2. Raise an Issue

If you encounter unexpected behavior in Mandriva Linux-specific tools, Drakbug allows you to report it to the development team.

[Note] Note

To be able to report bugs using Drakbug, you need a working Internet connection as well as a Drakbug account.

To run Drakbug, go to the HelpReport Bug menu entry of the faulty tool, or run it from Mandriva Linux Control Center's own menu. Drakbug can also be triggered automatically by a crashed Mandriva Linux tool.

Figure 6.2. Reporting a Bug

Reporting a Bug

  1. Identify the Faulty Package

    In order to correctly report a bug, it is important to identify the package it is related to. To make this task easier, enter the application name in the Application Name (or Full Path) field and click on the Find Package button.

  2. Fill in the Report

    Click on the Report button. Your web browser will then open. If you are not logged in to the Mandriva Bugzilla web site you will be asked to log in. Once you are logged on the site, complete the bug report as completely and accurately as possible and click on Commit.