.. _project/properties/new_folio/folio_referencing ============================= Folio referencing properties ============================= QElectroTech allows creating schemas with multiple `folios`_, only part of the `schmea`_ is represented at each `folio`_. This means that part of a `conductor`_ can be at one `folio`_ and the continuation at a different `folio`_. QElectroTech provides folio referencing elements to indicate from where a `conductor`_ is coming or where it is going. These `elements`_ can display at the `workspace`_ from the `folio`_ some information about the folio referencing element linked. The iformation which should be displayed can be defiend by the user at **Folio referencing** tab from **New Folio** section of the `project properties`_. .. seealso:: For more information about folio referencing, refer to `Reference folio following`_ and `Previous reference folio`_. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_project_folio_referencing_prop.png :align: center Figure: Project folio referencing properties window To define folio referencing Label: 1. `Display`_ project properties PopUP window. 2. Go to **New folio** section. 3. Go to **Folio referencings** tab. 4. Define the desired parameters for each field. 5. Press **OK** button to save the configuration changes and close project properties PopUP window. .. _Display: ../../../project/properties/display.html .. _folio: ../../../folio/index.html .. _folios: ../../../folio/index.html .. _conductor: ../../../conductor/index.html .. _schmea: ../../../schmea/index.html .. _elements: ../../../element/index.html .. _workspace: ../../../interface/workspace.html .. _project properties: ../../../project/properties/index.html .. _Reference folio following: ../../../element/type/reference_folio_following.html .. _Previous reference folio: ../../../element/type/previous_reference_folio.html