S t e p s
How to draw a paintbrush ?  Step 1

The body
We first draw a rough outline with the Bezier curve tool, note that to close the outline, you must place the last knot over the first one.

Then we will close the outline : first select th "Point" tool in the main toolbar, then click on the last point of the outline, then on the first one with the <shift> keyboard touch sunken.
You can click on the zoom tool and drag to cretae a rectangular zoom area :
Then open the Floating curves toolbox  ("Windows" -> "Curves" ) and slect the "Join knots" command .
We need to sharpen the outline so as to obtain a rounded body.
Use some tools of the Floating curves toolbox so as to obtain the following aspect :

S u m m a r y
N e x t   p a g e