6a9fbafcbb Bump version to 3.2.2-stable (Rémi Verschelde) 63523e56e1 Don't use arbitrary theme editor icons for scripts with the same name (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) c682410379 Mono/C#: Fix unhandled exception not being printed (Ignacio Etcheverry) abc453f9b6 [3.2] Mono/C#: Use /restore instead of /t:restore when building (Ignacio Etcheverry) 23d44223e6 Fix memory leaks in RasterizerStorageDummy::free Lightmap capture data is now freed as well free() now also properly returns true or false based on if something was actually freed. (Wavesonics) a84f081160 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 474b178534 [3.2] Fix shader crash if pass const argument to 'out/inout' parameter (Yuri Roubinsky) 087a83fd54 Improve the low processor mode sleep precision (Hugo Locurcio) 530307e7ec Main::cleanup: Move MessageQueue deletion further down where it's safer (Rémi Verschelde) 6dee6477dd Optimize class icon loading (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) d4a1bc475a Fix overlapping hotkey designations for save all scenes and save all scripts (Bill) 68c273fb09 Tween.xml word order fix (Andreas Gustafsson) d2347bc4ec Clarify what a string being empty means (Meriipu) 5be4e10f4e Fix error label clicking in status bar for shader editor (Yuri Roubinsky) 0f30fa8fbd Enable finer grained control when creating polygon with UV Editor (Maganty Rushyendra) 944210923f Follow up cleanup for the godotpayment project module (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 0867fc2c4c Draw horizontal lines and labels in the editor performance monitors (Hugo Locurcio) afac2514f8 Fix upscaling image with bilinear interpolation option specified (Maganty Rushyendra) 0f0360702b Handle gone TabContainer popup nicely (Pedro J. Estébanez) bd71925726 Updated purchase receipt suitable for sending to apple verification server (Poq Xert) 491059ca82 GLES2 Batching - Fix texture wrapping state bug. (lawnjelly) 198bd4cb0f Environment doc update regarding Viewport usage. (Dylan) 45a6628b15 SCons: Enable iOS modules for ARKit and Camera (Sergey Minakov) e564ca0c1b Export: Fix iOS enabling push notifications capability (Sergey Minakov) bc6a75786c Export: Remove system frameworks from xcode template (Sergey Minakov) a678ceaeae SCons: Enable modules for iOS (Sergey Minakov) a662b853dd Fix use uninitialized `ofs` variable introduced in 39701. (bruvzg) 8fd861ab11 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 1468c0b4d4 [Windows] Prevent overwriting old cursor handle on multiple mouse_mode changes, ensure mouse_mode is set before `cursor_set_shape` is called to restore cursor. (bruvzg) 44c3908c7b Avoid errors when the editor camera is inside the focused object (Aaron Franke) e2675e9462 macOS, prevent multiple CGDisplayHideCursor calls unpaired with CGDisplayShowCursor. (bruvzg) d2aa3031dc Fix crashes with invalid shapes in BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState queries (PouleyKetchoupp) 5053ab684a Remove GodotPayment android plugin (Timo Schwarzer) 571a0c60c0 Revert "Implement Skew in Node2D" (Rémi Verschelde) af1788baf3 Variant: Fix potential crash when stringifying deleted Object (Sergey Minakov) 000db65d40 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 0b1d9f9d88 Fix Joint2D doc (skyace65) 327479472e Revert "return boxed long when marshalling a godot int to mono runtime in dynamic contexts" (Rémi Verschelde) 4c638f98ab Fix "Fully Axis-Locked" Freelook Navigation Scheme (Vorblen) 9889641bae Document how Vector2, Vector3 and Color behave in a boolean context (Hugo Locurcio) d9beab34c5 Update bool documentation to be more clear (Aaron Franke) 8ac13e50cf Move Haiku platform port to external repository (Rémi Verschelde) 7e3d7417e3 Fix overwrite of manual changes in export_presets.cfg when export dialog is opened (Maganty Rushyendra) 70fb79efa0 Fix missing slider joystick handling on Windows (Bastiaan Olij) cdbbc75e90 Set proper file type attribute for OSX zip export (PouleyKetchoupp) 371f1e951e Replace the AssetLib tab icon with a less confusing design (Hugo Locurcio) c5d70fc6a6 Scroll horizontally when holding Shift with Scroll to Pan enabled (Hugo Locurcio) f99cbb94cc Export: Rename 'Windows Universal' to 'UWP' (Rémi Verschelde) 6e835a4820 Autofilled path gets set properly on animation subresources (Sl3dge78) af43748dd5 Prevent having spaces in signal's method in Connect Dialog (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) d99f6c4d5c Fix #20467. The "Anim imported" warning gets displayed properly when working on imported anims. (Sl3dge78) d080c0de51 adding check for syskeydown on control and alt (unknown) 8f3eec930b Add unique icon to Polygon2D (Tomasz Chabora) b006f5402d Check for motion in cast_motion() before doing Bullet convexSweepTest(). (Marcel Admiraal) fa0ee28826 Check if point's index exists before adding it to the list of points that need to split faces when avoiding creating degenerate faces while merging CSG faces. (Marcel Admiraal) 7f18163ea6 [3.2] Ensure FileAccessBuffered structs are properly initialized (Andy Maloney) 42a31501a8 return boxed long when marshalling a godot int to mono runtime in dynamic contexts (Michael Belousov) b3af0b2a39 Option in RichTextLabel for height to fit content (PouleyKetchoupp) a4bd66f854 GLES2 Batching - prevent baking on VERTEX use in a shader (lawnjelly) 5bbb15418f [3.2][macOS] Command-backspace in line edit (Andy Maloney) 17c87d2ec1 Expose disable_render_loop property to GDScript (Ev1lbl0w) ae59e22cdd Fix editor texture preview for certain specific dimensions (Maganty Rushyendra) 88c22cb648 Document Mono-specific classes (Hugo Locurcio) 1c801dd044 Fix a random crash in the TileSet editor (Bojidar Marinov) d4dd80afe7 Restore previous mouse position when leaving the editor freelook mode (Hugo Locurcio) bf913d6917 DocData: Skip language-specific ClassDoc without methods/constants (Rémi Verschelde) dc7f555783 Search result highlights follow font size (Stijn Hinlopen) 6e3a1074ce Simplify Transform2D get_rotation (Aaron Franke) 3b52ea4b43 Fix code editor Replace tool to work with 'Selection Only' option (Maganty Rushyendra) 7971b20ebe Add Code::Blocks files to .gitignore. (Marcel Admiraal) d8b543c991 DDS: Fix loading files without DDSD_CAPS or DDSD_PIXELFORMAT (Rémi Verschelde) 4d7ac36e84 Allow Godot to kill it's own PID (Ev1lbl0w) f46624030c Add description for "absorbent" and "rough" (Vorblen) 5200ff03d2 Display freelook speed and zoom in units in the 3D editor viewport (Hugo Locurcio) 74d10e766e - Added more euler rotation orders support. - Fixed floating point issue on the old one. - Fixed the equation on the get_euler_yxz function. - Added unit tests. (Andrea Catania) 438f1a8238 Fix: Ctrl + Click not working for subclasses (Thakee Nathees) fc92f83c30 Debugger stepping to incorrect line fix (Thakee Nathees) d46ab53b41 Allow duplicating files when holding Control (Tomasz Chabora) 931a927a40 shodowed var warning for `for` loop counter (Thakee Nathees) 202ca3ce7f Link exposed set/getters in property descriptions (Tomasz Chabora) bf9df88a7c GDScript debugger incorrect error line fixed (Thakee Nathees) 5084043373 Bind Shape2D draw method (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) a6a29f97fe Add a suffix to the window title when running from a debug build (Hugo Locurcio) 61aa477e1c Clean up the `GodotPlugin` public API. