~LineEditor() override
void updateForm() override
LineEditor::updateForm Update the value of the widgets.
void activeConnections(bool)
LineEditor::activeConnections Enable/disable connection between editor widget and slot editingFinishe...
CustomElementPart * currentPart() const override
void updateLineEndType2()
Met a jour le type de la seconde extremite.
void lineEditingFinished()
LineEditor(QETElementEditor *, PartLine *=nullptr, QWidget *=nullptr)
QDoubleSpinBox * end1_length
QPointF editedP1() const
bool setPart(CustomElementPart *) override
LineEditor::setPart Specifie to this editor the part to edit. Note that an editor can accept or refus...
QPointF editedP2() const
QDoubleSpinBox * end2_length
void updateLineEndLength1()
Met a jour la longueur de la premiere extremite.
void updateLineEndLength2()
Met a jour la longueur de la seconde extremite.
void updateLineEndType1()
Met a jour le type de la premiere extremite.