.. _folio/title_block/title_block_editor/edition/cells_value =================== Define cell content =================== QElectroTech `title block editor`_ allows defining two differen types of content in a `text cell`_ type: * **Plain text** * **Variable** QElectroTech works managing different database, the content of the `cells`_ are storage in the project database. QElectroTech provides the feature of defining the cell content in different languages, the cell content is defined in a cell value table. The content from the different `cells`_ of the `title block`_ are automatically displayed in the language defined. .. note:: The working language from QElectroTech is defined at **Setting > Configure QElectroTech**. Add text to cell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the `cell`_ where the text should be introduced. 2. Press **Edit** button from text field and the cell value PopUP window will be displayed. 3. Press the button **Add a line** to add a new row in the cell value table. 4. Define the 2 letter code that identifies the language from the text at **Language** column. 5. Define the text at **Text** column. 6. Press **OK** .. note:: QElectroTech works according `ISO 639-1`_ norm. The text language is defined using 2 letter code which should be used at the language column from the cell value table. .. figure:: ../../../../images/qet_title_block_editor_cell_label.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech title block editor, cell label PopUP window Add variable to cell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A title block variable is the value of a project or folio property. At QElectroTech, a variable is called using the percent symbol before the variable name (``%{variable-name}``). .. note:: QElectroTech has some default variables that the user does not need to create (ex.: ``%{author}``, ``%{date}``, ``%{title}``, ``%{folio}``, ``%{projecttitle}``, etc.). QElectroTech also allows the user defining extra variables: * Go to **Project > Project properties > General** to define costumized project variables. * Go to **Edit > Folio properties > Title block informations > Costum** to define costumized folio variables. QElectroTech allows that the cell has a **Label** for the variable. To define the label: 1. Select the `cell`_ where the variable should be introduced. 2. Click the button **Display a label** to introduce a label in the cell. Click on the button and go to variable definition if the **Label** should not be displayed. .. figure:: ../../../../images/qet_title_block_editor_cell_prop_text.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Title block text cell properties 3. Press **Edit** button from label field and the label value PopUP window will be displayed. .. figure:: ../../../../images/qet_title_block_editor_cell_label.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech title block editor, cell value PopUP window 4. Press the button **Add a line** to add a new row in the Label value table. 5. Define the 2 letter code that identifies the language from the text at **Language** column. 6. Define the text at **Text** column. 7. Press **OK** To define the variable: 8. Press **Edit** button from text field and the cell value PopUP window will be displayed. 9. Press the button **Add a line** to add a new row in the cell value table. 10. Define the 2 letter code that identifies the language from the text at **Language** column. Defining only one languaje is enough for default variables. 11. Define the variable at **Text** column. A variable is defined as ``%{variable-name}``. The default variables can be copied to clipboard at the right bottom Combo Box and pasted (``Ctrl + c``) in **Text** column cell. .. figure:: ../../../../images/qet_title_block_editor_cell_prop_variable.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech title block editor, cell value PopUP window 12. Press **OK** .. seealso:: For more information about default variables, refer to `default QElectroTech variables`_ section. .. _ISO 639-1: https://www.iso.org/iso-639-language-codes.html .. _Title Block editor: ../../../../folio/title_block/title_block_editor/index.html .. _Title Block: ../../../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _text cell: ../../../../folio/title_block/elements/cell.html .. _cells: ../../../../folio/title_block/elements/cell.html .. _cell: ../../../../folio/title_block/elements/cell.html .. _Default QElectroTech variables: ../../../../annex/variables.html