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) ea4ee986b5 Normalise p_up_direction vector in move_and_slide() and move_and_slide_with_snap() and fix tolerance in move_and_slide_with_snap() max floor angle. (Marcel Admiraal) 87ebc29d8e Use path instead classname to prevent errors for exported visual shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) 616fb219db (3.2) Fix bad position in Camera2D offset and camera rotation if smothing enabled (Ranoller) f4640af9c1 [3.2][macOS] Control key + scroll wheel should zoom not pan (Andy Maloney) 93e20a4cd4 GDScript LSP: Fix wrong error checks added in #39385 (Rémi Verschelde) 35a5ebb44d i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) ff185f715a Add note about automatic window title to FileDialog documentation. (dominiks) 4c289058ed Clarify Node virtual methdods not being called if node is orphan (Hugo Locurcio) 1d0c39e395 Fixes the stopping of animation effects in bbcode after appending (Umang Kalra) 1b58f94296 Fix Image.create_from_data use_mipmaps doc (31) cb119e349a Fix TabContainer emitting spurious tab_selected signals when a theme is changed (Lisandro Lorea) ffb423bc76 Fix match count for whole word search in editor (Maganty Rushyendra) 87f999274b Fix RegEx example in class doc and correct typo (Maganty Rushyendra) 157c89aa2d Delete bus effect with Delete key (Tomasz Chabora) 469c1b5f5e Document how to resize a SubViewportContainer to avoid stretching (Hugo Locurcio) d42f332fc7 Add description to TileSet.is_tile_bound() method (Ricardo Prins) 2f04896b0e Re-enable scroll follow on RichTextLabel clear (Tomasz Chabora) 42312d7d4d Fix Material.render_priority doc: no opaque sort (31) b181b97b6c Fix label percent visible doc description (skyace65) be0eba0f75 Fix whole word search slowdown in editor (Maganty Rushyendra) 01061c6fbb Simplify some code in platform/uwp/export (Aaron Franke) 355868a5db Fix custom types in node list search (Tomasz Chabora) 5a1f94ba47 Document the `in` operator in String, Array and Dictionary classes (Hugo Locurcio) c15e5af60e Fix wrong internal format for half-float textures (Pedro J. Estébanez) 1c0abd6393 Use 2-phase setup in JavaScript. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 94d127ccc3 GLES2 Batching - Fix try_join_item logic for lights (lawnjelly) a48e13101d Ensure pair callback data is set to null when it's null. (Marcel Admiraal) 14fcd20e86 Fixed "Favourite Project" button in Project Manager (hilfazer) 2256946f79 [3.2] Add keyboard layout enumeration / set / get functions (macOS, Windows, Linux/X11). (bruvzg) c87b4f9d71 SCons: Fix python2 compatibility after #37198 and #37248 (Rémi Verschelde) 362193db6a String: Use ABS macro in padding code (Rémi Verschelde) e241dae44d Set version to 3.2.2-rc once again (Rémi Verschelde) d68e631566 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) c80ab247b7 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 158e8ee051 Enable Unicode support for RegEx class (Maganty Rushyendra) aa448a2a07 Adds full description for AudioEffectRecord.xml (Victoria Fisher) 0efa59bfdc Account for file deletion and renaming in Export Presets (Maganty Rushyendra) c87128fa06 Improve the 3D light documentations (Hugo Locurcio) fda49b74a1 Added a "title" attribute for the link tag in the docs xml (SaviHex) 24b3bf0637 Make text deletion methods public for LineEdit (Thibault Truffert) 6344b75453 Enable zero padding with float specifier for format strings (Maganty Rushyendra) a822d1f133 Fix for Expression class: inner string can be single quoted (ntfs.hard) b330766c30 Fix overflow condition with QueryPerformanceCounter (lawnjelly) e3cf64a7d8 [3.2] Add GLTF light import (Aaron Franke) 0df5d74e6e Fix signal duplication bug when duplicating node with instanced children (Maganty Rushyendra) f09046a9ab Fix potential crash when listing leaked objects (Pedro J. Estébanez) f99ead735c Git Hooks: Suppress "which" error messages. (bruvzg) 320ae61090 Git Hooks: Add support for GUI git clients. [ci skip] (bruvzg) ff11fdd017 Pre-commit hook instructions on Windows (PouleyKetchoupp) 23ef1e0f70 SCons: Dump construction environment to a file (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) bc21cd8592 Moved to methods.py as a `show_progress` method. (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) efdeba3326 Travis: Add static check for Python black formatting (Rémi Verschelde) 243377ffac Hooks: Use pygmentize if available to visualize diff (Rémi Verschelde) 1ec7a73d1c Hooks: Add pre-commit hook for psf/black formatting (Rémi Verschelde) 7bf9787921 SCons: Format buildsystem files with psf/black (Rémi Verschelde) c3d04167a4 Document the requirement to update the class reference when contributing (Hugo Locurcio) c39c3e3237 Improve `CONTRIBUTING.md` and update it to follow recent changes (Hugo Locurcio) 8e8861ed06 Mention ordering caveats for `Dictionary.hash()` (Hugo Locurcio) 5495bbdd47 Fix scene tree showing up when the root selection is present (Michael Alexsander) 12786bcbdb Fix crash when creating new text file with no name (Phischermen) 3202df9b5c doc: Make File store/get integer methods clearer (Rémi Verschelde) 7200a0eac5 Update Rigidbody 2D and 3D sleep documentation. (Marcel Admiraal) 51de6732c9 AStar: Make get_closest_point() deterministic for equidistant points (Rémi Verschelde) 317c9b5fe9 Tweak the invalid preset error message to mention `export_presets.cfg` (Hugo Locurcio) ebb30ac45a Core: Add hints to run with --verbose when leaking nodes/resources at exit (Rémi Verschelde) 2652a2d184 Add generic file icon and its modulation to the 'FileDialog' (Michael Alexsander) f3fcdfbdd0 PackedScene: Prevent crash when root node has `parent` attribute (Rémi Verschelde) 1a1c30702d VariantParser: Fix crash on malformed vectors (Rémi Verschelde) 3edae035d5 GDScript LSP: Fix crash in notify_client (Rémi Verschelde) 0b6a410890 Change the default editor camera rotation to position it in +X +Y +Z (Aaron Franke) eb6c7ec09c Add an editor tooltip to document gizmo visibility options (Hugo Locurcio) 56da70f2e8 Removed variables and #include in EditorSceneImporterAssimp::import_scene that became unused after the recent commit ec1bf96(#39363). (unknown) f1ca218ce7 Fix fbx import assimp error (Marcus Elg) 221051d523 Tree: Calling update in _gui_input less frequently (Giuliano Barberi) b2c7f94ae2 Crypto as a custom instance class. