.. _project/open_project ============ Open Project ============ Opening a `project`_ saved somewhere from the computer Hard Disk or local server can be done from `menu bar`_, `toolbar`_ and using the corresponding keyboard shortcut. A `project`_ is conformed by a simgle file with ``.qet`` format. The ``.qet`` extension is the native extension from QElectroTech. Even so, QElectroTech allows also working with Extensible Markup Language files, files with extension ``.xml``. Open project from menu bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select **File > Open** menu item to open the search file PopUP window. .. figure:: ../images/qet_menu_file.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech file menu 2. Search the `project`_ in the computer 3. Press **Open** button to close the search file PopUP window and open the `project`_. Open project from toolbar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the icon |project| from `toolbar`_ to open the search file PopUP window. 2. Search the `project`_ at the computer 3. Press **Open** button to close the search file PopUP window and open the `project`_. .. |project| image:: ../images/ico/22x22/project.png .. note:: If the `toolbar`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Tools** Open project using keyboard shortcut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QElectroTech allows using keyboard shortcut to increase the working efficiency. 1. Press ``Ctrl + o`` to open the search file PopUP window. 2. Search the `project`_ at the computer 3. Press **Open** button to close the search file PopUP window and open the `project`_. .. seealso:: For more information about QElectroTech keyboard shortcuts, refer to `menu bar`_ section. Files history ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When QElectroTech has already been used, exists the posibility to open a `project`_ created, opened and/or saved previously. **File History** has been integrated. 1. Select **File > Latest files** menu item to display the file history from QElectroTech. 2. Click on the `project`_ file that should be opened. .. figure:: ../images/qet_lates_files.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech File History .. _project: ../project/index.html .. _menu bar: ../interface/menu_bar.html .. _toolbar: ../interface/toolbars.html