.. _schema/text/text_rotate =========== Rotate text =========== The content from a `text field`_ can be rotated in two different ways: 1. Rotating the `text field`_ as an object. 2. Defining the text orientation inside the `text field`_. Rotate text field ################# The text field is considered an object by QElectroTech, it can be selected, placed and rotated as `elements`_ and `pictures`_. It can be rorated *90*, *180* or *270* degrees. 1. Right click on the `text field`_ which should be rotated. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_text_field_right_click.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech text field options 2. Select the option **Rotate** to rotate the `text field`_ *90* degrees on the clock direction. .. seealso:: For more information about rotating objects at the `workspace`_, refer to `rotate object section`_. Define text orientation ####################### Defining the text orientation rotates only the content from the `text field`_. The advantage of choosing the text orientation is the possibility to choose any angle between *-360* and *360* degrees. Define text orientation from workspace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Right click on the `text field`_ which should be oriented. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_text_field_right_click.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech text field options 2. Select the option **Choose text orientation** to display the text orientation PopUP window. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_text_field_orientation.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech choose orientation PopUP window 3. Define the orientation angle of the text. 4. Press **OK** to save the changes. Define text orientation from selection properties panel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the `text field`_ which should be oriented. 2. Define the orientation angle of the text at **Angle** field from `selection properties panel`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_text_field_prop.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech text field selection properties panel .. note:: If the `selection properties panel`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Selection properties** .. _text field: ../../schema/text/index.html .. _workspace: ../../interface/workspace.html .. _Rotate object section: ../../schema/rotate.html .. _pictures: ../../schema/picture.html .. _elements: ../../element/index.html .. _selection properties panel: ../../interface/panels/selection_properties_panel.html