M e n u s

Edit Menu

Undo the last action.

Redo what have been canceled.

Delete the Undo History
Sketch stores the actions you do. You can limit the number in the options dialog box.
You can empty the history with this button.

Used to copy the selected object or group of objects and put it in the clipborad of Sketch. It doesn't work over layers.

Cut the selected object or group of objects and put it in the clipboard.

Paste the content of the clipboard. The object is representaed by a dotted frame attached to the cursor. Click where you want to place it.

Delete the selected object or group of objects.

Select all
Select all the objects. Objects placed on a hidden layer are ignored. Only the visible elements are taken into account.

Creates a clone of the selected object or group of objects. The clone apperas automatically near the original.

Here are the submenus available with this control:

  • Draw a rectangle
  • Draw an ellipse
  • Draw a poly-line
  • Insert text
  • Insert image....
  • LCD Text
  • Creates text with the LCD aspect (you can specify the size in the dilog box)
  • Regular polygon

  • Opens a dialog box allowing the creation of polygon. You can enter the number of vertices and the radius.
    Selection Mode
    Activate the Selection Mode. See selections.

    Edit Mode
    Toggle to Edit Mode. See Objects Edition.
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