.. _folio/properties/folio_title_block =============================== Title block properties section =============================== The title block section from the `folio properties`_ is the section used to define the `title block`_ template used at the `folio`_. The folio variables can also be managed from this section. .. note:: To reduce the creation time, QElectroTech allows creating some pre-setting for all future folios that will be created in the project. The folio variable values and the `folio title block`_ can be prefedined at the project properties. For more information about how to pre-define folio properties, refert to `project properties`_ section. The title block section is organized on three different areas: title block selection area, main variable tab and costum variable tab. Title block selection area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The title block selection area is used to defne the `folio title block`_. The actions that can be managed from this section are: 1. Select the `folio title block`_ from the `project title block collection`_. 2. Select the position of the title block in the folio, bottom |titleblock-bottom| or right |titleblock-right| side. 3. Edit the `title block`_ pressing the button |edit-rename| and choosing the option **Edit this template**. 4. Duplicate the `title block`_ in the `project title block collection`_ pressing the button |edit-rename| and choosing the option **Duplicate and edit this template**. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_folio_prop_title_block_selection_area.png :align: center Figure: Folio title block selection area .. seealso:: For more information about QEelctroTech title block, refer to `title block`_ section. .. |titleblock-bottom| image:: ../../images/ico/22x22/titleblock-bottom.png .. |titleblock-right| image:: ../../images/ico/22x22/titleblock-right.png .. |edit-rename| image:: ../../images/ico/22x22/edit-rename.png Main folio properties tab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The **Main** tab provides thes default folio variables. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_folio_prop_title_block_main.png :align: center Figure: Folio title block main tab The default folio variables are: * **Title**: Title from the folio. * **Author**: Author from the folio. * **Date**: Date of creation of the folio. * **File**: * **Folio**: Folio information (Label). * **Plant**: Folio variable named Plant. * **Location**: Folio variable named Location. * **Rev index**: Revision index from the folio. * **Page Num**: Auto numbering pattern from the folio. .. seealso:: For more information about default variables, refer to `variables`_ section. Costum properties folio tab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The **Costum** tab is the section where custom variables can be defined. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_folio_prop_title_block_custom.png :align: center Figure: Folio title block custom tab To define a user folio variable: 1. Define variable name at the **Name** column from the variables table. 2. Define variable value at the **Value** column from the variables table. .. _workspace: ../../interface/workspace.html .. _title block: ../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _Display folio properties: ../../folio/properties/display.html .. _folio: ../../folio/index.html .. _project: ../../project/index.html .. _folio properties: ../../folio/properties/index.html .. _Project properties: ../../project/properties/folio_prop.html .. _folio title block: ../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _title block editor: ../../folio/title_block/title_block_editor/index.html .. _project title block collection: ../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_project_collection.html .. _variables: ../../annex/variables.html