QElectroTech  0.70
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAbstractElementPropertiesEditorWidgetThe AbstractElementPropertiesEditorWidget class This class provide common method for all widget used to edit some properties of an element
 CAbstractPartEllipseThe AbstractPartEllipse class This is the base class for all ellipse based item like ellipse, circle, arc. This class only provide common method for edit the ellipse like rect that contain the ellipse. All coordinates is in item coordinate, except pos(), center(), centerX() and centerY() which are in parent coordinate (or scene if no parent)
 CAddElementTextCommandThe AddElementTextCommand class Manage the adding of element text
 CAddItemCommandThe AddItemCommand class This command add an item in a diagram The item to add is template, but must be QGraphicsItem or derived
 CAddTextsGroupCommandThe AddTextsGroupCommand class Manage the adding of a texts group
 CBorderPropertiesWidgetThe BorderPropertiesWidget class this widget edit the properties of a border
 CChangeElementInformationCommandThe ChangeElementInformationCommand class This class manage undo/redo to change the element information
 CChangeTitleBlockCommandThe ChangeTitleBlockCommand class This command changes the title block properties for a particular diagram
 CCompositeTextEditDialogThe CompositeTextEditDialog class CompositeTextEditDialog display a dialog use to write the complex text of a dynamic element text item. This dialog provide a QComboBox to quickly add an information of the element in the composite text
 CConductorCreatorThe ConductorCreator class This class create one or several or several conductors in a given context
 CCrossRefItemThe CrossRefItem class This clas provide an item, for show the cross reference, like the contacts linked to a coil. The item setpos automaticaly when parent move. All slave displayed in cross ref will be updated when folio position change in the project. It's the responsability of the master element to informe displayed slave are moved, by calling the slot By default master element is the parent graphics item of this Xref, but if the Xref must be snap to the label of master, the label become the parent of this Xref. This behavior can be changed at anytime by calling setProperties
 CCustomElementGraphicPartThe CustomElementGraphicPart class This class is the base for all home-made primitive like line, rectangle, ellipse etc.... It provides methods and enums to manage style attributes available for primitive (color, pen style, etc...)
 CDiagramEventAddElementThe DiagramEventAddElement class This diagram event add a new element, for each left click button at the position of click. Space key rotate current element by 90°, right click button finish this event
 CDiagramEventAddImageThe DiagramEventAddImage class This diagram event, handle the adding of an image in a diagram
 CDiagramEventAddShapeThe DiagramEventAddShape class This event manage the creation of a shape
 CDiagramEventAddTextThe DiagramEventAddText class This diagram event handle the creation of a new text in a diagram
 CDiagramEventInterfaceThe DiagramEventInterface class isRunning() return true if action is running (do something). By default return false
 CDiagramPropertiesDialogThe DiagramPropertiesDialog class This dialog open a windows for edit properties of a diagram
 CDVEventInterfaceThe DVEventInterface class This class is the main interface for manage event of a Diagram View. This do nothing, for create new event behavior, we must to create new class from this. Each method return a bool: True if the methode do something else return false. Each method of DVEventInterface return false; isRunning() return true if action is started but not finish. By default return false. isFinish() return true when the action is finish, or not started. By default return true
 CDynamicElementTextItemThe DynamicElementTextItem class This class provide a simple text field of element who can be added or removed directly from the diagram editor. This text is created to compensate a big lack of the ElementTextItem : ElementTextItem can't be added or removed directly in the diagram editor
 CDynamicElementTextModelThe DynamicElementTextModel class A model to use with QtView. This model display and can edit the value of dynamic text of an element. Set the delegate DynamicTextItemDelegate as delegate of this model
 CDynamicTextFieldEditorThe DynamicTextFieldEditor class This class provide a widget used to edit the property of a dynamic text field
 CECHSFileToFileThe ECHSFileToFile class Manage the copy of directory or element from a file system collection to another file system collection
 CECHSToXmlThe ECHSToXml class Manage the copy of a directory or element from a collection (no matter if the source is a file system collection or an xml collection) to an xml collection
 CECHStrategyThe ECHStrategy class Abstract class for manage copy of directory or element from a collection to another
 CECHSXmlToFileThe ECHSXmlToFile class Manage the copy of a directory or element from an xml collection to a file
 CEditorDelegateThe EditorDelegate class This delegate is only use for disable the edition of the first column of the information tree widget
