties::toXml(), and QET::version.

Referenced by MultiPasteDialog::MultiPasteDialog(), and QETProject::toXml().

◆ undoStack()

QUndoStack & Diagram::undoStack ( )

◆ unfreezeElements()

void Diagram::unfreezeElements ( )

Diagram::unfreezeElements Unfreeze every existent element label.

Definition at line 1545 of file diagram.cpp.

References elements(), and Element::freezeLabel().

◆ updateLabels

void Diagram::updateLabels ( )

Diagram::updateLabels Update elements and conductors that reference folio field in their labels.

Definition at line 1245 of file diagram.cpp.

References conductors(), and content().

Referenced by Diagram().

◆ useBorder()

bool Diagram::useBorder ( )
true if the border is rendered and take into account, false otherwise.

Definition at line 309 of file diagram.h.

References use_border_.

Referenced by applyProperties().

◆ usedTitleBlockTemplateChanged

void Diagram::usedTitleBlockTemplateChanged ( const QString &  )

Referenced by setTitleBlockTemplate().

◆ usesElement()

bool Diagram::usesElement ( const ElementsLocation location)

Permet de savoir si un element est utilise sur un schema

locationEmplacement d'un element
true si l'element location est utilise sur ce schema, false sinon

Definition at line 1512 of file diagram.cpp.

References elements().

◆ usesTitleBlockTemplate()

bool Diagram::usesTitleBlockTemplate ( const QString &  name)
atitle block template name
true if the provided template is used by this diagram, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1527 of file diagram.cpp.

References border_and_titleblock, and BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockTemplateName().

◆ wheelEvent()

void Diagram::wheelEvent ( QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *  event)

Diagram::wheelEvent This event is managed by diagram event interface if any.


Definition at line 265 of file diagram.cpp.

References m_event_interface, and DiagramEventInterface::wheelEvent().

Member Data Documentation

◆ background_color

QColor Diagram::background_color = Qt::white

◆ border_and_titleblock

BorderTitleBlock Diagram::border_and_titleblock

◆ conductor_setter_

QGraphicsLineItem* Diagram::conductor_setter_

Definition at line 102 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by Diagram(), setConductorStart(), setConductorStop(), and ~Diagram().

◆ defaultConductorProperties

ConductorProperties Diagram::defaultConductorProperties

Default properties for new conductors.

Definition at line 72 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by Conductor::Conductor(), fromXml(), and toXml().

◆ diagram_qet_version_

qreal Diagram::diagram_qet_version_

Definition at line 110 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by declaredQElectroTechVersion(), and fromXml().

◆ draw_colored_conductors_

bool Diagram::draw_colored_conductors_

Definition at line 115 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by drawColoredConductors(), and setDrawColoredConductors().

◆ draw_grid_

bool Diagram::draw_grid_

Definition at line 112 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by displayGrid(), drawBackground(), and setDisplayGrid().

◆ draw_terminals_

bool Diagram::draw_terminals_

Definition at line 114 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by drawTerminals().

◆ m_cnd_hundredfolio_max

QHash<QString, QStringList> Diagram::m_cnd_hundredfolio_max

Definition at line 99 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by fromXml(), loadCndFolioSeq(), and toXml().

◆ m_cnd_tenfolio_max

QHash<QString, QStringList> Diagram::m_cnd_tenfolio_max

Definition at line 98 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by fromXml(), loadCndFolioSeq(), and toXml().

◆ m_cnd_unitfolio_max

QHash<QString, QStringList> Diagram::m_cnd_unitfolio_max

Hash containing max values for folio sequential autonums in this diagram.

Definition at line 97 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by fromXml(), loadCndFolioSeq(), and toXml().

◆ m_conductors_autonum_name

QString Diagram::m_conductors_autonum_name

Definition at line 117 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by conductorsAutonumName(), fromXml(), setConductorsAutonumName(), and toXml().

◆ m_element_texts_mover

ElementTextsMover Diagram::m_element_texts_mover

Definition at line 104 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by elementTextsMover().

◆ m_elements_mover

ElementsMover Diagram::m_elements_mover

Definition at line 103 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by elementsMover(), keyPressEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().

◆ m_elmt_hundredfolio_max

QHash<QString, QStringList> Diagram::m_elmt_hundredfolio_max

Definition at line 95 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by fromXml(), loadElmtFolioSeq(), autonum::setSequential(), and toXml().

◆ m_elmt_tenfolio_max

QHash<QString, QStringList> Diagram::m_elmt_tenfolio_max

Definition at line 94 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by fromXml(), loadElmtFolioSeq(), autonum::setSequential(), and toXml().

◆ m_elmt_unitfolio_max

QHash<QString, QStringList> Diagram::m_elmt_unitfolio_max

Hash containing max values for folio sequential autonums in this diagram.

Definition at line 93 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by fromXml(), loadElmtFolioSeq(), autonum::setSequential(), and toXml().

◆ m_event_interface

DiagramEventInterface* Diagram::m_event_interface

◆ m_freeze_new_conductors_

bool Diagram::m_freeze_new_conductors_

Definition at line 121 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by freezeNewConductors(), fromXml(), setFreezeNewConductors(), and toXml().

◆ m_freeze_new_elements

bool Diagram::m_freeze_new_elements

Definition at line 120 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by freezeNewElements(), fromXml(), setFreezeNewElements(), and toXml().

◆ m_project

QETProject* Diagram::m_project

◆ margin

const qreal Diagram::margin = 5.0

◆ qgi_manager_

QGIManager* Diagram::qgi_manager_

Definition at line 105 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by Diagram(), qgiManager(), and ~Diagram().

◆ use_border_

bool Diagram::use_border_

Definition at line 113 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by drawBackground(), imageSize(), setUseBorder(), toPaintDevice(), and useBorder().

◆ xGrid

int Diagram::xGrid = 10

abscissa grid step size

Definition at line 76 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by drawBackground(), Conductor::generateConductorPath(), and snapToGrid().

◆ xKeyGrid

int Diagram::xKeyGrid = 10

Key grid x step size.

Definition at line 80 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by keyPressEvent().

◆ xKeyGridFine

int Diagram::xKeyGridFine = 1

Key grid fine x step size.

Definition at line 84 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by keyPressEvent().

◆ xml_document_

QDomDocument Diagram::xml_document_

Definition at line 108 of file diagram.h.

◆ yGrid

int Diagram::yGrid = 10

ordinate grid step size

Definition at line 78 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by drawBackground(), Conductor::generateConductorPath(), and snapToGrid().

◆ yKeyGrid

int Diagram::yKeyGrid = 10

Key grid y step size.

Definition at line 82 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by keyPressEvent().

◆ yKeyGridFine

int Diagram::yKeyGridFine = 1

Key grid fine y step size.

Definition at line 86 of file diagram.h.

Referenced by keyPressEvent().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: