.. _element/properties/element_information =================== Element information =================== The element information section provides all information from the `element`_ which can be exported to the `Bill of Materials (BOM)`_. At this section the avaliable information is: * Element label * Element location in the system * Element article number * Element manufacturer * Element supplier * Etc. .. note:: The element information section is only available for `simple`_, `master`_ or `terminal block`_ `elements`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_element_properties_information.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech information element properties .. _element: ../../element/index.html .. _elements: ../../element/index.html .. _Bill of Materials (BOM): ../../reports/component_list.html .. _Simple: ../../element/type/element_simple.html .. _master: ../../element/type/element_master.html .. _terminal block: ../../element/type/terminal_block.html