 CElementCollectionHandlerThe ElementCollectionHandler class Provide several method to copy element or directory from a collection to another collection
 CElementCollectionItemThe ElementCollectionItem class This class represent a item (a directory or an element) in a element collection. This class must be herited for specialisation. This item is used by ElementsCollectionModel for manage the elements collection
 CElementEditionCommandThe ElementEditionCommand class ElementEditionCommand is the base class for all commands classes involved in the edition of an electrical element. It provides commonly required methods and attributes, such as accessors to the modified scene and view
 CElementFactoryThe ElementFactory class this class is a pattern factory and also a singleton factory. this class create new instance of herited class element like simple element or report element
 CElementInfoWidgetThe ElementInfoWidget class this class is a widget to edit an element informations
 CElementPictureFactoryThe ElementPictureFactory class This class is singleton factory, use to create and get the picture use by elements
 CElementPropertiesEditorWidgetThe ElementPropertiesEditorWidget class This class provide a dialog for edit various property of element, like the type (master, slave, report etc....) and kind info
 CElementsCategoryEditorThe ElementsCategoryEditor class This class provides a dialog to edit an existing category or create a new one
 CElementsCollectionWidgetThe ElementsCollectionWidget class This widget embedd a tree view that display the element collection (common, custom, embedded) and all action needed to use this widget. This is the element collection widget used in the diagram editor
 CElementsTreeViewThe ElementsTreeView class This class just reimplement startDrag from QTreeView, for set a custom pixmap. This class must be used when the tree view have an ElementsCollectionModel as model. The pixmap used is the pixmap of the dragged element or a directory pixmap
 CElementTextItemGroupThe ElementTextItemGroup class This class represent a group of element text Texts in the group can be aligned left / center /right
 CESEventAddArcThe ESEventAddArc class This ESEvent manage creation of arc in an ElementScene
 CESEventAddDynamicTextFieldThe ESEventAddDynamicTextField class This ESEvent manage creation of dynamic text field in an ElementScene
 CESEventAddEllipseThe ESEventAddEllipse class This ESEvent manage creation of ellpise in an ElementScene
 CESEventAddLineThe ESEventAddLine class This ESEvent manage creation of line in a ElementScene
 CESEventAddPolygonThe ESEventAddPolygon class This ESEvent manage creation of polygon in an ElementScene
 CESEventAddTerminalThe ESEventAddTerminal class This ESEvent manage creation of terminal in an ElementScene
 CESEventAddTextThe ESEventAddText class This ESEvent manage creation of text in an ElementScene
 CFileElementCollectionItemThe FileElementCollectionItem class This class specialise ElementCollectionItem for manage a collection in a file system. They represente a directory or an element
 CImagePropertiesWidgetThe ImagePropertiesWidget class This class provide a widget to edit the propertie of a DiagramImageItem
 CImportElementTextPatternDialogThe ImportElementTextPatternDialog class A dialog use for ask user to select a element text pattern. This dialog is highly inspired from QInputDialog::getItem. In fact this the same + a check box
 CIndiTextPropertiesWidgetThe IndiTextPropertiesWidget class This widget is used to edit the properties of one or several independent text item
 C<is>ElementsLocation::collectionPath Return the path of the represented element relative to collection if path is prepended by the collection type (common://, custom:// or embed://) else if false, only the collection path is returned without the collection type
 CLinkElementCommandThe LinkElementCommand class This undo class manage link between elements. In the same instance of this class, we can link and unlink elements from an edited element This undo class support the merge
 CLinkReportPotentialSelectorThe LinkReportPotentialSelector class Use for get the conductor propertie when two potentials is linked with a folio report
 CLinkSingleElementWidgetThe LinkSingleElementWidget class this class provide a widget to select an element to be linked to the element given in the constructor. The element given in constructor must be linked with only one other element (like report or slave element). This widget detect automaticaly the kind of element given in the constructor and search all element that can be linked with it. If the element is already linked, the widget ask user to unlink. This widget embedded the diagram command for undo/redo the action
 CMasterElementThe MasterElement class This class is a custom element, with extended behavior to be a master element. Master element can be linked with slave element and display a cross ref item for know with what other element he is linked
 CMasterPropertiesWidgetThe MasterPropertiesWidget class This class is a widget for make link between a master element with several slave element. This class embenddedthe undo/redo command when apply new connection
