.. _folio/title_block/collection/title_block_project_collection ============================== Title block project collection ============================== The project collection is the only `collection`_ which is not part from the software structure. A project collection is a `title block collection`_ that is part of the project file, each `project`_ has its own `title block collection`_. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_title_block_collection_project.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech project tree QElectroTech does not allow working on this `collection`_, the user cannot add or delete any `title block`_ manually. The user can only edit `title blocks`_ used in the project without modifying the original `title block`_ from `QET`_ or `User`_ collection. The `title block`_ is copied from `QET`_ or `User`_ collection automatically by QElectroTech when the user introduces a new `title block`_ in one `folio`_ of the `project`_. If the `title block`_ has already been used previously, QElectroTech does not need to add again the `title block`_ to the project collection. If one `title block`_ is deleted from the `project`_, QElectroTech does not delete the `title block`_ from the project collection automatically, the `title block`_ is marked in red. `Cleaning the project`_ deletes all `title block`_ from the project collection that are not used inside the `project`_ automatically at the cleaning time. .. _title block: ../../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _title blocks: ../../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _project: ../../../project/index.html .. _folio: ../../../folio/index.html .. _title block collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/what_is.html .. _collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/what_is.html .. _QET: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_qet_collection.html .. _User: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_user_collection.html .. _clean the project: ../../../project/clean_project.html .. _Cleaning the project: ../../../project/clean_project.html