S t e p s
How to draw a paintbrush ?   Step 6

Import with The Gimp

You can save your work under the .sk format but only Sketch will be able to open it.
If you want to use it on a web page, you have to convert it into bitmap format.

Sketch can save it into Postscript format : "File" -> "Save as Postscript"

You recover your Postscript file with The Gimp and save it into a bitmap format (jpeg, png,...note that a license must be purchased to use gif)

In The Gimp : "File" -> "Open" your .ps file.
The Gimp shows you several parameters for the importation:

If you want a perfect and smooth outline, choose "High" for the "Graphical smoothing" parameter.

Below are two images with a different level for this parameter :


Now you can save your work in jpeg or png format :
Right click and "File" -> "Save as".
Choose the correct extension and its finished !!!
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