 CNameListDialogThe NameListDialog class Provide a dialog for let user define localized string;
 CNameListWidgetThe NameListWidget class Provide a widget for let user define localized string;
 CNewConductorPotentialSelectorThe NewConductorPotentialSelector class Use for get the conductor propertie when two potentials is linked by a conductor
 CPartArcThe PartArc class This class represents an elliptical arc primitive which may be used to compose the drawing of an electrical element within the element editor
 CPartDynamicTextFieldThe PartDynamicTextField class This class represents an editable dynamic text field which may be used to compose the drawing of an electrical element within the element editor. The field will remain editable once the element is added onto a diagram
 CPartEllipseThe PartEllipse class This class represents an ellipse primitive which may be used to compose the drawing of an electrical element within the element editor
 CPartPolygonThe PartPolygon class This class represents a polygon primitive which may be used to compose the drawing of an electrical element within the element editor
 CPotentialSelectorDialogThe PotentialSelectorDialog class This dialog is used when user try to connect two existing potential together. The dialog ask to user to make a choice between the properties of the two existing potential, to apply it for the new potential
 CProjectPropertiesDialogThe ProjectPropertiesDialog class this class builds a dialog to edit whole properties of a project
 CPropertiesEditorDialogThe PropertiesEditorDialog class Create a dialog to edit some properties of a thing. Only create a instance of this class and call exec, all is done for you in this class. The first argument (a template) must be a subclass of QWidget and provide the 3 methods bellow : QString::title() void::apply() void::reset() You can subclass the interface PropertiesEditorWidget who provide all this methods. This dialog take ownership of the editor, so the editor will be deleted by this dialog
 CPropertiesEditorWidgetThe PropertiesEditorWidget class This class extend QWidget method for have common way to edit propertie
 CPropertiesInterfaceThe PropertiesInterface class This class is an interface for have common way to use properties in QElectroTech
 CQetGraphicsHandlerItemThe QetGraphicsHandlerItem class This graphics item represents a point, destined to be used as an handler, for modifie the geometrie of a another graphics item (like shapes). The graphics item to be modified, must call "installSceneEventFilter" of this item with itself for argument,. The ghraphics item to be modified, need to reimplement "sceneEventFilter" for create the modification behavior
 CQetGraphicsHandlerUtilityThe QetGraphicsHandlerUtility class This class provide some methods to create and use handler for modify graphics shape like line rectangle etc... They also provide some conveniance static method
 CQetShapeItemThe QetShapeItem class this class is used to draw a basic shape (line, rectangle, ellipse) into a diagram, that can be saved to .qet file
 CQPropertyUndoCommandThe QPropertyUndoCommand class This undo command manage QProperty of a QObject. This undo command can use QPropertyAnimation to animate the change when undo/redo is call To use animation call setAnimated(true). By default animation is disable. Some QVariant date can't be animated and result this command don't work
 CRectangleEditorThe RectangleEditor class This class provides a widget to edit rectangles within the element editor
 CRemoveTextsGroupCommandThe RemoveTextsGroupCommand class Manage the removinf of a texts group
 CReplaceConductorDialogThe ReplaceConductorDialog class A Qdialog to edit a conductor properties, use for the search and replace feature of QElectrotech
 CReportElementThe ReportElement class this class represent an element that can be linked to an other ReportElement a folio report in a diagram is a element that show a wire go on an other folio
 CRotateSelectionCommandThe RotateSelectionCommand class Rotate the selected items in the given diagram
 CRotateTextsCommandThe RotateTextsCommand class Open a dialog for edit the rotation of the current selected texts and texts group in diagram. Just instantiate this undo command and push it in a QUndoStack
 CSearchAndReplaceWorkerThe SearchAndReplaceWorker class This class is the worker use to change properties when use the search and replace function of QET
 CShapeGraphicsItemPropertiesWidgetThe ShapeGraphicsItemPropertiesWidget class Provide a widget to edit the properties of a QetShapeItem
 CSimpleElementThe SimpleElement class this class represente a simple element with no specific attribute
 CXmlElementCollectionThe XmlElementCollection class This class represent a collection of elements stored to xml
 CXmlProjectElementCollectionItemThe XmlProjectElementCollectionItem class This class specialise ElementCollectionItem for manage an xml collection embedded in a project
 CXRefPropertiesThe XRefProperties class this class store properties used by XrefItem
 CXRefPropertiesWidgetThe XRefPropertiesWidget class This class provide a widget to edit the XRefProperties