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 402a7e0094 Fix editor crash when mbedtls is disabled. (Fabio Alessandrelli) e94aab7936 Restore capture caches when missing (Tomasz Chabora) a6d8773d0b Fixing wrong blending rect methods (azagaya) c63c902c74 Fix dialog spam when inspecting MeshInstance from model file (PouleyKetchoupp) 6e8b5aff66 Add visual feedback when hovering layer checkboxes in the Inspector (Hugo Locurcio) 782173f0dc Fixed mismatched disable half float property string (Wilson E. Alvarez) 5794a4e11e Test collision mask before creating constraint pair in Godot physics broadphase 2D and 3D. (Marcel Admiraal) 1b5c4bc5b7 Make Light2D respect CanvasLayer layer_min and layer_max (lawnjelly) 0832ecc4a3 Document enlarging Particles visibility AABB when they cast shadows (Hugo Locurcio) f8463df11a Re-apply basis of newly added node (via drag-n-drop) in editor viewport (Marcus Brummer) 275183ef15 GLES2 batching - Add UV precision adjustment for tilemaps (lawnjelly) 1ff7b0a0a9 Add shader time scaling (Pedro J. Estébanez) 24872bffce Make sure built-in script warning fits in dialog (Tomasz Chabora) aeb5513bab Tweak the GDScript error message about passed argument type mismatch (Hugo Locurcio) 8b321354d8 Swtich HTML5 key detection from keyCode to code. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 0db5315f8a Fix WebRTCPeerConnection set_local_description doc (Fabio Alessandrelli) ae67ec3ece Set "shader_param/" prefix in Shader::has_param() (Marcus Brummer) 15b4192ec6 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) 6ef0de3f23 Enable text selection in execute output of EditorNode (Marcus Brummer) a6e9001579 Check if the specified Android release keystore exists (Marcus Brummer) 837cba7567 predefined var check for `for` loop counter (Thakee Nathees) 48a4f7e3a7 2D Editor: modified zoom increment to the twelveth root of two (johan) d1e4cede90 Add support for focus awareness (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 2ba67d94e8 Add fallback icons and make custom ones appear in the recent/favorites list in the "Create New" dialog (Michael Alexsander) 83c15ff469 Fix crashing of VisualScript due to... (Swarnim Arun) b0fe8cab14 Tweak the import compression property hint for clarity (Hugo Locurcio) b2a64b144f Fix excessive bottom cropping in atlas generation (Pedro J. Estébanez) 7021991cd9 Change OK text in snap dialog to OK (Aaron Franke) b4ca613138 Clarify usage of AnimationPlayer with AnimationTree and fill in empty method descriptions (Maganty Rushyendra) aa935c262a Fix inconsistent error messages with Android custom export templates (PouleyKetchoupp) f911ebc328 Improved warning shown when autoload cannot be added. (Eric M) 61da4882aa Add performance hints to the DirectionalLight shadow mode property hint (Hugo Locurcio) 9e01a0cd28 Add a getter and property for the editor distraction-free mode (Hugo Locurcio) 3649c61e46 Prevent crash attaching a script with no languages registered (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 424d1b5fab Print errors when calling MIDI input methods on unsupported platforms (Hugo Locurcio) eef442f32d Update Windows GUID to SDL uid conversion. (Marcel Admiraal) 5dfd4fc84d Update OSX GUID to SDL uid conversion. (Marcel Admiraal) 6ea9ca14f0 Allow mouse zooming without hovering the texture in the TileSet editor (Hugo Locurcio) 6bbfed6400 Implement zooming using Ctrl + Mouse wheel in the TileMap editor (Hugo Locurcio) c1f6854ada Fixes the right and center alignment bug of rich text label (Umang Kalra) 96a3b91eee Fixes building mono release templates (NutmegStudio) fdf64b1898 Preserving "Sync Scene Changes' and "Sync Script Changes" with Project Settings (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 982ab51f2f Grabbing focus on ProjectList after clicking an item. (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 9753181956 SCons: Allow to read `custom_modules` option via a file (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) d56b9d5ebf Disable antialiasing on the DynamicFont outline as well when requested (Hugo Locurcio) 91590b0cf0 Add dinput nullptr checks. (Marcel Admiraal) 6c9c6885a2 Do not probe joypads if DirectInput cannot be initialized. (Marcel Admiraal) d814352d92 Tweak the DirectInput initialization failure message (Hugo Locurcio) 219717fc21 fix(Directory): remove erasing print (Nathan Franke) a3bd201cc7 makerst: Print status messages to make the CI output clearer (Hugo Locurcio) 25af738762 Expose `get_char_size()` from Font instead of BitmapFont (Maganty Rushyendra) a8332e30f0 GDScript: Fix assert message when no custom message is set (George Marques) 1642c4163d Ignore invalid tablet driver name, when non are available. (bruvzg) d201163557 Do not rely on the existence of `config.py` while detecting modules (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) fa0cf25e19 Add shortcut for Pan Mode (G) (Rémi Verschelde) e34929feaa Update Mono C# warning to reflect latest list of platforms supported (Maganty Rushyendra) bea913a874 Stop ignoring hidden files and directories in the `assets` directory (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) d15e9c2126 Allow scroll_to_line when scroll_active is 'false' (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 26c617654e Fix ProjectSettings.save_custom documentation (Gustav) e226947e21 Improve the text appearance in the script editor warnings panel (Hugo Locurcio) b6c536317b Perform a clean Gradle build if android plugins changed (Marcus Brummer) 1bd51883c0 xatlas: Sync with upstream 470576d (Rémi Verschelde) 25ed0d4366 colorpicker margin bug fixed (Thakee Nathees) e0a7b2ec97 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 77aa8c0095 Improve documentation of ProjectSettings::setup (Rémi Verschelde) 371d48aea1 [3.2] Fix shader's length() function parsing in expressions (Yuri Roubinsky) 8f795cb38e Fix `is` operation fail on get_script() (Thakee Nathees) a0983637cf GDScript: Allow get_script() to be considered a type (George Marques) c994eb1daf [3.2] Fix macOS global menu removal and preserve order. (bruvzg) bf54fa5a62 Light2D shadow mask construction fix (lawnjelly) e51767b3c0 Document usage requirement for Viewport to sample ViewportTexture as HDR (Maganty Rushyendra) 8a024ca294 Respect 'mesh compression' editor import option in Assimp (ie. FBX) and glTF importers (Alex Bustin) 0138ba59ac SCons: use `OrderedDict` to ensure insertion order of modules (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) c86ddd6b61 Add missing consumePurchase plugin method for GodotPayment (volzhs) 2e7e3dcfe4 Enable legacy external storage for Android 10 (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 0181e89e43 Validate that `Use Custom Build` is enabled when `Plugins` are selected Remove `GodotPayment` from the default build template (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 08fa7cd8d9 Correct Bullet's default Area angular damp value. (Marcel Admiraal) 3c0b26e29c Fix parameters passing when emitting signal (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 06b7f611f8 Provide the ability for clients of the Godot library to add their own command line arguments (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) c7d18dec70 Rename batching project settings in preparation for GLES3 (lawnjelly) 8373c0792a Re-implement GodotPayment Android plugin using the Google