.. _preferences/settings_grid ================= Grid settings ================= QElectroTech provides a grid displayer for the `workspace`_ which makes easier the drawing work. To configurate the grid displayed: 1. `Display`_ QElectroTech settings PopUP window. 2. Go to **General** section. 3. Go to **Grid + Keyboard** tab. 4. Define the X and Y pixels of the grid cell. The cell size can be between 1 and 30 pixels. The number of grid cells displacement using the keyboard or the scroll bar can also be defined at the same section where the grid characteristics are defined. Standar and accurat scroll (with **ALT** key) can be defined. .. seealso:: To display the grid at the `workspace`_, refer to `toolbars`_ section. .. figure:: ../images/qet_configure_grid.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech grid settings .. _workspace: ../interface/workspace.html .. _Display: ../preferences/display_settings.html .. _toolbars: ../interface/toolbars.html