QElectroTech  0.70
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QETProject Class Reference

#include <qetproject.h>

Public Types

enum  ProjectState {
  Ok = 0, FileOpenFailed = 1, XmlParsingFailed = 2, ProjectParsingRunning = 3,
  ProjectParsingFailed = 4, FileOpenDiscard = 5

Public Slots

DiagramaddNewDiagram ()
QList< Diagram * > addNewDiagramFolioList ()
 QETProject::addNewDiagramFolioList Add new diagram folio list. More...
void removeDiagram (Diagram *)
void diagramOrderChanged (int, int)
void setModified (bool)


void projectFilePathChanged (QETProject *, const QString &)
void projectTitleChanged (QETProject *, const QString &)
void projectInformationsChanged (QETProject *)
void diagramAdded (QETProject *, Diagram *)
void diagramRemoved (QETProject *, Diagram *)
void projectModified (QETProject *, bool)
void projectDiagramsOrderChanged (QETProject *, int, int)
void diagramUsedTemplate (TitleBlockTemplatesCollection *, const QString &)
void readOnlyChanged (QETProject *, bool)
void reportPropertiesChanged (const QString &old_str, const QString &new_str)
void XRefPropertiesChanged ()
void addAutoNumDiagram ()
void elementAutoNumAdded (QString name)
void elementAutoNumRemoved (QString name)
void conductorAutoNumAdded ()
void conductorAutoNumRemoved ()
void folioAutoNumAdded ()
void folioAutoNumRemoved ()
void folioAutoNumChanged (QString)
void defaultTitleBlockPropertiesChanged ()
void conductorAutoNumChanged ()

Public Member Functions

 QETProject (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 QETProject::QETProject Create a empty project. More...
 QETProject (const QString &path, QObject *=nullptr)
 QETProject::QETProject Construct a project from a .qet file. More...
 QETProject (KAutoSaveFile *backup, QObject *parent=nullptr)
 QETProject::QETProject. More...
 ~QETProject () override
 QETProject::~QETProject Destructor. More...
ProjectState state () const
QList< Diagram * > diagrams () const
int getFolioSheetsQuantity () const
void setFolioSheetsQuantity (int)
 get the folio sheets quantity for this project More...
int folioIndex (const Diagram *) const
 set the folio sheets quantity for this project More...
XmlElementCollectionembeddedElementCollection () const
 QETProject::embeddedCollection. More...
TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollectionembeddedTitleBlockTemplatesCollection ()
QString filePath ()
void setFilePath (const QString &)
 QETProject::setFilePath Set the filepath of this project file Set a file path also create a backup file according to the path. If a previous path was set, the previous backup file is deleted and a new one is created according to the path. More...
QString currentDir () const
QString pathNameTitle () const
QString title () const
qreal declaredQElectroTechVersion ()
void setTitle (const QString &)
BorderProperties defaultBorderProperties () const
void setDefaultBorderProperties (const BorderProperties &)
TitleBlockProperties defaultTitleBlockProperties () const
void setDefaultTitleBlockProperties (const TitleBlockProperties &)
 QETProject::setDefaultTitleBlockProperties Specify the title block to be used at the creation of a new diagram for this project. More...
ConductorProperties defaultConductorProperties () const
void setDefaultConductorProperties (const ConductorProperties &)
QString defaultReportProperties () const
void setDefaultReportProperties (const QString &properties)
XRefProperties defaultXRefProperties (const QString &type) const
QHash< QString, XRefPropertiesdefaultXRefProperties () const
void setDefaultXRefProperties (const QString &type, const XRefProperties &properties)
void setDefaultXRefProperties (QHash< QString, XRefProperties > hash)
QHash< QString, NumerotationContextconductorAutoNum () const
 QETProject::conductorAutoNum. More...
QHash< QString, NumerotationContextelementAutoNum () const
 QETProject::elementAutoNum. More...
QHash< QString, NumerotationContextfolioAutoNum () const
 QETProject::folioAutoNum. More...
void addConductorAutoNum (const QString &key, const NumerotationContext &context)
 QETProject::addConductorAutoNum Add a new conductor numerotation context. If key already exist, replace old context by the new context. More...
void addElementAutoNum (const QString &key, const NumerotationContext &context)
 QETProject::addElementAutoNum Add a new element numerotation context. If key already exist, replace old context by the new context. More...
void addFolioAutoNum (const QString &key, const NumerotationContext &context)
 QETProject::addFolioAutoNum Add a new folio numerotation context. If key already exist, replace old context by the new context. More...
void removeConductorAutoNum (const QString &key)
 QETProject::removeConductorAutoNum Remove Conductor Numerotation Context stored with key. More...
void removeElementAutoNum (const QString &key)
 QETProject::removeElementAutonum Remove Element Numerotation Context stored with key. More...
void removeFolioAutoNum (const QString &key)
 QETProject::removeFolioAutonum Remove Folio Numerotation Context stored with key. More...
NumerotationContext conductorAutoNum (const QString &key) const
 QETProject::conductorAutoNum Return conductor numerotation context stored with . If key is not found, return an empty numerotation context. More...
NumerotationContext folioAutoNum (const QString &key) const
 QETProject::folioAutoNum Return folio numerotation context stored with . If key is not found, return an empty numerotation context. More...
NumerotationContext elementAutoNum (const QString &key)
 QETProject::elementAutoNum Return element numerotation context stored with . If key is not found, return an empty numerotation context. More...
QString conductorAutoNumFormula (const QString &key) const
 QETProject::conductorAutoNumFormula. More...
QString conductorCurrentAutoNum () const
 QETProject::conductorCurrentAutoNum. More...
void setCurrentConductorAutoNum (QString autoNum)
 QETProject::setCurrentConductorAutoNum. More...
QString elementAutoNumFormula (const QString &key) const
 QETProject::elementAutoNumFormula. More...
QString elementAutoNumCurrentFormula () const
 QETProject::elementAutoNumCurrentFormula. More...
QString elementCurrentAutoNum () const
 QETProject::elementCurrentAutoNum. More...
void setCurrrentElementAutonum (QString autoNum)
 QETProject::setCurrrentElementAutonum. More...
void freezeExistentElementLabel (bool freeze, int from, int to)
 QETProject::freezeExistentElementLabel Freeze Existent Elements in the selected folios. More...
void freezeNewElementLabel (bool freeze, int from, int to)
 QETProject::freezeNewElementLabel Freeze New Elements in the selected folios. More...
bool isFreezeNewElements ()
 QETProject::freezeNewElements. More...
void setFreezeNewElements (bool)
 QETProject::setfreezeNewElements Set Project Wide freeze new elements. More...
void freezeExistentConductorLabel (bool freeze, int from, int to)
 QETProject::freezeExistentConductorLabel Freeze Existent Conductors in the selected folios. More...
void freezeNewConductorLabel (bool freeze, int from, int to)
 QETProject::freezeNewConductorLabel Freeze New Conductors in the selected folios. More...
bool isFreezeNewConductors ()
 QETProject::isFreezeNewConductors. More...
void setFreezeNewConductors (bool)
 QETProject::setfreezeNewConductors Set Project Wide freeze new conductors. More...
bool autoConductor () const
bool autoElement () const
bool autoFolio () const
void setAutoConductor (bool ac)
 QETProject::setAutoConductor. More...
void setAutoElement (bool ae)
void autoFolioNumberingNewFolios ()
 QETProject::autoFolioNumberingNewFolios emit Signal to add new Diagram with autonum properties. More...
void autoFolioNumberingSelectedFolios (int, int, const QString &)
 QETProject::autoFolioNumberingNewFolios. More...
QDomDocument toXml ()
bool close ()
QETResult write ()
 QETProject::write Save the project in a file. More...
bool isReadOnly () const
void setReadOnly (bool)
 QETProject::setReadOnly Set this project to read only if = true. More...
bool isEmpty () const
ElementsLocation importElement (ElementsLocation &location)
 QETProject::importElement Import the element represented by to the embbeded collection of this project. More...
QString integrateTitleBlockTemplate (const TitleBlockTemplateLocation &, MoveTitleBlockTemplatesHandler *handler)
bool usesElement (const ElementsLocation &) const
QList< ElementsLocationunusedElements () const
 QETProject::unusedElements. More...
bool usesTitleBlockTemplate (const TitleBlockTemplateLocation &)
bool projectWasModified ()
bool projectOptionsWereModified ()
DiagramContext projectProperties ()
void setProjectProperties (const DiagramContext &)
QUndoStack * undoStack ()