Play Billing library (Timo Schwarzer) acb83db1d1 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 800dceee52 Reverse mouse wheel in animation track editor (Tomasz Chabora) f4f4b77d23 Use long instead of int for object id in Android java wrapper (PouleyKetchoupp) f0bc3482d4 Mono/C#: Don't try to load project assembly in project manager (Ignacio Etcheverry) cf311f3e79 Fix moving 2D node with mouse after using arrow keys (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) ad3d643bc2 Delete DummyMesh when RasterizerStorageDummy is freed (CJ DiMaggio) c4e652a6a3 Docs: Fix order of variant constants. (bruvzg) 66e00a2670 check the params section exist before erasing it in import_dock (Paul Joannon) 48a2fd7a3d gdscript_parser: Fix "unreachable code" false positive for loops (Tan Wang Leng) 9347a6ad6a Trigger an error when trying to define a preexisting signal in GDScript (James Buck) 133997654c Add `custom_modules` build option to compile external user modules (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) d611bd970d regression: dictionary key no autocomplete fix (Thakee Nathees) d0613a2243 Fix JS audioContext parameters. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 719369c71b Fix resource preview in remote inspector (PouleyKetchoupp) 2cf6624965 FastLZ: Update to upstream version 0.5.0 (Rémi Verschelde) 0da84b50c0 Mono/C#: Fix values not updated in remote inspector (Ignacio Etcheverry) 5fb5fb135a Document known bugs in BakedLightmap (Hugo Locurcio) b95add2bfd GLES2 Batching - Builtins prevent baking in unshaded shaders (lawnjelly) 28aabf4f73 [3.2] Block WM_MOUSEMOVE during Windows Ink pen handling. (bruvzg) ce09d0c5e1 Add SCons option to not build C# solutions (Ignacio Etcheverry) aeb1181add Enable Appveyor error on warnings. (Marcel Admiraal) dac3504cc3 Fix C4724: potential mod by 0 warnings. (Marcel Admiraal) a3cad44f44 Add `Image.save_png_to_buffer` method (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) a785641196 Allow `.res` and `.tres` extensions in the scene CLI positional argument (Hugo Locurcio) 2197ef0566 Fix Android LineEdit editing bugs (SkyJJ) 3d8cc49ec5 Keep "lock" metadata when changing a Node's type, if applicable (Michael Alexsander) 6dfd80673a Mono/C#: Remove script load error about not a Godot.Object (Ignacio Etcheverry) 8f90d423b9 Fix too eager GDScriptFunctionState stack cleanup (Pedro J. Estébanez) e3be0520a1 [Windows] Add quotes only to the command line arguments with special characters. (bruvzg) 2c81a82d53 Update the permission string for the Oculus hand tracking to match the latest api update (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) b0ba122443 Removed const from OAHashMap iterator value (Andrea Catania) 9669c437ef macOS signing improvements: allow signed app exporting as ZIP, sign DMG after exporting. (bruvzg) a520e03730 Update .appveyor.yml. (Marcel Admiraal) 71b2abbfa3 [Windows, 3.2] Add tablet driver selection. (bruvzg) f390749439 Fix Visual Studio C4724 warning (potential mod by 0) (Rémi Verschelde) e6a3499bef Fix Visual Studio C4334 warning (Rémi Verschelde) c2eea4bde0 Fix certain characters being recognized as special keys in Windows when using the us international layout (Eric Rybicki) 75f6d2ef32 Remove no longer needed patches to jpgd.cpp (Pedro J. Estébanez) dcb68e0106 SCons: Improve registration of compilation_db tool, check version (Rémi Verschelde) 9aa4648579 Added compilation database support for clang and gcc (RevoluPowered) 35d95918ae Add `custom.py` to .gitignore (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 8ebcdeb3d7 Document that Dictionary is always passed as reference (Hugo Locurcio) 4779d289d5 Fixed text editor drawing if smooth scrolling is disabled. (Marcus Brummer) 8cab02ec06 Remove get_local_mouse_position() hack in GraphEdit (smartin015) 05cd3ff8ba Using command + comma on macOS as default shortcut for editor settings (Eduardo Nunes Pereira) 92031098bf Move mixrate and latency definition to AudioServer (Fabio Alessandrelli) 6d1ddf7eb1 AudioDriverJavaScript now compute buffer size. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 8349635ffc Fix leaks and crashes in OAHashMap (Pedro J. Estébanez) 4db8ade565 Remove the `custom_defines` section from the editor (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) d255cc9e4d Fix GDNative Variant type size on 32-bit platforms, add size checking static asserts. [3.2] (bruvzg) a71a338c59 Implementation of the Godot Android Plugin configuration file (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) ccf5703568 Update description of Object.free() method (Remi Rampin) 23d51ac325 Fix inherited C# scene not inheriting parent's fields (3.2) (pepegadeveloper123) 51a1a27457 Hide editor_spin_slider grabber when closing Editor's windows (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 9ee77179b5 break, continue outside of a loop, match statement handled (Thakee Nathees) 2173d041af Fix incorrect capabilities notification in LSP (Oliver Frank) dac8b7b6f4 Improve jsonrpc error reporting (Oliver Frank) fa279d02f7 Rename the ErrorWarning icon file to match the 3.2 naming scheme (Hugo Locurcio) d45b96d2b1 Android: Check for deprecated GodotPaymentV3 module, direct to new plugin (Rémi Verschelde) d13f46bc41 shadowed var warning in nested block bug fix (Thakee Nathees) 40c43da96f set parser error when infer type is null (Thakee Nathees) 8005175ea5 GLES2 polyline drawn as GL_LINE_STRIP to match GLES3 (lawnjelly) e42318e41c regression: var declaration type info parser bug fix (Thakee Nathees) 6d7fb3d322 regression: static func can't access const fix (Thakee Nathees) dd7f9b1c08 Make it clear that PhysicsDirectSpaceState is only available from within _physics_process(). (Marcel Admiraal) 253d211102 Silence EQ::Band::c1, c2 and c3 may be used uninitialized warnings. (Marcel Admiraal) e22cff8ccf Update the editor icons README to remove outdated information (Hugo Locurcio) 6692681618 Tweak the error message displayd when a post-import script fails (Hugo Locurcio) 40d8ed023c Better file naming for AppVeyor artifacts (Ashesh3) 46327d48a2 Fix minimap selection offset (etienne.frank) 0b6bcf90f5 Rename the editor action "Revert Scene" to "Reload Saved Scene" (Hugo Locurcio) 72aa9ce7fc range() with non-numeric const argument crash fix (Thakee Nathees) 814f72c524 Fix rename dialog size in 3.2 (nathanwfranke) 94ed206bfc GLES2 Batching - Prevent baking colors with COLOR writes (Author Lawnjelly) 47d003fbb8 Clarify that the SSL certificate setting overrides the default bundle (Hugo Locurcio) e77313b3ed Clarify the `id` parameter in `TileMap.get_used_cells_by_id()` (Hugo Locurcio) 3928fe200f [3.2] C#: Support for building with the dotnet CLI (Ignacio Etcheverry) 57c70d8e9c GLES2 Batching - Prevent VERTEX baking within items in custom shaders (lawnjelly) d096ce1644 GLES2 Batching - Fix custom shaders reading VERTEX (lawnjelly) b4302d0d04 Fix 'physicsw' may be used uninitialized warning in csg_shape.cpp (Marcel Admiraal) c1cf8a5068 Tweak the editor log selection color to