.. _element/type/previous_reference_folio ======================== Previous reference folio ======================== Element which link the begining of a `conductor`_ with the end of the `conductor`_ represented at previous, following or same `folio`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_element_reference_folio.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech previous reference folio For previous referencing folio element exist two type of variables, the general variables that are common for all type of `elements`_ and the specific variables for this type of `element`_. QElectroTech does not allow defining variable values for this type of `element`_. QElectroTech does also not allows defining new variables. QElectroTech allows only displaying the specific variables at `dynamic texts`_. General variables * **% {F}**: Label from the `folio`_ where the `element`_ can be found. * **% {f}**: Number from the `folio`_ where the `element`_ can be found. * **% {M}**: Plant variable from the `folio`_ where the `element`_ can be found. * **% {LM}**: Location variable of the `folio`_ where the `element`_ can be found. * **% {l}**: Folio line number from the `workspace`_ where the `element`_ can be found. * **% {c}**: Folio column number from the `workspace`_ where the `element`_ can be found. * **% {id}**: Folio position in the `project`_ (Schema number). Specific variables * **Function**: Function property from the `conductor`_ connected to the `element terminal`_. * **Label**: Internal variable which defines the position of the linked `reference folio following`_ element. * **Voltage/Protocol**: Voltage/Protocol property from the `conductor`_ connected to the `element terminal`_. .. note:: The **Label** property can be defined as a formula by the user at `New folio`_ section from `project properties`_. By default the formula is ``%id-%l%c``, variables took from `reference folio following`_ linked element. For more information about how to define the **Label** formula, please refers to `folio referencing project properties`_. .. _conductor: ../../conductor/index.html .. _folio: ../../folio/index.html .. _element: ../../element/index.html .. _elements: ../../element/index.html .. _project: ../../project/index.html .. _workspace: ../../interface/workspace.html .. _element terminal: ../../element/element_parts/terminal.html .. _dynamic texts: ../../element/element_parts/dynamic_text.html .. _reference folio following: ../../element/type/reference_folio_following.html .. _project properties: ../../project/properties/index.html .. _New folio: ../../project/properties/new_folio/index.html .. _folio referencing project properties: ../../project/properties/new_folio/folio_referencing.html