bool autoConductor
 QETProject::autoConductor. More...

Private Slots

void updateDiagramsFolioData ()
void updateDiagramsTitleBlockTemplate (TitleBlockTemplatesCollection *, const QString &)
void removeDiagramsTitleBlockTemplate (TitleBlockTemplatesCollection *, const QString &)
void usedTitleBlockTemplateChanged (const QString &)
void undoStackChanged (bool a)

Private Member Functions

 QETProject (const QETProject &)
void readProjectXml (QDomDocument &xml_project)
 QETProject::readProjectXml Read and make the project from an xml description. More...
void readDiagramsXml (QDomDocument &xml_project)
 QETProject::readDiagramsXml Load the diagrams from the xml description of the project. Note a project can have 0 diagram. More...
void readElementsCollectionXml (QDomDocument &xml_project)
 QETProject::readElementsCollectionXml Load the diagrams from the xml description of the project. More...
void readProjectPropertiesXml (QDomDocument &xml_project)
 QETProject::readProjectPropertiesXml Load project properties from the XML description of the project. More...
void readDefaultPropertiesXml (QDomDocument &xml_project)
 QETProject::readDefaultPropertiesXml load default properties for new diagram, found in the xml of this project or by default find in the QElectroTech global conf. More...
void writeProjectPropertiesXml (QDomElement &)
void writeDefaultPropertiesXml (QDomElement &)
 QETProject::writeDefaultPropertiesXml Export all defaults properties used by a new diagram and his content #size of border #content of titleblock #default conductor #defaut folio report #default Xref. More...
void addDiagram (Diagram *)
 QETProject::addDiagram Add a diagram in this project. More...
NamesList namesListForIntegrationCategory ()
void writeBackup ()
 QETProject::writeBackup Write a backup file of this project, in the case that QET crash. More...
void init ()
 QETProject::init. More...
ProjectState openFile (QFile *file)
 QETProject::openFile. More...

Private Attributes

QString m_file_path
 File path this project is saved to. More...
ProjectState m_state
 Current state of the project. More...
QList< Diagram * > m_diagrams_list
 Diagrams carried by the project. More...
QString project_title_
 Project title. More...
qreal m_project_qet_version = -1
 QElectroTech version declared in the XML document at opening time. More...
bool m_modified = false
 Whether options were modified. More...
bool m_read_only = false
 Whether the project is read only. More...
QString read_only_file_path_
 Filepath for which this project is considered read only. More...
BorderProperties default_border_properties_
 Default dimensions and properties for new diagrams created within the project. More...
ConductorProperties default_conductor_properties_
 Default conductor properties for new diagrams created within the project. More...
TitleBlockProperties default_titleblock_properties_
 Default title block properties for new diagrams created within the project. More...
QString m_default_report_properties
 Default report properties. More...
QHash< QString, XRefPropertiesm_default_xref_properties
 Default xref properties. More...
TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollection m_titleblocks_collection
 Embedded title block templates collection. More...
DiagramContext m_project_properties
 project-wide variables that will be made available to child diagrams More...
QUndoStack * m_undo_stack
 undo stack for this project More...
QHash< QString, NumerotationContextm_conductor_autonum
 Conductor auto numerotation. More...
QString m_current_conductor_autonum
QHash< QString, NumerotationContextm_folio_autonum
 Folio auto numbering. More...
QHash< QString, NumerotationContextm_element_autonum
 Element Auto Numbering. More...
QString m_current_element_autonum
int m_folio_sheets_quantity = 0
 Folio List Sheets quantity for this project. More...
bool m_auto_conductor = true
XmlElementCollectionm_elements_collection = nullptr
bool m_freeze_new_elements = false
bool m_freeze_new_conductors = false
QTimer m_save_backup_timer
QTimer m_autosave_timer
KAutoSaveFile * m_backup_file = nullptr

Detailed Description

This class represents a QET project. Typically saved as a .qet file, it consists in an XML document grouping 0 to n diagrams and embedding an elements collection. This collection enables users to export diagrams on remote machines without wondering whether required elements are available to them.

