.. _reports/summary/create_summary ============== Create summary ============== A `project`_ can be a group of `folios`_, QElectroTech provides the possibility to make a summary, project index, which shows the information from the different `folios`_. QElectroTech allows creating the project summary automatically. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_list_folios.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech list of folios To create a project summary: 1. Activate the folio where the summary table has to be created in the `workspace`_. 2. Select **Project > Add a summary** to display the configuration PopUp window of the summary creator. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_menu_project.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech project menu 3. Go to **Display** tab to define display table properties. 4. Define the **Table name** which will identify the table. 5. Configure the display table settings (header and table cells properties, auto adjustment of table size, etc.). .. figure:: ../../images/qet_summary_add_display.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech project menu 6. Go to **Content** tab to define table columns. 7. Modify the table content using the following commands: ================= =============================== ======================================== Icon Action Keyboard shortcut ================= =============================== ======================================== |go-up| Move up this field |list-add| Add field to display list Double click on field at available list |list-remove| Remove field from display list Double click on field at display list |go-down| Move down this field ================= =============================== ======================================== .. figure:: ../../images/qet_summary_add_content.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech project menu .. note:: The content request configuration can be saved and chosen from **Configuration** section to increase working efficiency. QElectroTech is working with SQLite database, summary table content can also be defined by SQL query. 8. Once the desired configuration is defined, press **OK** to create summary tables. .. note:: The project summary can be created, modified and updated at any time. .. |go-down| image:: ../../images/ico/16x16/go-down.png .. |go-up| image:: ../../images/ico/16x16/go-up.png .. |list-add| image:: ../../images/ico/16x16/list-add.png .. |list-remove| image:: ../../images/ico/16x16/list-remove.png .. _project: ../../project/index.html .. _folio: ../../folio/index.html .. _folios: ../../folio/index.html .. _workspace: ../../interface/workspace.html