.. _project/what_is ================== What is a project? ================== The term project inside QElectroTech can be assimilated to a "dababase". A project is not a common database, it is a collection of information which is not structurated in columns and rows. .. figure:: ../images/qet_project_structure.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech project structure A project is a group of `folios`_, `elements`_ and `conductors`_ represented inside the `folios`_ with the respective properties, properties which define the way how should be represented each folio (`title block`_, dimensions, etc.), properties which define how the reports should be represented (folio index, component list, connector list, etc.), properties which define how to export or print the information, interconnection relaction between `elements`_ from the same or different `folios`_ and the master data (project name, author, year of creation, revision, etc.). The project is the base of QElectroTech to manage a work. The development team has focus the tasks on the electrical and control filed, even so, QElectroTech is a E-CAE software. For this reason, QElectroTech is an inter-disciplinary tool that allows the user to create many type of projects. * Electrical projects: Purely electrical systems * Automation projects: GRAFCET, diagrams, etc. * Fluid power projects: Hydraulic, pneumatic and central lubrication systems * Proces control projects: Proces Industrial Diagrams (PID) .. _folios: ../folio/index.html .. _elements: ../element/index.html .. _conductors: ../conductor/index.html .. _title block: ../folio/titleblock/index.html