Definition at line 46 of file qetproject.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ProjectState


no error


file opening failed


XML parsing failed.


the XML content is currently being processed


the parsing of the XML content failed

Definition at line 51 of file qetproject.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QETProject() [1/4]

QETProject::QETProject ( QObject *  parent = nullptr)

QETProject::QETProject Create a empty project.


Definition at line 47 of file qetproject.cpp.

References init(), and m_elements_collection.

◆ QETProject() [2/4]

QETProject::QETProject ( const QString &  path,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

QETProject::QETProject Construct a project from a .qet file.

path: path of the file
parent: parent QObject

Definition at line 61 of file qetproject.cpp.

References init(), m_state, and openFile().

◆ QETProject() [3/4]

QETProject::QETProject ( KAutoSaveFile *  backup,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 


backup: backup file to open, QETProject take ownership of backup.
parent: parent QObject

Definition at line 79 of file qetproject.cpp.

References init(), m_file_path, m_state, openFile(), setFilePath(), and setReadOnly().

◆ ~QETProject()

QETProject::~QETProject ( )

QETProject::~QETProject Destructor.

Definition at line 111 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list.

◆ QETProject() [4/4]

QETProject::QETProject ( const QETProject )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAutoNumDiagram

void QETProject::addAutoNumDiagram ( )

◆ addConductorAutoNum()

void QETProject::addConductorAutoNum ( const QString &  key,
const NumerotationContext context 

QETProject::addConductorAutoNum Add a new conductor numerotation context. If key already exist, replace old context by the new context.


Definition at line 588 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_conductor_autonum.

Referenced by Diagram::loadCndFolioSeq(), ConductorAutoNumerotation::newProperties(), ConductorAutoNumerotation::numerateNewConductor(), and ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::saveContextConductor().

◆ addDiagram()

void QETProject::addDiagram ( Diagram diagram)

QETProject::addDiagram Add a diagram in this project.

Cette methode ajoute un schema donne au projet

diagramSchema a ajouter
diagramadded diagram
positionpostion of the new diagram, by default at the end

Definition at line 1619 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list, updateDiagramsFolioData(), and usedTitleBlockTemplateChanged().

Referenced by addNewDiagram(), addNewDiagramFolioList(), and readDiagramsXml().

◆ addElementAutoNum()

void QETProject::addElementAutoNum ( const QString &  key,
const NumerotationContext context 

QETProject::addElementAutoNum Add a new element numerotation context. If key already exist, replace old context by the new context.


Definition at line 599 of file qetproject.cpp.

References elementAutoNumAdded(), and m_element_autonum.

Referenced by Diagram::loadElmtFolioSeq(), ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::saveContextElement(), and Element::setUpFormula().

◆ addFolioAutoNum()

void QETProject::addFolioAutoNum ( const QString &  key,
const NumerotationContext context 

QETProject::addFolioAutoNum Add a new folio numerotation context. If key already exist, replace old context by the new context.


Definition at line 612 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_folio_autonum.

Referenced by autoFolioNumberingSelectedFolios(), and ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::saveContextFolio().

◆ addNewDiagram

Diagram * QETProject::addNewDiagram ( )

Ajoute un nouveau schema au projet et emet le signal diagramAdded

Definition at line 1135 of file qetproject.cpp.

References addDiagram(), defaultBorderProperties(), defaultConductorProperties(), defaultTitleBlockProperties(), QET::Diagram, diagramAdded(), and isReadOnly().

◆ addNewDiagramFolioList

QList< Diagram * > QETProject::addNewDiagramFolioList ( )

◆ autoConductor()

bool QETProject::autoConductor ( ) const

◆ autoElement()

bool QETProject::autoElement ( ) const

◆ autoFolio()

bool QETProject::autoFolio ( ) const

◆ autoFolioNumberingNewFolios()

void QETProject::autoFolioNumberingNewFolios ( )

QETProject::autoFolioNumberingNewFolios emit Signal to add new Diagram with autonum properties.

Definition at line 785 of file qetproject.cpp.

References addAutoNumDiagram().

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::applyAutoNum().

◆ autoFolioNumberingSelectedFolios()

void QETProject::autoFolioNumberingSelectedFolios ( int  from,
int  to,
const QString &  autonum 


autonumused, index from selected tabs "from" and "to" rename folios with selected autonum

Definition at line 794 of file qetproject.cpp.

References addFolioAutoNum(), folioAutoNum(), m_diagrams_list, m_project_properties, NumerotationContextCommands::next(), title(), and NumerotationContextCommands::toRepresentedString().

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::applyAutoNum().

◆ close()

bool QETProject::close ( )

Ferme le projet

Definition at line 871 of file qetproject.cpp.

◆ conductorAutoNum() [1/2]

QHash< QString, NumerotationContext > QETProject::conductorAutoNum ( ) const

◆ conductorAutoNum() [2/2]

NumerotationContext QETProject::conductorAutoNum ( const QString &  key) const

QETProject::conductorAutoNum Return conductor numerotation context stored with . If key is not found, return an empty numerotation context.


Definition at line 651 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_conductor_autonum.

◆ conductorAutoNumAdded

void QETProject::conductorAutoNumAdded ( )

◆ conductorAutoNumChanged

void QETProject::conductorAutoNumChanged ( )

◆ conductorAutoNumFormula()

QString QETProject::conductorAutoNumFormula ( const QString &  key) const


conductorautonum title
Formula of element autonum stored in conductor autonum

Definition at line 549 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_conductor_autonum, and autonum::numerotationContextToFormula().

Referenced by writeDefaultPropertiesXml().

