Radio button the user may click to use the existing template and stop the integration.
QDialogButtonBox * buttons_
QET::Action askUser(const TitleBlockTemplateLocation &, const TitleBlockTemplateLocation &)
QVBoxLayout * dialog_vlayout_
QString nameForRenamingOperation() override
void radioButtonleftMargin(QRadioButton *)
QRadioButton * integrate_new_template_
Radio button the user may click to integrate the template.
~IntegrationMoveTitleBlockTemplatesHandler() override
QString newNameForTemplate(const TitleBlockTemplateLocation &)
QRadioButton * integrate_both_
QET::Action errorWithATemplate(const TitleBlockTemplateLocation &, const QString &) override
QRadioButton * erase_template_
Radio button the user may click for the integrated template to erase the existing one...
QDialog * integ_dialog_
Dialog in case of conflict when integrating a title block template.
QString rename_
Name to be used when renaming a title block template.
void correctRadioButtons()
QString dateString() const
QET::Action templateAlreadyExists(const TitleBlockTemplateLocation &src, const TitleBlockTemplateLocation &dst) override
QButtonGroup * button_group1_
QGridLayout * dialog_glayout
IntegrationMoveTitleBlockTemplatesHandler(QWidget *=nullptr)
QButtonGroup * button_group2_
QWidget * parent_widget_
Widget used as parent to display dialogs.