match the current editor theme (Hugo Locurcio) b1455c68eb Rename the Clear Script editor action to Detach Script (Hugo Locurcio) d7f1a43d1a Use a different icon for the debugger tab with both warnings and errors (Hugo Locurcio) bd5413e05f WinTab: Make movement smoother and handle pressure/tilt changes when cursor is not moving [3.2]. (bruvzg) df87ae6eb8 Store build as artifact in appveyor (Ashesh) a5a7b1d462 Input: Readd 'Default Android Gamepad' magic binding (Rémi Verschelde) 55ab98233a Using the common behaviour when use command+shift on text line for osx (Eduardo Nunes Pereira) 938a9c95d0 freetype: Update to upstream version 2.10.2 (Rémi Verschelde) 8d0a925419 Re-add __XINPUT_DEVICE__ (hoontee) 77ef3bb416 Added mapping for KEY_MENU to VK_APPS (0x5d) so context menu's triggered by the keyboard menu button work (Eric M) 7bc293b081 Fix: printing empty string does nothing in editor output pannel (Thakee Nathees) 9828c6bc86 Keep mouse inside 3D viewport rotation widget (JFonS) 683e19306e Mono: Use msbuild instead of nuget.exe for restoring (Ignacio Etcheverry) 34132d2f67 Mono: Fix hot-reloading of nested classes (Ignacio Etcheverry) 7cfbde19c9 Fix: can't convert Transform -> Transform2D (Thakee Nathees) 55b4e0c44a parser error for static func access non-static variables (Thakee Nathees) 4c9ccffad2 Prevent CapsuleShape2D height from being less than zero. (Marcel Admiraal) 752f61d4fe [DOCS] minor description changes (Chris Bradfield) 7d931bad58 rotation gizmo visible = false; when camera preview (Thakee Nathees) c4e00f3d57 Remove WinTab error message. (bruvzg) 79f3725bdd Add documentation for the VisualShader nodes (Tomasz Chabora) e417528f67 fix: dict2inst crash when constructor has arguments (Thakee Nathees) a446e8671d autocompleting with indexing for native types added (Thakee Nathees) 22053ed75f GDScript class var type resolve bug fixed (Thakee Nathees) 6b0cfc87af more clearer unexpected statement end error messages (Thakee Nathees) 7111aa0688 pass keyword inside a class implemented (Thakee Nathees) f3149817ff fixed: saving gdscript with cyclic inheritance crash the editor (Thakee Nathees) 0200db15cc Fix VisibilityEnabler2D behavior on start (Tomasz Chabora) d16abbdee4 Improved go-to definition (Ctrl + Click) (janglee) fb2e00a854 [3.2] C#: Rewrite GodotTools messaging protocol (Ignacio Etcheverry) 30680a4afe Android: Migrate deprecated support library to AndroidX (thebestnom) 0456311be3 Don't force borderless mode when using per-pixel transparency (Technohacker) 9584f24be5 Use DWMEnableBlurBehindWindow instead of WS_EX_LAYERED (Technohacker) 1cba7fb180 GUI: Touch screen button click area now is synced with its draw (Mateo Kuruk Miccino) dcb19ed735 Add Nvidia Workaround for GLES3 (lawnjelly) 5e320816f6 fix mistyped setting path (Avril) 4daba9bfc5 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 1a39b4ea22 method bind TextEdit::set_line() added (Thakee Nathees) 87de81258d Make 2D and 3D KinematicBody stop_on_slope documentation the same. (Marcel Admiraal) 159992f663 Fix bug with AudioStreamPlayer3D audio position (hoontee) 12386a2d80 PopupMenu.get_current_index() bound to ClassDB (nobuyuki_nyuu) e637fe9dd3 clang-format: Add JavaImportGroups for Java code (Rémi Verschelde) d09036992c jpgd: Fix detection of SSE2 support with MSVC (Rémi Verschelde) 17bb7af425 GLES3 - add counts for 2d drawcall and 2d items to performance monitor (lawnjelly) bab595393c Request the dedicated GPU when starting Godot from the `.desktop` file (Hugo Locurcio) f8b06c8a5c Fix scale calculation in VHACD Volume::Voxelize(). (Marcel Admiraal) e3712cf689 Bind set_suffix/get_suffix in Tree (Stanislav Labzyuk) 90f9f01a2f Fix suffix property doc typo: "prefix" -> "suffix" (follower) b7fbdf4bed Updated editor spin slider to have better behaviour and adjusted control's size_flags_stretch_ratio value range (Eric M) a5a28239a6 Fix: Tween always return true for _get(), _set() (Thakee Nathees) 918f5dee23 Address `OS.request_permissions()` bug when non-platform permission(s) is included (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) d744f4a678 Stopped trying to revert to default values when script implementation of property_can_revert exists (Eric M) 23d473f488 Fix array slicing. (Marcel Admiraal) bda20edb76 GLES2 Batching - fix item reordering bug (lawnjelly) 64344e6d1d Fix object leaks caused by unfulfilled yields (Pedro J. Estébanez) d9ea1af85d Update DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 00b5663782 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 78266c09c4 Add support for the WinTab API for pen input. (3.2) (bruvzg) 92964c5889 Changed default for p_validate_certs to true. Fixes #37084 (simpuid) caadd761f2 Priorize Embedded PCKs on loading (HaSa1002) da2ca9e22a [Linux/Windows] Set pressure to 1.0f when primary button is pressed and device is not pressure sensitive. (bruvzg) a286edb821 Fix X11 pressure and tilt values. (Marcel Admiraal) 2293cf61c6 Document the expected normal map coordinate system where relevant (Hugo Locurcio) fa11b5d754 Check for empty vectors before trying to access a pointer to the first element in Octree::cull_convex(). (Marcel Admiraal) 1f89c3bfeb (3.2) Some fixes for canvas item visual shader inputs (Yuri Roubinsky) 53f6dafdde Added 'disable_half_float' project setting to the class reference. (lawnjelly) e363b65b99 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) f629df647d Revert "Emit signal when animation ends by seek" (Rémi Verschelde) 7f61710183 Implement Skew in Node2D (Juan Linietsky) 97ffd1f8ae Fix crash in stb_vorbis.c (Pedro J. Estébanez) 7e669123f9 Fix performance issue in update_bitmask_region fallback (Thomas Riedmair) 02b1a5de47 Added missing spring enums for generic_6dof_joint (Bastiaan Olij) 23ee40deff Tweak Tween cheatsheet link formatting to avoid rST conversion bug (Hugo Locurcio) 2524ed4242 Proper naming and ordering when Duplicate nodes (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 40125c7cce Mention offending function name in "Indented block expected" error (Steven Schoen) e0be022b1e Fix custom w component being uninitialized on CPU particles. (jitspoe) d70cb49eef Move mouse wheel handler from window to canvas element in HTML (Christoph Schröder) 30a3f16e34 GLES2 disable half-float project setting (lawnjelly) b08ad9ef64 GLES2 batching - prevent color baking with MODULATE or COLOR (lawnjelly) d8be5a9986 Add MODULATE builtin to canvas item shaders (Pedro J. Estébanez) 9af4c09d1b Fix uninitialized memory in CPUParticles2D (lawnjelly) 607d688d45 tinyexr: Enable C++11 threaded loading (Rémi Verschelde) e3d913c79a tinyexr: Sync with upstream 4dbd05a (Rémi Verschelde) 8d394f6c01 Recast: Update to upstream commit 57610fa (2019) (Rémi Verschelde) 8730722a74 pcre2: Update to upstream version 10.34 (Rémi Verschelde) f43bbc0f4b stb_vorbis: Update to upstream version 1.19 (Rémi Verschelde) 6893282c41 Drop now unused curl_hostcheck.c (Rémi Verschelde) 6a7d50403a Add set_frame, pause, and oneshot to AnimatedTexture (Revan Ji) fcb6bd7611 Add AtlasTexture