◆ conductorAutoNumRemoved

void QETProject::conductorAutoNumRemoved ( )

◆ conductorCurrentAutoNum()

QString QETProject::conductorCurrentAutoNum ( ) const

◆ currentDir()

QString QETProject::currentDir ( ) const
le dossier contenant le fichier projet si celui-ci a ete enregistre ; dans le cas contraire, cette methode retourne l'emplacement du bureau de l'utilisateur.

Definition at line 297 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_file_path.

◆ declaredQElectroTechVersion()

qreal QETProject::declaredQElectroTechVersion ( )
la version de QElectroTech declaree dans le fichier projet lorsque celui-ci a ete ouvert ; si ce projet n'a jamais ete enregistre / ouvert depuis un fichier, cette methode retourne -1.

Definition at line 374 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_project_qet_version.

◆ defaultBorderProperties()

BorderProperties QETProject::defaultBorderProperties ( ) const


les dimensions par defaut utilisees lors de la creation d'un nouveau schema dans ce projet.

Definition at line 398 of file qetproject.cpp.

References default_border_properties_.

Referenced by addNewDiagram(), and addNewDiagramFolioList().

◆ defaultConductorProperties()

ConductorProperties QETProject::defaultConductorProperties ( ) const
le type de conducteur par defaut utilise lors de la creation d'un nouveau schema dans ce projet.

Definition at line 455 of file qetproject.cpp.

References default_conductor_properties_.

Referenced by addNewDiagram(), and addNewDiagramFolioList().

◆ defaultReportProperties()

QString QETProject::defaultReportProperties ( ) const

◆ defaultTitleBlockProperties()

TitleBlockProperties QETProject::defaultTitleBlockProperties ( ) const
le cartouche par defaut utilise lors de la creation d'un nouveau schema dans ce projet.

Definition at line 415 of file qetproject.cpp.

References default_titleblock_properties_.

Referenced by addNewDiagram(), addNewDiagramFolioList(), and AutoNumberingDockWidget::setActive().

◆ defaultTitleBlockPropertiesChanged

void QETProject::defaultTitleBlockPropertiesChanged ( )

◆ defaultXRefProperties() [1/2]

XRefProperties QETProject::defaultXRefProperties ( const QString &  type) const

◆ defaultXRefProperties() [2/2]

QHash<QString, XRefProperties> QETProject::defaultXRefProperties ( ) const

Definition at line 103 of file qetproject.h.

References m_default_xref_properties.

Referenced by writeDefaultPropertiesXml().

◆ diagramAdded

void QETProject::diagramAdded ( QETProject ,

◆ diagramOrderChanged

void QETProject::diagramOrderChanged ( int  old_index,
int  new_index 

Gere le fait que l'ordre des schemas ait change

old_indexancien indice du schema deplace
new_indexnouvel indice du schema deplace Si l'ancien ou le nouvel index est negatif ou superieur au nombre de schemas dans le projet, cette methode ne fait rien. Les index vont de 0 a "nombre de schemas - 1"

Definition at line 1218 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list, projectDiagramsOrderChanged(), setModified(), and updateDiagramsFolioData().

Referenced by ProjectView::tabMoved().

◆ diagramRemoved

void QETProject::diagramRemoved ( QETProject ,

◆ diagrams()

QList< Diagram * > QETProject::diagrams ( ) const

◆ diagramUsedTemplate

void QETProject::diagramUsedTemplate ( TitleBlockTemplatesCollection ,
const QString &   

◆ elementAutoNum() [1/2]

QHash< QString, NumerotationContext > QETProject::elementAutoNum ( ) const

◆ elementAutoNum() [2/2]

NumerotationContext QETProject::elementAutoNum ( const QString &  key)

QETProject::elementAutoNum Return element numerotation context stored with . If key is not found, return an empty numerotation context.


Definition at line 662 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_element_autonum.

◆ elementAutoNumAdded

void QETProject::elementAutoNumAdded ( QString  name)

Referenced by addElementAutoNum().

◆ elementAutoNumCurrentFormula()

QString QETProject::elementAutoNumCurrentFormula ( ) const

◆ elementAutoNumFormula()

QString QETProject::elementAutoNumFormula ( const QString &  key) const


elementautonum title
Formula of element autonum stored in element autonum

Definition at line 511 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_element_autonum, and autonum::numerotationContextToFormula().

Referenced by elementAutoNumCurrentFormula(), and writeDefaultPropertiesXml().

◆ elementAutoNumRemoved

void QETProject::elementAutoNumRemoved ( QString  name)

Referenced by removeElementAutoNum().

◆ elementCurrentAutoNum()

QString QETProject::elementCurrentAutoNum ( ) const

◆ embeddedElementCollection()

XmlElementCollection * QETProject::embeddedElementCollection ( ) const

◆ embeddedTitleBlockTemplatesCollection()

TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollection * QETProject::embeddedTitleBlockTemplatesCollection ( )

◆ filePath()

QString QETProject::filePath ( )
le chemin du fichier dans lequel ce projet est enregistre

Definition at line 243 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_file_path.

Referenced by QETApp::checkBackupFiles(), QETDiagramEditor::generateTerminalBlock(), setFilePath(), updateDiagramsFolioData(), and write().

◆ folioAutoNum() [1/2]

QHash< QString, NumerotationContext > QETProject::folioAutoNum ( ) const

◆ folioAutoNum() [2/2]

NumerotationContext QETProject::folioAutoNum ( const QString &  key) const

QETProject::folioAutoNum Return folio numerotation context stored with . If key is not found, return an empty numerotation context.


Definition at line 673 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_folio_autonum.

◆ folioAutoNumAdded

void QETProject::folioAutoNumAdded ( )

◆ folioAutoNumChanged

void QETProject::folioAutoNumChanged ( QString  )

◆ folioAutoNumRemoved

void QETProject::folioAutoNumRemoved ( )

◆ folioIndex()

int QETProject::folioIndex ( const Diagram diagram) const

set the folio sheets quantity for this project

diagramPointer to a Diagram object
the folio number of the given diagram object within the project, or -1 if it is not part of this project. Note: this returns 0 for the first diagram, not 1

Definition at line 220 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list.

