.. _export&print/export_schema Export schema ============= QElectroTech allows exporting the different `folios`_ to many type of formats: **PNG**, **JPEG**, **Bitmap**, **SVG** and **DWX**. 1. Select **File > Export** menu item to display exporting PopUP window. .. figure:: ../images/qet_menu_file.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech file menu .. note:: QElectroTech allows using keyboard shortcuts to increase the working efficiency. 1. Press ``Ctrl + Shift + X`` to display exporting PopUP window. For more information about QElectroTech keyboard shortcut, refer to `menu bar`_ section. 2. Choose the `folios`_ you wish to export and specify their size. .. figure:: ../images/qet_export_popup_window.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech export PopUP window 3. Choose target directory and format. .. figure:: ../images/qet_export_formats.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech exporting formats combo box 4. Choose rendering options. .. figure:: ../images/qet_export_rendering_options.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech rendering options 5. Press **Export** button to create the files. QElectroTech creates one file for each folio choosed at the target directory defined. .. seealso:: QElectroTech allows predefining exporting settings for reducing the working configuration effort each time that a `project`_ have to be exported, refer to `export settings`_ section for more information. .. _folios: ../folio/index.html .. _menu bar: ../interface/menu_bar.html .. _project: ../project/index.html .. _export settings: ../preferences/settings_export.html