.. _element/type/element_simple ================== Simple element ================== The simple element is used to represent devices such actuators (electric motors, cylinders, pneumatic or hydraulic valves, etc.), control devices (PLC, microcontrollers, etc.), circuit breakers, etc. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_element_simple_element.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech simple element For simple element exist two type of variables: 1. General variables common for all type of elements and managed internally by QElectroTech. 2. Specific variables from simple elements. General variables * **% {F}**: Label from the folio where the element can be found * **% {f}**: Number from the folio where the element can be found * **% {M}**: Plant variable from the folio where the element can be found * **% {LM}**: Location variable of the folio where the element can be found * **% {l}**: Folio line number from the workspace where the element can be found * **% {c}**: Folio column number from the workspace where the element can be found * **% {id}**: Folio position in the project (Schema number) Specific variables * **Label formula**: Definition of the formula which defines the **Label** value. If a auto numbering pattern is selected during terminal creation, QElectroTech defiens ``%autnum`` as default formula. * **Label**: Internal variable which is used to defines the element code. * **Annotation**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Textual description**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Article number**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Manufacturer**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Order number**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Supplier**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Auxiliry block 1**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Auxiliry block 2**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Internal number**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Location**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Function**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables). * **Voltage/Protocol**: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).