.. _element/element_parts/ellipse ======= Ellipse ======= Create ellipse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ellipse can only be added to `workspace`_ from `toolbar`_. 1. Select the icon |icon_ellipse| from `toolbar`_ to add an ellipse. 2. Click the position from the ellipse center point in the `workspace`_. 3. Click the position from the control point of the ellipse in the `workspace`_. .. |icon_ellipse| image:: ../../images/ico/22x22/ellipse.png .. note:: If the `toolbar`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Parts**. Ellipse properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Element part proterties can be displayed from `information panel`_ when the part is selected. .. note:: If the `information panel`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Information**. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_element_part_ellipse.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech ellipse part from element QElectroTech allows customizing different ellipse properties: :Appearence: :Color: The outline and filling color of the part can be defined from a list of pre-defined colors. :Style: The outline representation type can be chosen between: Normal (Continuous), Dashed, Dotted or, Dots and dashes. :Thickness: The outline thickness (Weight) can be chosen between: None, Thin, Normal, Strong or High. :Geometry: :Coordenates: The ellipse center point coordinates (x, y) can be defined. :Dimensions: The horizontal and vertical (minimum and maximum or maximum and minimum) diameters from the ellipse can be defined. .. _workspace: ../../element/element_editor/interface/workspace.html .. _toolbar: ../../element/element_editor/interface/toolbars.html .. _information panel: ../../element/element_editor/interface/panels/selection_properties.html