support in SpriteFrames Editor - Add Frames from a Sprite Sheet (MrRevington) 3c26de316e Fixed bbcode parsing for built-in RichTextEffects in RichTextLabel (Darenn) 0573c8bf62 enet: Update to upstream version 1.3.15 (Rémi Verschelde) be56ec9e65 Document the formats supported by `Image.load()` (Hugo Locurcio) 9e4de37e88 Fix growMargin() not returning modified Rect2/Rect2i (Nannaquin) cfd6bc7267 Don't focus the selection after using Align Transform With View (Hugo Locurcio) 68b968ff6c Resets global pose of IK chain bones being solved, rather than the whole skeleton. Resolves #38026 (Sam) 6fb6107e6a Warn when trying to open `res://` or `user://` with `OS.shell_open()` (Hugo Locurcio) 9b636a2ccd Input: Drop obsolete versions of SDL gamecontrollerdb (Rémi Verschelde) 4b58d453d4 Expose the cell_size affecting VisibilityNotifier2D precision (Bojidar Marinov) 2859ceec6f Fix for marking assert lines as safe bug (Tom Evans) 782d9536f3 Improve the compression project settings documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 1f970670b7 Fixed shuffling editor help tabs (Tom Evans) 6bb87d7d23 Mention how to remove TreeItem from a Tree (Tomasz Chabora) cc08101d50 Input: make VibrationInfo protected to allow implementors to use it (punto-) ee8b3bef2d Limit undo stack size (John Wigg) e88cde0415 Clarify Transform scaled Method description. (Markus Sauermann) 5f5ef98832 glTF: Fix tangent generation for non-blend shapes (Rémi Verschelde) 48bc3fd297 Fix Android export throwing Unicode errors. (Marcel Admiraal) 966139ca4c Fix CSG vertex normal calculation. (Marcel Admiraal) 1a4530e84c export var type reduce() implemented (Thakee Nathees) fd6424aa04 doc: Improve Node2D to_local/to_global description (Avantir-Chaosfire) b7dace75c7 Make softbody completelly stiff to attachment point (Andrea Catania) 5f21a5b9e3 Make Quick Open substring match more specific. (Shivansh Anand) 451c3fc0fb GLES2 2D batching - item reordering, light joining and light modulate fix (lawnjelly) ee301bceb5 Fix errors in Variant to RID conversion (Pedro J. Estébanez) 7cc0f181c9 Improve shader time roll over (Pedro J. Estébanez) 68cca6e619 Fix leaked objects when game ends with yields in progress (Pedro J. Estébanez) bac44ee19f Fixed false positives in the culling system. (Kiri Jolly) 2c6e859c2d Fixed unbounded dual-paraboloid shadow map culling. (Kiri Jolly) 9b9f70bd20 Update the documentation for `ExternalTexture` to match the restriction on Android platforms (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 7c559afe29 Restrict `GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES` to Android platform (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 3bdc0913a5 Make wording of all Variant warnings consistent (Pedro J. Estébanez) ac8b4708a3 Fix GDNative compat breakage due to dangling Variants fix (Pedro J. Estébanez) ae958b89ab i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 9b6df1ed00 Set the `title` tag in the HTML5 export immediately (Hugo Locurcio) aecba58e92 Windows: Appease capricious MSVC versions with moody headers (Rémi Verschelde) ae0bc06eba Improve `pitch_scale` descriptions in AudioStreamPlayer documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 93ba25cfcb Improve path search behavior discoverability in the project manager (Hugo Locurcio) 8b33b08c29 Add const to InputEventMouseButton::get_factor (Tobias Mansfield-Williams) 2d9725b89d Fix detection logic for the Android sdk path (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) de4c75af10 Fix crash when changing time value of multiple animation keys at once via inspector (Michael Alexsander) 8cdcb410e0 Mono/C#: Fix load hook not called for some assemblies on domain reload (Ignacio Etcheverry) a98d44f654 C#: Fix always saving copy of csproj even with no changes (Ignacio Etcheverry) 24265c498b Improve the procedural geometry class documentations (Hugo Locurcio) 93555d9ccc Add editor freelook navigation scheme settings (Hugo Locurcio) bbd381c987 Add an easing/transition type cheatsheet to the Tween documentation (Hugo Locurcio) f3cd7e3808 Document how some editor classes should be accessed as singletons only (Hugo Locurcio) 3bd5fc2e5e Mark assert lines as safe in gdscript (Tom Evans) 94d0f34f70 Fixed the bool _static logic (Umang Kalra) 708184c402 Add more extensions to the dummy texture loader (Hugo Locurcio) 782fd5fab6 Avoid duplicating shader defines in GLES2 (clayjohn) a75c1ed1df GLES2 Batching fix canvas texscreen (SCREEN_TEXTURE) (lawnjelly) 5cb2cfe655 Add ability to export VRAM usage as CSV (Pedro J. Estébanez) 464fe67e96 Tweak SSAO property hints to allow setting more precise values (Hugo Locurcio) 6aca932659 C#: Revert marshalling of IDictionary/IEnumerable implementing types (Ignacio Etcheverry) d904d05e65 Fix dangling and reassigned Variants (Pedro J. Estébanez) b954a8c099 Fix batching z_indices with z ranged lights (lawnjelly) 07c4dc1b30 Avoid invocation to Object's copy constructor (Pedro J. Estébanez) dfdb7bdc87 Mono/C#: Fix assemblies being reloaded a second time unnecesarily (Ignacio Etcheverry) cf729f2111 Mono/C#: Allow exporting System.Array of type Godot.Object (Ignacio Etcheverry) 317d8decad Mono/C#: Allow debugging exported games (Ignacio Etcheverry) 08f41f474b C#: Save copy of sln and csproj before applying fixes (Ignacio Etcheverry) a5bbd13794 Fixed output prints " Signal 'node_removed' is already connected " when the editor settings window is closed. (dankan1890) f670f6e351 Emit signal when animation ends by seek (volzhs) 95f6bdfa78 GDScript class name existance check enhanced (Thakee Nathees) 12c776dba3 line unsafe for indexing with known base type & unkown identifier (Thakee Nathees) 243711e77f Pattern bind counts as assignment (Stoofin) 17ad99c206 Fix Android templates size regression (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) add8d1b9df Update Joint gizmos automatically (jfons) 97a787aa71 Fix compilation of jpgd.cpp on MSVC 2017 (Pedro J. Estébanez) 54cd6d3077 Fix batch translate to colored synchronization error (lawnjelly) 6f322af3fb Rebind material when skeleton changes in GLES2 (clayjohn) c7ad8f539b jpgd: Upgrade to upstream 2.00, fuzzed with zzuf and afl (Rémi Verschelde) 4b33388e5c mbedtls: Update to upstream version 2.16.6 (Rémi Verschelde) 7fc2cba47d Use proper depth buffer format for rgba shadows (clayjohn) 253fc093b8 DocData: Skip unexposed classes (Rémi Verschelde) 982dee67f0 Fix square image resize (Vasiliy Makarov) 469f398e70 Document how to workaround UI anchor issues when using BackBufferCopy (Hugo Locurcio) e8ead37725 Check for errors when saving in the ResourceSaver example documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 3a2cdf7d5b Improve the VisibilityEnabler and VisibilityNotifier documentations (Hugo Locurcio) faf858fe41 Revert "Made possible to specify where to dump the contents when loading a ".pck" file" (Rémi Verschelde) ac0a55ce75 Update TextEdit docs - explaining 'override_selected_font_color' role (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 339c10889d Correct