.. _element/properties/element_author ========================== Element author and license ========================== QElectroTech provides the option to define the author and the desired license from the `element`_. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_element_author_license.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech author and license element PopUP window The author and the license from an `element`_ cannot be displayed at the `main window`_ from QElectroTech, this information can only be found from `element editor`_. .. seealso:: For more information about how to find the license and author from an `element`_, refer to `define author element information`_ section. .. _element: ../../element/index.html .. _main window: ../../interface/elements.html .. _element editor: ../../element/element_editor/index.html .. _define author element information: ../../element/element_editor/edition/properties/define_element_author.html