.. _schema/conductor/conductor_creation ================ Create conductor ================ Manual conductor creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a `conductor`_ manually: 1. Select `auto numbering pattern`_ at the `Auto numbering selection panel`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_panel_auto_numbering_conductor_pattern.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Auto numbering selection panel .. note:: If the `Auto numbering selection panel`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Auto numbering selection**. 2. Click on the initial `terminal`_ from the `conductor`_. 3. Without releasing, move the mouse up to the end `terminal`_ of the `conductor`_. 4. Once the end `terminal`_ is automatically identified by QElectroTech, release the mouse to create the `conductor`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_conductor_create_manual.png :align: center :scale: 50% Figure: QElectroTech manual conductor creation Automatic conductor creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To increase the working eficiency, QElectroTech can create `conductors`_ automatically when an `element`_ is added to the `workspace`_. To create a `conductor`_ automatically: 1. Select `auto numbering pattern`_ at the `Auto numbering selection panel`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_panel_auto_numbering_conductor_pattern.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Auto numbering selection panel .. note:: If the `Auto numbering selection panel`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Auto numbering selection**. 2. Select the icon |autoconnect| from `toolbar`_, if it is not selected. 3. `Add element`_ to `workspace`_ taking care of the `element`_ position, the initial `terminal`_ and the end `terminal`_ have to be at the same vertical or horizontal line. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_conductor_create_automatic.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech automatic conductor creation .. |autoconnect| image:: ../../images/ico/22x22/autoconnect.png .. note:: If the `toolbar`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Tools**. .. warning:: At the case that the initial and end `terminal`_ are different potentials, QElectroTech considers two `terminals`_ from the same `element`_ as different potentials, QElectroTech will inform by a warning PopUP window. Nevertheless, QElectroTech will create the `conductor`_ .. figure:: ../../images/qet_select_electric_potential_message.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech different potentials warning .. _Add element: ../../schema/element/element_add.html .. _auto numbering pattern: ../../conductor/properties/conductor_numbering.html .. _Auto numbering selection panel: ../../interface/panels/autonumbering_panel.html .. _toolbar: ../../interface/toolbars.html .. _element: ../../element/index.html .. _conductor: ../../conductor/index.html .. _conductors: ../../conductor/index.html .. _workspace: ../../interface/workspace.html .. _terminal: ../../element/element_parts/terminal.html .. _terminals: ../../element/element_parts/terminal.html