.. _folio/title_block/title_block_editor/edition/logo =================================== Introduce a logo on the title block =================================== 1. Select the `cell`_ where the logo should be introduced. 2. Go to properties and choose **Logo** at **Cell type** Combo Box. .. figure:: ../../../../images/qet_title_block_editor_cell_prop_logo.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Title block cell properties 3. Define the name of the `cell`_, if it is desired. 4. Press the **Manage logo** button to display the logo manager PopUP window. .. figure:: ../../../../images/qet_title_block_editor_logo_manager.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Title block logo manager PopUP window 5. Press the button **Add a logo** to display the file explorer PopUP window. 6. Choose the SVG or Bitmap file with the desired logo and close the logo manager. 7. Choose the logo added previously at **Logo** Combo Box. .. _cell: ../../../../folio/title_block/elements/cell.html