.. _schema/replace/text_field_replace ========================== Replace text field content ========================== QElectroTech provides the feature of searching and replacing `text field`_ content automatically. This option allows replacing the complete content from a `text field`_ which contains the string searched. The string searched can be the complete `text field`_ content or part of the `text field`_ content. .. note:: If the `search menu`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Edit > Search / Replace** menu item. To replace `text field`_ content over a `project`_: 1. `Search`_ the string which should be replaced (Ex.: Folio). .. figure:: ../../images/qet_search_menu_advanced_folio.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech search menu 2. Define the new text content at the replace text box (Ex.: Sheet reserve). .. figure:: ../../images/qet_search_menu_advanced_replace_sheet.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech search menu 3. Select at the objects tree the `text fields`_ which content should be replaced. 4. Press **Replace all** button to replace the content from the selected `text fields`_. 5. Press actualize |view-refresh| button to refresh the search. .. note:: Replacing action can also be applied object by object. The button **Replace** will only apply the action to the displayed object at the `workspace`_. The buttons |go-top| and |go-bottom| can be used to display the previous and next `text field`_ from the search result. .. warning:: The replacing feature from QElectroTech replaces the `text field`_ content completely. Changing the `text field`_ content partly cannot be done. .. |go-bottom| image:: ../../images/ico/16x16/go-bottom.png .. |go-top| image:: ../../images/ico/16x16/go-top.png .. |view-refresh| image:: ../../images/ico/22x22/view-refresh.png .. _text field: ../../schema/text/index.html .. _text fields: ../../schema/text/index.html .. _Search: ../../schema/search.html .. _search menu: ../../interface/search_menu.html .. _project: ../../project/index.html .. _workspace: ../../interface/workspace.html