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How to select and manipulate objects ?

Move, resize or orientate objects in Sketch is rather simple. When you click on a visible part of an object, little black squares (handfuls) automatically appear around the object. That means you are in selection mode.
The multiple arrows cursor indicates we can move the object. This function is available when you move upon a visible pat of the object. Click and drag the object wherever you want on the work area.

If you move the mouse on a handful, the cursor becomes a cross. If you click and hold down the button, you will resize the object by dragging the cursor. The object will be resized from the side you selected the black square. If you click on a handful in an angle, the object will be resize horizontally end vertically. If you want to modify the size without changing the height/width ratio, hold down Ctrl while resizing. Respect the following sequence :
Click -> Ctrl -> Move the cursor. Otherwise it won't work.

If you select an object by double-clicking, you will alternate between select/move move and rotate/incline mode. Your are in this mode when handfuls becomes arrows. At this moment, if you select an handful in an angle (the cursor change) you will rotate the object (note that the rotation angle is displayed in degrees at the bottom of the Sketch window). If you hold down the Ctrl button, the rotation will follow the  magnetic grid which increase the precision.
If you select an handful on a side of the object, it will be inclined.

Press the space bar to quit this mode.
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