Aaron Franke (3): [Mono] Rename Fposmod to PosMod [Mono] Update about/warning text [Mono] Improvements to GD.cs: PascalCasing and real_t Chaosus (1): Fix vsync initialization Fabio Alessandrelli (1): Fix marshalls size checks. Hein-Pieter van Braam (4): Bump to 3.0.6-devel Make _ALWAYS_INLINE_ and _FORCE_INLINE_ equivalent Version 3.0.6-stable Fix Mono compilation on Windows/Ming Ignacio Etcheverry (8): Make C# bindings generator ignore disabled classes Mono: Pending exceptions and cleanup Add Array and Dictionary wrapper classes to C# Add Dictionary::erase_checked(key) method Same as erase, but it returns a boolean value indicating whether the pair was erased or not. This method should be removed during the next compatibility breakage, and 'Dictionary::erase(key)' should be changed to return a boolean. Mono: Fix null dereferences Fix '!valid' error spam on C# script instance create Mono: Fix domain reload never triggering Fix continuous attempt to reload domain with API assemblies out of sync Josh Faust (2): Fix scene import when platform=server Fix crash on editor startup when running with platform=server Kelly Thomas (1): convert unicode mono root path to ascii string Konstantin Zaitsev (1): Fix possible NullPointerException crash on cancel payment Mads Ynddal (1): Added path for Mono installed through Homebrew Marcelo Fernandez (1): Fix possible bug with AudioStreamPlayer2D audio position Michael Lee (1): Preventing an editor crash in the event that a plugin scene's root-node is null. Nathan Warden (1): The build-solutions flag now forces editor mode. Pedro J. Estébanez (1): Fix touch issues on Windows Pieter-Jan Briers (1): Makes Mono bindings partial & adds GetNode. Rodolfo Ribeiro Gomes (1): fix default glTF metallic & roughness factor values Rémi Verschelde (10): Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Style: Format code with clang-format 6.0.1 Travis: Install libstdc++ >= 4.9 for clang-format-6.0 Travis: Update clang-format version in shell script i18n: Sync translations with Weblate openssl: Update to pristine 1.0.2o (security update) Travis: Cleanup build matrix Travis: Make dependencies follow the matrix requirements Travis: Build Mono module in linux tools job Mono: Default to not shipping C# scripts content bruvzg (1): Workaround for clang 6 bug. chanon (1): fix can't set AudioStreamPlayer stream to null oisincar (1): Fix bug with Basis.Transposed()