.. _folio/title_block/collection/what_is ===================== What is a collection? ===================== A title block collection is a database where all title block files are storaged and classified. QElectroTech has two different title block collections integrated, `QET collection`_ and `User collection`_. The title block collections can be found at `projects panel`_. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_panel_projects.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech projects panel QElectroTech displays also a third collection when a `project`_ is opened, the `project collection`_. This collection is not part from the software structure and it is managed automatically by QElectroTech during the folio title block definition. .. _QET collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_qet_collection.html .. _User collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_user_collection.html .. _project collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_project_collection.html .. _project: ../../../project/index.html .. _projects panel: ../../../interface/panels/projects_panel.html