the addition of a key and the duplication of a variable name in Dictionary class documentation. (Marcel Admiraal) 4e73fcc959 Document DynamicFont limitations and a possible workaround (Hugo Locurcio) 4f7296a869 Document image size limits (Hugo Locurcio) bb753aaf17 Clarify that angles must be specified as radians in the documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 4a6f2b8af6 Activate Physics Process in SpringArm3D. (Andrea Catania) a9ae0fac86 Fixes incorrectly joining batch items from earlier z_index layers (lawnjelly) 11b7f050df Fix multiple issues with CSG module. (Marcel Admiraal) cb1366f006 Mono: Fix include for Android support (Rémi Verschelde) 50582446ad Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) a54a7542c9 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) ffcfd9c8ea Made possible to specify where to dump the contents when loading a ".pck" file (Michael Alexsander) 72adefa5cf Add frame diagnostics for GLES2 Batch renderer (lawnjelly) b7fa9cf8ff Fix compilation issue by updating a call to `runOnGLThread` that was missed by PR #37175 (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 93f7e8d8fc Add "node_unselected" signal for GraphEdit (asheraryam) 471a5abbf3 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 07aa524a42 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 25b353fd32 Tweak the error message when trying to run an invalid script from CLI (Hugo Locurcio) 679474c576 Tweak the built-in script naming for resources with custom names (Hugo Locurcio) b4429c325a Fix incorrect TabContainer documentation for 'get_tab_control()' (Michael Alexsander) 26614a37b8 Mention `keep_pressed_outside` caveat in the BaseButton documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 6c4a0ec75a Improve the Dictionary class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) eab7342321 More details in Rigid Body add_force documentation (PouleyKetchoupp) edd5d9c78e Improve Camera2D documentation (Tomasz Chabora) 5fdecebee1 Calculate strike-through position correctly (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) ab4ea9379c Improve the AudioStreamSample class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 103278d84b Run SpringArm3D's process within physics. (Marcel Admiraal) e2c9cbb79f Added selection outline to locked nodes. (Eric M) e869da9665 Remove unnecessary check for zero determinant in Basis::orthonormalize(). (Marcel Admiraal) 3e71992eda Assign zero to range when ConvexPolygonShape2D is empty. (Marcel Admiraal) 616d106247 Change round return type to float (Nico Mitchell) b6d652367b Items and draw calls added to IDE Monitor in '2d' section (lawnjelly) 3d69fe95e5 autocomplete for disconnect, is_connected implemented (Thakee Nathees) b4ab045444 Fix loss of precision in X11 device info. (Marcel Admiraal) 5bd603a542 Fix Engine get_target_fps() returning float instead of int. (Marcel Admiraal) acfd8b67bd Ignore process serial number (`-psn_...`) command line argument passed by macOS Gatekeeper. (bruvzg) 7607fafda1 Clarify documentation and indicate that rect_clip_content affects only CanvasItem based nodes. Resolves #37683 (Markus Sauermann) 58fcbc2b06 Remove unused ofs variable (theludovyc) c0047023e6 NoiseTexture: prevent race condition because of Ref::unref() (lupoDharkael) ddde3819d6 Fix TextureRect::flip_* when used with atlas texture (Guilherme Felipe) ad1c7a53d9 Added missing LinkButton colors in Editor Theme (Yuri Sizov) f10d2affb0 Reversed timeline zoom slider Fixes #37409 (janglee) 5e45717be7 Remove unnecessary Panel in "Features" section in the Export dialog (Michael Alexsander) 27989ae8f8 Add reference of Color8 function to Color class documentation (Nannaquin) cd10966652 clarify autotile_coord in docs (lucaslcode) 0ce6ac0bbb Warn about built-in script limitations in the script creation dialog (Hugo Locurcio) 18c5ef5473 Add style for highlighted Slider grab area (PouleyKetchoupp) 6fa871027c Make dict erase node sequenced godotengine#37477 (Zak Grumbles) cf135e3723 Add "preview_on_sphere" setting of material editor plugin (Vasiliy) a8bdcd3c03 etc2comp: Fix max iterations for RGBA channels (Rémi Verschelde) 294008015e Clarify Dictionary duplicate params godotengine#37162 (Zak Grumbles) 92df8cc83a Fix profiler frame number stops updating when window is minimized (SkyJJ) 233997aac5 replace selected text with empty string bug fixed (Thakee Nathees) 8da00fbfc7 fixed PopupMenus letterjumping on any InputEvent (Leleat) 22ebdd72d9 Add more verbosity for property overrides in RST documentation (Yuri Sizov) 472b0e0d34 Properly handle node remove via undo (Tomasz Chabora) 3658f7127e `:=` fails on some nodes fix: #37357 (Thakee Nathees) 94f451e070 Ensure COWData does not reallocate on push back, fixes #22561 (Juan Linietsky) e3ca6d87ad Handle huge offset values in Path2D and Path3D set_offset (MickeMakaron) 5d9108c9c6 Fix OptionButton docs godotengine#36803 (Zak Grumbles) 2ef1ee9da7 Improve the `File.store_{8,16,32,64}()` documentation (Danil Alexeev) 324213a6db fix project manager don't consume Enter key #17620 (Thakee Nathees) 219ce2f149 Fix volume interpolation in positional audio nodes (Waridley) e1ca49b4b6 Corrected text selection in color picker Fixes #35603 (janglee) a51e78528f Fixed IK rotation issue (Andrea Catania) 96e381ac03 Validate supported architectures when exporting to Android (SkyJJ) 373db27788 Migrate legacy apache dependency to the GodotPayment plugin (fhuya) 88e1264893 Android: Bump build tools to 29.0.3 (Rémi Verschelde) ff7b455478 Delete unused drawable resources. (fhuya) fd045b8b91 Update Android custom template build configuration. (fhuya) 5914fdc067 Implements estimate/compute_cost for AStar2D (Yuri Roubinsky) b5d41bb517 Remove Request Docs button in the script editor due to various issues (Hugo Locurcio) 2ec4af6f16 Set version to 3.2.2-beta (Rémi Verschelde) a4cd274ca7 Batching with Extra Matrix commands (lawnjelly) 0e43565a7c Fix exporting corrupted Xcode pbxproj if project name has spaces (Ignacio Etcheverry) 445f1c6e7b Mono/C#: Add iOS support (Ignacio Etcheverry) 6b38fe691a Mono/C#: Fix MinGW build not supporting `.lib` libraries (Ignacio Etcheverry) 93af8e7d1b Batching across z_indices (lawnjelly) 57952d562c Fixes leak with drives [3.2] (qarmin) 193b0bf1e3 Reset texture flags after radiance map generation (clayjohn) 1fb6181ba6 Revert to default Rect drawing code for single rects (lawnjelly) 4d32652851 Avoid material rebind when using skeleton (clayjohn) df87601c88 Fix for loop range bug: #37358 (Thakee Nathees) e88cfedf0e Document the EditorFeatureProfile class (Hugo Locurcio) c18381119e Correction to RichTextLabel Tabulation (Eoin O'Neill) dd4569f15c Remove syntax highlighting for C# verbatim strings due to bugs (Hugo Locurcio) c2469d0c6d Add missing docs for assert message in GDScript (Thomas ten Cate) 011602447c Clarify docs for Thread.start() godotengine#36032 (Zak Grumbles) 657f12edcc TextureRegion: fixed Autoslice not created/updated properly. (dankan1890) 9dcf9da205 Fix changing the import type of multiple