Chapter 3. Doing Office Work

1. Writing Documents
1.1. Word Processor Interface
1.2. Styles
1.3. Lists
1.4. Page Headers and Footers
2. Calculations and Simulations
2.1. Spreadsheet Interface
2.2. Entering Data
2.3. Adding Formulas
2.4. Charts: Explaining Data in a Simpler Way
3. Communicating Your Ideas
3.1. Presentation Interface
3.2. Adding Slides to Your Presentation
3.3. Simple Charts
3.4. Slide Background
3.5. Transitions, Animations and Effects
3.6. Running Your Presentation
4. Going Further
5. Printing and Faxing from Applications
5.1. Accessing KPrinter
5.2. KPrinter's Interface
5.3. Building PDF Files
5.4. Sending Faxes


Mandriva Linux can be used to perform office work with the office suite: we show you how to write documents with Writer, spreadsheets with Calc and presentations with Impress. tools are Microsoft® Office-compatible, meaning that you can easily exchange documents between them. We also show you how to print and send faxes from applications.

[Tip] Tip

 With, you can export your documents in PDF format (choosing FileExport as PDF from the menu). This allows you to publish your documents in the Adobe® Reader® format.