.. _preferences/language =============== Select language =============== QElectroTech is a multilanguage tool already translated to 21 languages. To select the working language: 1. `Display`_ QElectroTech settings PopUP window. 2. Go to **General** section. 3. Go to **Language** tab. 4. Spread out the combo box and select the desired language. 5. Press **OK** button to save the configuration changes and close settings PopUP window. .. note:: The changes are applied at the next launch, `quit`_ and `launch`_ again QElectroTech. .. figure:: ../images/qet_configure_language.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech configure language section .. _Display: ../preferences/display_settings.html .. _quit: ../basics/quit.html .. _launch: ../basics/launch_linux.html