files at once (Michael Alexsander) d4c77e60c0 Fixed errors in makerst pre-commit hook (PouleyKetchoupp) 66e4c8be23 fix RiderPathLocator - searching for toolbox on Mac (Ivan.Shakhov) bda993dd79 C#: Fix uses of old Configuration names (Ignacio Etcheverry) e7bec77ef3 Bake final_modulate uniform into vertex colors (lawnjelly) 679708aa8f Make note of 16 probe limit (Nathan) a7438f0e61 Fix aspect ratio on hmd projection matrix (Bastiaan Olij) 26912c15e6 Othographic camera in-editor now uses Z near/far settings instead of a hardcoded value (Kiri Jolly) 45b0b8bff8 GLES2 2d Batch rendering (across items) (lawnjelly) 798bf901b8 Android: Downgrade gradle plugin to 3.5.3 (Rémi Verschelde) 21703aefee Fix res:// trimmed to s:// on Windows (Pedro J. Estébanez) ee93c85ef1 Fix shader constant sorting (Yuri Roubinsky) b995256bca Update the naming scheme for the GodotPlugin's methods in preparation of the vulkan integration. (fhuya) 0c782ca2b2 Backport Kotlin support (fhuya) f69760b4be Add signal support to Godot Android plugin: Supports registering and emitting signal from a Godot Android plugin (fhuya) 7135bc3e37 Miscellaneous cleanup for the Android codebase: - update gradle plugins versions - cleanup java_godot_lib_jni (fhuya) fdd85311c3 Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) f144ec9e67 Clicking backgrd. dimming of editor popup stops input event propagation (Gil Arasa Verge) e30a0a30b6 Added new method to replace an already added node to the animation state machine (Andrea Catania) 35c7628074 Read and write exported infs/nans correctly (#35388) (sumit0190) b95a2306db Fix tab container too large when tabs are hidden (nathanwfranke) acd14e645a Remove unused classes and stray headers (Rémi Verschelde) e97d9c7bfc Remove unreferenced & undocumented class Space2D (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 19e71f94d8 Adding missing include guards to header files identified by LGTM. (Rajat Goswami) bdde501594 opus/vorbis: Remove dead code not used since 3.0 (Rémi Verschelde) fcde11222a Removed unused code in android detect.py and SCsub (unknown) 6e6db2d9cb Remove the dead function win32_spawn from methods.py. (unknown) 86ecefa1a2 Fix potential divisions by 0 reported by MSVC (Rémi Verschelde) dec7014ca8 issue-37239 add relaxation to conditions in the joystick check routine for being identified as joystick (m6c7l) 8fedcfbed2 Generate command line help text for `mono` module (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 9d0518cf80 Fix warning: Property not found: mono/editor/editor_path_optional (#36995) (Ivan.Shakhov) d06ae167bf for third-party tools - editor_path is stored in project's editor settings (Ivan.Shakhov) d46fcbb16a C#: Replace uses of old Configuration and update old csprojs (Ignacio Etcheverry) b874e84147 reorder solution configurations + migration (Ivan Shakhov) f57579ba6c Make stack size on Windows match Linux and MacOS (Pedro J. Estébanez) 2e4e1e0324 Fix text_entered signal when max_length is used in LineEdit on Android (PouleyKetchoupp) 9a035efe62 Complete the implementation of the GodotPayment plugin. (fhuya) cd2b2bf8bf Enable Android studio debugger. (fhuya) c8318012a8 Make search in RichTextLabel case-insensitive (Tomasz Chabora) 6e517f9da3 Tweak the message queue maximum size property hint (Hugo Locurcio) a10a21f407 Fixes transform gizmo position when node has default transform (simpuid) 31fb54742b Editor 2D: Change pixel alignment strategy, fix jittering in high zoom (johan) d7c6a42cbf Doc edit at InputEventMouseMotion (Umang Kalra) 5c64458d9e Add size warning to Viewport Node (Rasmus Vermeulen) 8fd7efef84 Fix visibility enabler flag toggling (Tomasz Chabora) 223d0abd7e Remove update condition from LineEdit::update_placeholder_width (simpuid) 53c8d8a5fb Use LineEdit secret character width everywhere (Darren Kaste) f657614760 Calculate LineEdit selection with secret character (Darren Kaste) bce2a3a2d2 prevent joypad button input dropdown going out of dialog (alvaroHernandez) 4dd1eee769 Enables passing out built-in parameter from parent function in shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) b9b53966a3 Fix divison by zero issue (Ev1lbl0w) b5f1f7dfde Improve the `Input.set_use_accumulated_input()` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) ec752f7c9b Linux: Add Mesa 20 "Intel" to prime detection (Rémi Verschelde) 536c2fc0c0 Loop over faces in create_trimesh_shape() (lupoDharkael) 4d85f70015 Update all editor viewports after settings changes (JFonS) 784ff23adc Fix rotation gizmo for empty Spatials (JFonS) d25949dd49 Keeps the filename when marking scene as unsaved (Haoyu Qiu) 644d49b156 Update snap setting only with OK (volzhs) 5798c8135f logic error in gdscript_parser.cpp for-loop-range (Thakee Nathees) e590a33d45 Allow single quotes in comments (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 40b53bc29a duplicate arguments in a function handled (Thakee Nathees) 5736e43fe4 fix: Return only scenes for script owners on LSP completion (Rafael Delboni) ecfe9c24a2 Improve LSP completion using scene owner Fixes: #36473 (Rafael Delboni) 41500249e3 Fix crash after closing a GDScript LSP session (Oliver Frank) 511105be67 Migrating language server from Websockets to raw TCP (of9) f3d2c672e9 Document known performance issues with Sprite3D (Hugo Locurcio) 5edd669503 Use checkbox for plugin status instead of option list (volzhs) 843948b69d Show theme property descriptions in the inspector (Tomasz Chabora) 82bee3f993 Added has_signal method for Object (PouleyKetchoupp) da4eb7101d Bump macOS Info.plist to 3.2.2 too (Rémi Verschelde) d1a5f8dbf2 [3.2] Sync csproj when files are changed from the Godot FileSystem dock (Ignacio Etcheverry) 110523fecc Expose FileSystemDock to the scripting API and fixed signals (Ignacio Etcheverry) 6105dfdac9 Improve UX of drive letters (Pedro J. Estébanez) 0e36b11f9d i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 3739f03d98 Add LOTS of missing docs (Tomasz Chabora) 34dc32aeb8 Bump version to 3.2.2-rc (Rémi Verschelde) 1132ee871b Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) c3660bb4dc Re-architecture of the Godot Android plugin. (fhuya) 5b4251695a Add rotation widget to 3D viewport (jfons) 30d738eda7 Add support for opengl external textures as defined by https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/extensions/OES/OES_EGL_image_external.txt (fhuya) 3a73c3f260 Add documentation for new DTLS features. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 5e721d07a3 NetworkedMultiplayerENet dtls support. (Fabio Alessandrelli) aea3c4d93e Custom godot sockets for ENet now support DTLS. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 35a9f0fe64 New PacketPeerDTLS and DTLSServer classes. (Fabio Alessandrelli) dbbd836931 Move mbedlts print func to SSLMbedTLSContext. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 2c8340bee9 UDPServer and PacketPeerUDP connect_to_host. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 6b9240aa84 Add peek option to NetSocket recv_from. (Fabio Alessandrelli)