C o n c e p t s

Predefined objects

Basic tools are :
Create a Rectangle by pressing the left mouse button and dragging the mouse. One corner of the newly created rectangle is where the button was pressed, the other where it was released. Holding <Ctrl> while dragging creates a square, holding <Shift> creates a rectangle or square centered on the starting point.
Both <Ctrl> and <Shift> while dragging creates a square centered on the starting point.
In Edit Mode, you can drag the corners of a rectangle to create rounded corners.
The objects created with this command must be converted into curves ("Curves" -> "Convert into Curves")

Create an Ellipse by pressing the left mouse button and dragging the mouse. Holding <Ctrl> while dragging creates a circle, holding <Shift> creates a ellipse or circle centered on the starting point.
In Edit Mode, you can drag the handle of an ellipse to create arcs.
Don't forget to convert into curves.

Curves (introduction...See next page for details)
Create a Bézier curve. This requires at least two click-drag-release cycles. The first cycle defines the start point of the curve and its tangent.
See also Objects Edition from the "Tools and commands" sections to learn how to manipulate curves and transform them.


N e x t   P a g e
R u b r i c   s u m m a r y
S u m m a r y