.. _folio/properties/display ======================== Display folio properties ======================== The `folio properties`_ can be common at all `folios`_ from the same `project`_. QElectroTech also allows that each `folio`_ has its own properties. For example, two `folios`_ can be created by different authors or they can have different revision item. .. note:: To reduce the creation time, QElectroTech allows creating some pre-setting for all future `folios`_ that will be created at the `project`_. For more information about how to pre-define `folio properties`_, refer to `project properties`_ section. The folio properties window can be displayed from `menu bar`_, `workspace`_, `toolbar`_, `projects panel`_, `folios tabs bar`_ and using the corresponding keyboard shortcut. Display folio properties from menu bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select **Edit > Folio properties** menu item to display `folio properties`_ from the active `folio`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_menu_edit.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Edit menu Display folio properties from workspace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Right click on the `workspace`_ area. Should be somewhere without any `element`_, `conductor`_, `table`_, etc. 2. Click the option **Folio properties** to display `folio properties`_ from the active `folio`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_workspace_prop.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Workspace Menu Display folio properties from toolbar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the icon |dialog-information| from `toolbar`_ to display `folio properties`_ from the active `folio`_. .. |dialog-information| image:: ../../images/ico/22x22/dialog-information.png .. note:: If the `toolbar`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Diagram**. Display folio properties from projects panel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Right click on the `folio`_ where any property should be defined, it can be an inactive `folio`_ from an inactive `project`_. 2. Click the option **Folio properties** to display `folio properties`_ from the selected `folio`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_panel_projects_folio_option.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Project panel .. note:: If the `projects panel`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Projects** Display folio properties from folios tabs bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Doble click on the `folio tab`_ to display `folio properties`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_folio_tabs.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech folio tabs bar Display folio properties using keyboard shortcut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QElectroTech allows using keyboard shortcut to increase the working efficiency. 1. Press ``Ctrl + l`` to display `folio properties`_ from the active `folio`_. .. seealso:: For more information about QElectroTech keyboard shortcuts, refer to `menu bar`_ section. .. _project: ../../project/index.html .. _project properties: ../../project/properties/index.html .. _Menu bar: ../../interface/menu_bar.html .. _projects panel: ../../interface/panels/projects_panel.html .. _folios tabs bar: ../../interface/folio_tabs.html .. _folio tab: ../../interface/folio_tabs.html .. _workspace: ../../interface/workspace.html .. _toolbar: ../../interface/toolbars.html .. _folio: ../../folio/index.html .. _folio properties: ../../folio/properties/index.html .. _folios: ../../folio/index.html .. _element: ../../element/index.html .. _conductor: ../../conductor/index.html .. _table: ../../schema/table.html