◆ freezeExistentConductorLabel()

void QETProject::freezeExistentConductorLabel ( bool  freeze,
int  from,
int  to 

QETProject::freezeExistentConductorLabel Freeze Existent Conductors in the selected folios.

from- first folio index to apply freeze
to- last folio index to apply freeze

Definition at line 684 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list.

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::applyManagement().

◆ freezeExistentElementLabel()

void QETProject::freezeExistentElementLabel ( bool  freeze,
int  from,
int  to 

QETProject::freezeExistentElementLabel Freeze Existent Elements in the selected folios.

from- first folio index to apply freeze
to- last folio index to apply freeze

Definition at line 724 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list.

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::applyManagement().

◆ freezeNewConductorLabel()

void QETProject::freezeNewConductorLabel ( bool  freeze,
int  from,
int  to 

QETProject::freezeNewConductorLabel Freeze New Conductors in the selected folios.

from- first folio index to apply freeze
to- last folio index to apply freeze

Definition at line 696 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list.

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::applyManagement().

◆ freezeNewElementLabel()

void QETProject::freezeNewElementLabel ( bool  freeze,
int  from,
int  to 

QETProject::freezeNewElementLabel Freeze New Elements in the selected folios.

from- first folio index to apply freeze
to- last folio index to apply freeze

Definition at line 736 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list.

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::applyManagement().

◆ getFolioSheetsQuantity()

int QETProject::getFolioSheetsQuantity ( ) const

Get the folioSheetQuantity

folio Sheets Quantity.

Definition at line 195 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_folio_sheets_quantity.

Referenced by addNewDiagramFolioList(), and ProjectView::loadDiagrams().

◆ importElement()

ElementsLocation QETProject::importElement ( ElementsLocation location)

◆ init()

void QETProject::init ( )

◆ integrateTitleBlockTemplate()

QString QETProject::integrateTitleBlockTemplate ( const TitleBlockTemplateLocation src_tbt,
MoveTitleBlockTemplatesHandler handler 

Integrate a title block template into this project.

src_tbtThe location of the title block template to be integrated into this project
the name of the template after integration, or an empty QString if a problem occurred.

Definition at line 1052 of file qetproject.cpp.

References QET::Abort, QET::Erase, TitleBlockTemplateLocation::getTemplateXmlDescription(), QET::Ignore, m_titleblocks_collection, QET::Managed, TitleBlockTemplateLocation::name(), QET::Rename, QET::Retry, TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollection::setTemplateXmlDescription(), TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollection::templates(), and QET::Icons::tr.

Referenced by DiagramView::handleTitleBlockDrop(), and setDefaultTitleBlockProperties().

◆ isEmpty()

bool QETProject::isEmpty ( ) const
true si le projet peut etre considere comme vide, c'est-a-dire :
  • soit avec une collection embarquee vide
  • soit avec uniquement des schemas consideres comme vides
  • soit avec un titre de projet

Definition at line 941 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list, and project_title_.

◆ isFreezeNewConductors()

bool QETProject::isFreezeNewConductors ( )


freeze new conductors Project Wide status

Definition at line 706 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_freeze_new_conductors.

Referenced by DiagramEventAddElement::addElement(), and MultiPasteDialog::on_m_button_box_accepted().

◆ isFreezeNewElements()

bool QETProject::isFreezeNewElements ( )


freeze new elements Project Wide status

Definition at line 746 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_freeze_new_elements.

◆ isReadOnly()

bool QETProject::isReadOnly ( ) const
true si le projet est en mode readonly, false sinon

Definition at line 915 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_file_path, m_read_only, and read_only_file_path_.

Referenced by addNewDiagram(), addNewDiagramFolioList(), ElementsLocation::isWritable(), pathNameTitle(), removeDiagram(), setTitle(), and write().

◆ namesListForIntegrationCategory()

NamesList QETProject::namesListForIntegrationCategory ( )
La liste des noms a utiliser pour la categorie dediee aux elements integres automatiquement dans le projet.

Definition at line 1647 of file qetproject.cpp.

References NamesList::addName().

◆ openFile()

QETProject::ProjectState QETProject::openFile ( QFile *  file)



Definition at line 151 of file qetproject.cpp.

References FileOpenFailed, readProjectXml(), setFilePath(), setReadOnly(), and XmlParsingFailed.

Referenced by QETProject().

◆ pathNameTitle()

QString QETProject::pathNameTitle ( ) const
une chaine de caractere du type "Projet titre du projet". Si le projet n'a pas de titre, le nom du fichier est utilise. Si le projet n'est pas associe a un fichier, cette methode retourne "Projet sans titre". De plus, si le projet est en lecture seule, le tag "[lecture seule]" est ajoute.

Definition at line 316 of file qetproject.cpp.

References isReadOnly(), m_file_path, m_modified, project_title_, and QET::Icons::tr.

◆ projectDiagramsOrderChanged

void QETProject::projectDiagramsOrderChanged ( QETProject ,
int  ,

◆ projectFilePathChanged

void QETProject::projectFilePathChanged ( QETProject ,
const QString &   

Referenced by setFilePath().

◆ projectInformationsChanged

void QETProject::projectInformationsChanged ( QETProject )

◆ projectModified

void QETProject::projectModified ( QETProject ,

Referenced by setModified().

◆ projectOptionsWereModified()

bool QETProject::projectOptionsWereModified ( )
true if project options (title, project-wide properties, settings for new diagrams, diagrams order...) were modified, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1691 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_modified.

Referenced by projectWasModified().

◆ projectProperties()

DiagramContext QETProject::projectProperties ( )
the project-wide properties made available to child diagrams.

Definition at line 1700 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_project_properties.

Referenced by autonum::AssignVariables::assignProjectVar().

◆ projectTitleChanged

void QETProject::projectTitleChanged ( QETProject ,
const QString &   

Referenced by setTitle().

