InternalConstraintDefinition Entity Reference

... the abstract base class for element types More...

List of all members.


 a getter for constraint_coeffs
 a getter for constraint_rhs


 a setter for constraint_coeffs
 a setter for constraint_rhs

Detailed Description

... the abstract base class for element types

Member Function Documentation

restraints the DOF given by its global idx to be zero

creates the constraint relations in algebraic form, i.e. u_global = D*u_master+b The number of rows corresponds to the number of available (global) dofs, the number of columns is the number of active (master) dofs.

additional_constraints may be empty. It may contain additional consraint definitions to be added to conre-relations
conre_matrix will contain the matrix D
offset_slave_dofs will contain teh vector b

Member Data Documentation

constraint_coeffs TypeCoeffPairListVector []

the coefficients of the constraint matrix (each row is one constraint; indices refer to the global DOF id) one reads: sum_i coefficient_i*dof_i = rhs

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