= Guide to herbstluftwm :hlwm-page: {start-toc} [[toc]] [compact] * link:#under-toc[What is herbstlutfwm?] * link:#_how_do_you_use_hlwm[How do you use hlwm?] * link:#_links[Links] [[under-toc]] == What is hlwm? {top} The following tips are intended to help the user get started with hlwm. == How do you use hlwm? {top} To make it easier for new users to wmii to get started, antiX comes with a very basic hlwm setup. If you want to start from scratch all on your own, simply delete the ~/.condig/herbstluftwm folder. .How do I start hlwm? If you are running live, simply choose herbstlutfwm at the F6 boot menu. If you are booted into IceWM, fluxbox or JWM, logout and toggle F1 to see herbstluftwm login entry. .WTF? Yes, bare isn't it. Don't panic, some keybindings have been set up to help. Feel free to change. When you don't know tiling, it's not really easy to start working with it. You have to learn hotkeys to launch programs and move or resize windows. By default in antiX, the "Mod" key is the 'Windows' key also known as "Mod4". The hotkeys to learn at the beginning are: Mod4+Enter -> Terminal (lxterminal) Mod4+p -> menu : a menu appears, just type the start of the name of an application to open it Mod4+d -> default layout : screen space is divided among the windows Mod4+s -> stacked layout : the selected window takes up all the screen, you see only the title bar of the others Mod4+j -> select the window below Mod4+k -> select the window above Shift+Mod4+j -> move the window down Shift+Mod4+k -> move the window up Mod4+a -> Actions menu : choose "quit" to quit .Are any applications set up to open? Yes, the following come with antiX. Mod4+n -> iceweasel : Starts the internet browser. Mod4+r -> rox : Opens the default rox filer. Mod4+e -> sudo rox : sudo rox needs to be set up for this to work. See /etc/sudoers.d/antixers. Mod4+x -> xmms : Opens xmms audio player. Mod4+l -> leafpad : Opens a basic text editor. Mod4+Shift+l -> xlock : Locks the screen. Mod4+Shift+x -> reboot : .How do I open a new workspace/desktop/view? Views are based on the same principle of desktops/workspaces in others window managers. They are automatically created when you move a window in them. Hotkeys also follow the same principle: Mod4+Shift+2 : move selected window to the view "2" Mod4+2 : go to view "2" The same applies for all numbers from 0 to 9. == Links {top}