◆ projectWasModified()

bool QETProject::projectWasModified ( )

Cette methode sert a reperer un projet vide, c-a-d un projet identique a ce que l'on obtient en faisant Fichier > Nouveau.

true si les schemas, la collection embarquee ou les proprietes de ce projet ont ete modifies. Concretement, le projet doit avoir un titre vide et ni ses schemas ni sa collection embarquee ne doivent avoir ete modifies.
See also
diagramsWereModified(), embeddedCollectionWasModified()

Definition at line 1721 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_titleblocks_collection, m_undo_stack, projectOptionsWereModified(), and TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollection::templates().

◆ readDefaultPropertiesXml()

void QETProject::readDefaultPropertiesXml ( QDomDocument &  xml_project)

◆ readDiagramsXml()

void QETProject::readDiagramsXml ( QDomDocument &  xml_project)

◆ readElementsCollectionXml()

void QETProject::readElementsCollectionXml ( QDomDocument &  xml_project)

QETProject::readElementsCollectionXml Load the diagrams from the xml description of the project.

xml_project: the xml description of the project

Definition at line 1395 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_elements_collection.

Referenced by readProjectXml().

◆ readOnlyChanged

void QETProject::readOnlyChanged ( QETProject ,

Referenced by setReadOnly().

◆ readProjectPropertiesXml()

void QETProject::readProjectPropertiesXml ( QDomDocument &  xml_project)

QETProject::readProjectPropertiesXml Load project properties from the XML description of the project.

xml_project: the xml description of the project

Definition at line 1421 of file qetproject.cpp.

References QET::findInDomElement(), DiagramContext::fromXml(), and m_project_properties.

Referenced by readProjectXml().

◆ readProjectXml()

void QETProject::readProjectXml ( QDomDocument &  xml_project)

◆ removeConductorAutoNum()

void QETProject::removeConductorAutoNum ( const QString &  key)

QETProject::removeConductorAutoNum Remove Conductor Numerotation Context stored with key.


Definition at line 621 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_conductor_autonum.

◆ removeDiagram

void QETProject::removeDiagram ( Diagram diagram)

Enleve un schema du projet et emet le signal diagramRemoved

diagramle schema a enlever

Definition at line 1197 of file qetproject.cpp.

References diagramRemoved(), isReadOnly(), m_diagrams_list, and updateDiagramsFolioData().

◆ removeDiagramsTitleBlockTemplate

void QETProject::removeDiagramsTitleBlockTemplate ( TitleBlockTemplatesCollection collection,
const QString &  template_name 

Inform each diagram that the template_name title block is about to be removed.

collectionTitle block templates collection
template_nameName of the removed template

Definition at line 1798 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list.

Referenced by init().

◆ removeElementAutoNum()

void QETProject::removeElementAutoNum ( const QString &  key)

QETProject::removeElementAutonum Remove Element Numerotation Context stored with key.


Definition at line 630 of file qetproject.cpp.

References elementAutoNumRemoved(), and m_element_autonum.

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::removeContextElement().

◆ removeFolioAutoNum()

void QETProject::removeFolioAutoNum ( const QString &  key)

QETProject::removeFolioAutonum Remove Folio Numerotation Context stored with key.


Definition at line 641 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_folio_autonum.

◆ reportPropertiesChanged

void QETProject::reportPropertiesChanged ( const QString &  old_str,
const QString &  new_str 

◆ setAutoConductor()

void QETProject::setAutoConductor ( bool  ac)


acEnable the use of auto conductor if true See also Q_PROPERTY autoConductor

Definition at line 774 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_auto_conductor.

◆ setAutoElement()

void QETProject::setAutoElement ( bool  ae)

◆ setCurrentConductorAutoNum()

void QETProject::setCurrentConductorAutoNum ( QString  autoNum)

◆ setCurrrentElementAutonum()

void QETProject::setCurrrentElementAutonum ( QString  autoNum)

◆ setDefaultBorderProperties()

void QETProject::setDefaultBorderProperties ( const BorderProperties border)

Permet de specifier les dimensions par defaut utilisees lors de la creation d'un nouveau schema dans ce projet.

borderdimensions d'un schema

Definition at line 407 of file qetproject.cpp.

References default_border_properties_.

◆ setDefaultConductorProperties()

void QETProject::setDefaultConductorProperties ( const ConductorProperties conductor)

Permet de specifier e type de conducteur par defaut utilise lors de la creation d'un nouveau schema dans ce projet.

Definition at line 463 of file qetproject.cpp.

References default_conductor_properties_.

◆ setDefaultReportProperties()

void QETProject::setDefaultReportProperties ( const QString &  properties)

Definition at line 471 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_default_report_properties, and reportPropertiesChanged().

Referenced by readDefaultPropertiesXml().

◆ setDefaultTitleBlockProperties()

void QETProject::setDefaultTitleBlockProperties ( const TitleBlockProperties titleblock)

◆ setDefaultXRefProperties() [1/2]

void QETProject::setDefaultXRefProperties ( const QString &  type,
const XRefProperties properties 

Definition at line 479 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_default_xref_properties, and XRefPropertiesChanged().

◆ setDefaultXRefProperties() [2/2]

void QETProject::setDefaultXRefProperties ( QHash< QString, XRefProperties hash)

Definition at line 484 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_default_xref_properties, and XRefPropertiesChanged().

◆ setFilePath()

void QETProject::setFilePath ( const QString &  filepath)

QETProject::setFilePath Set the filepath of this project file Set a file path also create a backup file according to the path. If a previous path was set, the previous backup file is deleted and a new one is created according to the path.


Definition at line 255 of file qetproject.cpp.

References DiagramContext::addValue(), filePath(), m_backup_file, m_file_path, m_project_properties, projectFilePathChanged(), projectInformationsChanged(), setReadOnly(), and updateDiagramsFolioData().

Referenced by openFile(), and QETProject().

◆ setFolioSheetsQuantity()

void QETProject::setFolioSheetsQuantity ( int  quantity)

get the folio sheets quantity for this project

Set the folioSheetQuantity to quantity

Newvalue of quantity to be set.

Definition at line 203 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_folio_sheets_quantity.

Referenced by addNewDiagramFolioList().

