.. _schema/search ====== Search ====== To find information inside a `schema`_ easily, QElectroTech provides a searching feature. This feature allows finding automatically `folios`_, `elements`_, `conductors`_ and `text fields (plain text)`_ which contains a string at one of the properties. To find an object which contains a string: 1. Go to `search menu`_. .. figure:: ../images/qet_search_menu.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech search menu 2. Write the string which should be search over the `project`_ in the text box from the menu. 3. Press ``Intro`` and QElectroTech will zoom and display the first object from the list of matches at the `workspace`_. 4. Press |icon_next| or |icon_previous| button to zoom the next or previous object from the list of matches. 5. Press |icon_actualize| button to refresh the search. .. |icon_next| image:: ../images/ico/16x16/go-bottom.png .. |icon_previous| image:: ../images/ico/16x16/go-top.png .. |icon_actualize| image:: ../images/ico/16x16/view-refresh.png .. note:: If the `search menu`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Edit > Search / Replace** menu item or using ``Ctrl + f`` shortcut keyboard. QElectrotech provides also some advanced properties for searching. Before searching, a filter can be dedined to reduce the list of matches according the following criteria: * `Text fields (Plain text)`_. * Whole words (`Text fields (Plain text)`_, `Conductor properties`_, `Element properties`_, `Folio properties`_) To create an advanced search: 1. Go to `search menu`_. 2. Press |icon_advanced| button to display the filter tree. .. figure:: ../images/qet_advanced_search_menu.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech advanced search menu 3. Select the type of text to be searched (**Plain text** or **Whole words**) at the combobox from the right side of the text box. 4. Click / unclick the button which selects **Case sensitive**. 5. From here, follow the steps from the standard search. .. |icon_advanced| image:: ../images/ico/16x16/configure-toolbars.png .. _elements: ../element/index.html .. _conductors: ../conductor/index.html .. _conductor properties: ../conductor/properties/index.html .. _text fields (plain text): ../schema/text/index.html .. _folios: ../folio/index.html .. _workspace: ../interface/workspace.html .. _search menu: ../interface/search_menu.html .. _project: ../project/index.html .. _schema: ../schema/index.html .. _Element properties: ../element/properties/index.html .. _Folio properties: ../folio/properties/index.html