.. _project/properties/new_folio/conductor ==================== Conductor properties ==================== Some `conductor properties`_ can be common at all or gran part of `conductors`_ from all or gran part of `folios`_. For example, the `conductor type`_ is normally common for a complete `project`_ or for a group of `folios`_. To increase the working eficiency, QElectroTech provides the option to storage at the project Data some `project properties`_ pre-defined by the user. This feature allows the user avoiding to define many `conductor properties`_ each time that the user `creates new conductor`_ inside the `project`_. .. note :: QElectroTech allows defining automatically `conductor properties`_ during `project creation`_. For more information about how to standarize some `conductor properties`_ from `project`_ to `project`_, please refers to the `QElectroTech conductor settings`_ section. The **Conductor** tab from **New folio** settings section allows pre-defining some `conductor properties`_: * `Conductor type`_ (`Multiline`_ or `Single line`_). * `Conductor appearance`_. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_project_conductor_prop.png :align: center Figure: Project conductor properties window To define conductor settings: 1. `Display`_ project properties PopUP window. 2. Go to **New folio** section. 3. Go to **Conductor** tab. 4. Define the desired parameters for each field. 5. Press **OK** button to save the configuration changes and close project properties PopUP window. .. note :: All pre-defined `conductor properties`_ at `project properties`_ will be automatically defined during `folio creation`_ at `folio properties`_. .. _conductors: ../../../conductor/index.html .. _conductor type: ../../../conductor/properties/conductor_type.html .. _Conductor appearance: ../../../conductor/properties/conductor_appearance.html .. _Multiline: ../../../conductor/type/multiline_conductor.html .. _Single line: ../../../conductor/type/single_line_conductor.html .. _folio properties: ../../../folio/properties/index.html .. _conductor properties: ../../../conductor/properties/index.html .. _folio: ../../../folio/index.html .. _new folios: ../../../folio/index.html .. _creates new conductor: ../../../schema/conductor/conductor_creation.html .. _folio creation: ../../../folio/add_folio.html .. _folios: ../../../folio/index.html .. _project: ../../../project/index.html .. _project creation: ../../../project/new_project.html .. _creates new folio: ../../../folio/add_folio.html .. _project properties: ../../../project/properties/index.html .. _QElectroTech conductor settings: ../../../preferences/new_project/conductor_settings.html .. _Display: ../../../project/properties/display.html