◆ setFreezeNewConductors()

void QETProject::setFreezeNewConductors ( bool  set)

QETProject::setfreezeNewConductors Set Project Wide freeze new conductors.

Definition at line 714 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_freeze_new_conductors.

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::applyManagement().

◆ setFreezeNewElements()

void QETProject::setFreezeNewElements ( bool  set)

QETProject::setfreezeNewElements Set Project Wide freeze new elements.

Definition at line 754 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_freeze_new_elements.

Referenced by ProjectAutoNumConfigPage::applyManagement().

◆ setModified

void QETProject::setModified ( bool  modified)

Mark this project as modified and emit the projectModified() signal.

Definition at line 1233 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_modified, projectInformationsChanged(), and projectModified().

Referenced by diagramOrderChanged(), ProjectView::loadDiagrams(), undoStackChanged(), and write().

◆ setProjectProperties()

void QETProject::setProjectProperties ( const DiagramContext context)

Use context as project-wide properties made available to child diagrams.

Definition at line 1707 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_project_properties, and updateDiagramsFolioData().

◆ setReadOnly()

void QETProject::setReadOnly ( bool  read_only)

QETProject::setReadOnly Set this project to read only if = true.


Definition at line 924 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_file_path, m_read_only, read_only_file_path_, and readOnlyChanged().

Referenced by openFile(), QETProject(), and setFilePath().

◆ setTitle()

void QETProject::setTitle ( const QString &  title)
titlele nouveau titre du projet

Definition at line 381 of file qetproject.cpp.

References isReadOnly(), project_title_, projectInformationsChanged(), projectTitleChanged(), title(), and updateDiagramsFolioData().

Referenced by readDiagramsXml(), and readProjectXml().

◆ state()

QETProject::ProjectState QETProject::state ( ) const

Cette methode peut etre utilisee pour tester la bonne ouverture d'un projet

l'etat du projet
See also

Definition at line 187 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_state.

Referenced by QETDiagramEditor::openBackupFiles().

◆ title()

QString QETProject::title ( ) const

◆ toXml()

QDomDocument QETProject::toXml ( )

◆ undoStack()

QUndoStack* QETProject::undoStack ( )

◆ undoStackChanged

void QETProject::undoStackChanged ( bool  a)

Definition at line 201 of file qetproject.h.

References setModified().

Referenced by init().

◆ unusedElements()

QList< ElementsLocation > QETProject::unusedElements ( ) const


the list of unused element (exactly her location) An unused element, is an element present in the embedded collection but not present in a diagram of this project. Be aware that an element can be not present in a diagram, but managed by an undo command (delete an element), so an unused element can be used after an undo.

Definition at line 1104 of file qetproject.cpp.

References XmlElementCollection::elementsLocation(), ElementsLocation::isElement(), m_elements_collection, and usesElement().

Referenced by XmlElementCollection::cleanUnusedElement().

◆ updateDiagramsFolioData

void QETProject::updateDiagramsFolioData ( )

Indique a chaque schema du projet quel est son numero de folio et combien de folio le projet contient.

Definition at line 1736 of file qetproject.cpp.

References DiagramContext::addValue(), filePath(), folioAutoNum(), m_diagrams_list, m_project_properties, NumerotationContextCommands::next(), title(), and NumerotationContextCommands::toRepresentedString().

Referenced by addDiagram(), diagramOrderChanged(), removeDiagram(), setFilePath(), setProjectProperties(), setTitle(), and write().

◆ updateDiagramsTitleBlockTemplate

void QETProject::updateDiagramsTitleBlockTemplate ( TitleBlockTemplatesCollection collection,
const QString &  template_name 

Inform each diagram that the template_name title block changed.

collectionTitle block templates collection
template_nameName of the changed template

Definition at line 1785 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_diagrams_list.

Referenced by init().

◆ usedTitleBlockTemplateChanged

void QETProject::usedTitleBlockTemplateChanged ( const QString &  template_name)

Handles the fact a digram changed the title block template it used

template_nameName of the template

Definition at line 1811 of file qetproject.cpp.

References diagramUsedTemplate(), and embeddedTitleBlockTemplatesCollection().

Referenced by addDiagram().

◆ usesElement()

bool QETProject::usesElement ( const ElementsLocation location) const

Permet de savoir si un element est utilise dans un projet

locationEmplacement d'un element
true si l'element location est utilise sur au moins un des schemas de ce projet, false sinon

Definition at line 1087 of file qetproject.cpp.

References diagrams().

Referenced by unusedElements().

◆ usesTitleBlockTemplate()

bool QETProject::usesTitleBlockTemplate ( const TitleBlockTemplateLocation location)
locationLocation of a title block template
true if the provided template is used by at least one diagram within this project, false otherwise

Definition at line 1120 of file qetproject.cpp.

References diagrams(), TitleBlockTemplateLocation::name(), and TitleBlockTemplateLocation::parentProject().

◆ write()

QETResult QETProject::write ( )

QETProject::write Save the project in a file.

See also
true if the project was successfully saved, else false

Definition at line 882 of file qetproject.cpp.

References DiagramContext::addValue(), filePath(), isReadOnly(), m_file_path, m_project_properties, projectInformationsChanged(), setModified(), toXml(), updateDiagramsFolioData(), and QET::writeXmlFile().

Referenced by init().

◆ writeBackup()

void QETProject::writeBackup ( )

QETProject::writeBackup Write a backup file of this project, in the case that QET crash.

Definition at line 1675 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_backup_file, toXml(), and QET::writeToFile().

Referenced by init().

◆ writeDefaultPropertiesXml()

void QETProject::writeDefaultPropertiesXml ( QDomElement &  xml_element)

QETProject::writeDefaultPropertiesXml Export all defaults properties used by a new diagram and his content #size of border #content of titleblock #default conductor #defaut folio report #default Xref.

xml_elementxml element to use for store default propertie.

Definition at line 1538 of file qetproject.cpp.

