.. _users/schema/conductor/conductor_modify ================ Modify conductor ================ QElectrotech draws by default a `conductor`_ minimizing the horizontal and vertical lines. Changing the route of the `conductor`_ for a clear understanding of the `schema`_ is some times necessary. QElectroTech allows modifying the route. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_conductor_modify.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech modify conductor To modify the route of a `conductor`_: 1. `Select the conductor`_ which route should be modified. 2. Press on a control point, blue points, from the `conductor`_ selected. 3. Without releasing the control point, displace the control point horizontally or vertically until desired position. .. _conductor: ../../conductor/index.html .. _schema: ../../schema/index.html .. _Select the conductor: ../../schema/select/select_object.html