.. _schema/text/text_move ========= Move text ========= A `text field`_ is considered on object more in the `workspace`_. A `text field`_ can be move arround the `workspace`_ using the mouse or the keyboard like `elements`_, `basic objects`_ or `pictures`_. Move text field by mouse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Left clik on the `text field`_ which should be moved. 2. Without releasing, move the mouse to the new desired position. Move text field from selection properties panel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the `text field`_ which should be moved. 2. Define coordinates **X** and **Y** from `text field`_ at `selection properties panel`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_text_field_prop.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech text field selection properties panel .. note:: If the `selection properties panel`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Selection properties** Move text field by keyboard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. `Select the text field`_ which should be moved. 2. Press the corresponding arrow (``Downwards``, ``Rightward``, ``Leftwards`` or ``Upwards``) to move the `text field`_ one grid row or column. .. _workspace: ../../interface/workspace.html .. _elements: ../../element/index.html .. _basic objects: ../../schema/basics/index.html .. _pictures: ../../schema/picture.html .. _text field: ../../schema/text/index.html .. _Select the text field: ../../schema/select/select_object.html .. _selection properties panel: ../../interface/panels/selection_properties_panel.html