.. _schema/paste ============= Paste object ============= QElectroTech allows pasting objects (`element`_, `conductor`_, `text field`_, `basic object`_ and `picture`_) which has already been `copied`_ or `cut`_ at the same `folio`_ or at different `folio`_ and/or `project`_. .. note:: Multiples objects can be pasted at the same time `copying`_ or `cutting`_ multiple objects. .. warning:: The `element`_ would suffer data losses if the intention is to paste it at different `project`_. Pasting objects can be done from `menu bar`_, `toolbar`_, by right click at the `workspace`_ and using the corresponding keyboard shortcut. Paste object from menu bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select **Edit > Paste** menu item to paste at the active `folio`_ an object `copied`_ or `cut`_ previously. .. figure:: ../images/qet_menu_edit.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech edit menu Paste object from toolbar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the icon |edit-paste| from `toolbar`_ to paste at the active `folio`_ an object `copied`_ or `cut`_ previously. .. |edit-paste| image:: ../images/ico/22x22/edit-paste.png .. note:: If the `toolbar`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Tools**. Paste object by right click ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Right click at the `workspace`_ area where the object should be pasted. 2. Select the option **Paste Here** to paste an object `copied`_ or `cut`_ previously. .. figure:: ../images/qet_element_right_click_paste.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech right click PopUP window Paste object using keyboard shortcut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QElectroTech allows using keyboard shortcut to increase the working efficiency. 1. Press ``Ctrl + v`` to paste at the active `folio`_ an object `copied`_ or `cut`_ previously. .. seealso:: For more information about QElectroTech keyboard shortcuts, refer to `menu bar`_ section. .. _menu bar: ../interface/menu_bar.html .. _toolbar: ../interface/toolbars.html .. _workspace: ../interface/workspace.html .. _element: ../element/index.html .. _conductor: ../conductor/index.html .. _text field: ../schema/text/index.html .. _picture: ../schema/picture.html .. _copy: ../schema/copy.html .. _copied: ../schema/copy.html .. _cut: ../schema/copy.html .. _copying: ../schema/copy.html .. _cutting: ../schema/copy.html .. _cuting: ../schema/copy.html .. _folio: ../folio/index.html .. _project: ../project/index.html .. _basic object: ../schema/basics/index.html