References conductorAutoNum(), conductorAutoNumFormula(), default_border_properties_, default_conductor_properties_, default_titleblock_properties_, defaultReportProperties(), defaultXRefProperties(), elementAutoNum(), elementAutoNumFormula(), folioAutoNum(), m_current_conductor_autonum, m_current_element_autonum, m_freeze_new_conductors, m_freeze_new_elements, BorderProperties::toXml(), TitleBlockProperties::toXml(), and ConductorProperties::toXml().

Referenced by toXml().

◆ writeProjectPropertiesXml()

void QETProject::writeProjectPropertiesXml ( QDomElement &  xml_element)

Export project properties under the xml_element XML element.

Definition at line 1524 of file qetproject.cpp.

References m_project_properties, and DiagramContext::toXml().

Referenced by toXml().

◆ XRefPropertiesChanged

void QETProject::XRefPropertiesChanged ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ default_border_properties_

BorderProperties QETProject::default_border_properties_

Default dimensions and properties for new diagrams created within the project.

Definition at line 237 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by defaultBorderProperties(), readDefaultPropertiesXml(), setDefaultBorderProperties(), and writeDefaultPropertiesXml().

◆ default_conductor_properties_

ConductorProperties QETProject::default_conductor_properties_

Default conductor properties for new diagrams created within the project.

Definition at line 239 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by defaultConductorProperties(), readDefaultPropertiesXml(), setDefaultConductorProperties(), and writeDefaultPropertiesXml().

◆ default_titleblock_properties_

TitleBlockProperties QETProject::default_titleblock_properties_

Default title block properties for new diagrams created within the project.

Definition at line 241 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by defaultTitleBlockProperties(), readDefaultPropertiesXml(), setDefaultTitleBlockProperties(), and writeDefaultPropertiesXml().

◆ m_auto_conductor

bool QETProject::m_auto_conductor = true

Definition at line 262 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by setAutoConductor().

◆ m_autosave_timer

QTimer QETProject::m_autosave_timer

Definition at line 266 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by init().

◆ m_backup_file

KAutoSaveFile* QETProject::m_backup_file = nullptr

Definition at line 268 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by setFilePath(), and writeBackup().

◆ m_conductor_autonum

QHash<QString, NumerotationContext> QETProject::m_conductor_autonum

◆ m_current_conductor_autonum

QString QETProject::m_current_conductor_autonum

◆ m_current_element_autonum

QString QETProject::m_current_element_autonum

◆ m_default_report_properties

QString QETProject::m_default_report_properties

Default report properties.

Definition at line 243 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by defaultReportProperties(), readDefaultPropertiesXml(), and setDefaultReportProperties().

◆ m_default_xref_properties

QHash<QString, XRefProperties> QETProject::m_default_xref_properties

Default xref properties.

Definition at line 245 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by defaultXRefProperties(), readDefaultPropertiesXml(), and setDefaultXRefProperties().

◆ m_diagrams_list

QList<Diagram *> QETProject::m_diagrams_list

◆ m_element_autonum

QHash<QString, NumerotationContext> QETProject::m_element_autonum

◆ m_elements_collection

XmlElementCollection* QETProject::m_elements_collection = nullptr

◆ m_file_path

QString QETProject::m_file_path

File path this project is saved to.

Definition at line 221 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by currentDir(), filePath(), init(), isReadOnly(), pathNameTitle(), QETProject(), setFilePath(), setReadOnly(), and write().

◆ m_folio_autonum

QHash<QString, NumerotationContext> QETProject::m_folio_autonum

Folio auto numbering.

Definition at line 256 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by addFolioAutoNum(), folioAutoNum(), readDefaultPropertiesXml(), and removeFolioAutoNum().

◆ m_folio_sheets_quantity

int QETProject::m_folio_sheets_quantity = 0

Folio List Sheets quantity for this project.

Definition at line 261 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by getFolioSheetsQuantity(), setFolioSheetsQuantity(), and toXml().

◆ m_freeze_new_conductors

bool QETProject::m_freeze_new_conductors = false

◆ m_freeze_new_elements

bool QETProject::m_freeze_new_elements = false

◆ m_modified

bool QETProject::m_modified = false

Whether options were modified.

Definition at line 231 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by pathNameTitle(), projectOptionsWereModified(), and setModified().

◆ m_project_properties

DiagramContext QETProject::m_project_properties

project-wide variables that will be made available to child diagrams

Definition at line 249 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by autoFolioNumberingSelectedFolios(), projectProperties(), readProjectPropertiesXml(), setFilePath(), setProjectProperties(), updateDiagramsFolioData(), write(), and writeProjectPropertiesXml().

◆ m_project_qet_version

qreal QETProject::m_project_qet_version = -1

QElectroTech version declared in the XML document at opening time.

Definition at line 229 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by declaredQElectroTechVersion(), and readProjectXml().

◆ m_read_only

bool QETProject::m_read_only = false

Whether the project is read only.

Definition at line 233 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by isReadOnly(), and setReadOnly().

◆ m_save_backup_timer

QTimer QETProject::m_save_backup_timer

Definition at line 266 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by init().

◆ m_state

ProjectState QETProject::m_state

Current state of the project.

Definition at line 223 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by QETProject(), readProjectXml(), and state().

◆ m_titleblocks_collection

TitleBlockTemplatesProjectCollection QETProject::m_titleblocks_collection

Embedded title block templates collection.

Definition at line 247 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by embeddedTitleBlockTemplatesCollection(), init(), integrateTitleBlockTemplate(), projectWasModified(), readProjectXml(), and toXml().

◆ m_undo_stack

QUndoStack* QETProject::m_undo_stack

undo stack for this project

Definition at line 251 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by init(), projectWasModified(), and undoStack().

◆ project_title_

QString QETProject::project_title_

Project title.

Definition at line 227 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by isEmpty(), pathNameTitle(), setTitle(), title(), and toXml().

◆ read_only_file_path_

QString QETProject::read_only_file_path_

Filepath for which this project is considered read only.

Definition at line 235 of file qetproject.h.

Referenced by isReadOnly(), and setReadOnly().

Property Documentation

◆ autoConductor

bool QETProject::autoConductor


true if use of auto conductor is authorized. See also Q_PROPERTY autoConductor

Definition at line 60 of file qetproject.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: